
suggestions on flowers that are as small as baby's breath?

we're not very good at the whole flower thing. looking for suggestions on flowers that look like twinkly stars...i guess? sort of like baby's breath? any suggestions? we smelled fresh baby's breath and well....ew...not super down with the table smelling like that. our theme is constellations and stars but not the 5 pointed kind..the sparkly twinkly kind:) we were thinking maybe eucalyptus or ferns or something as a table runner but not really sure how this will work with our theme. 


Re: suggestions on flowers that are as small as baby's breath?

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    There's a thistle that might work well for the job...  It looks sort of "stary"...

    Queen Ann's Lace (Daucus Carota) is the flower you might be thinking of. 

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    Forget-me-nots are good (and appropriate) if you can get them.
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    edited March 2016
    MesmrEwe said:

    There's a thistle that might work well for the job...  It looks sort of "stary"...

    Queen Ann's Lace (Daucus Carota) is the flower you might be thinking of. 

    I think @MesmrEwe is correct. Baby's breath really doesn't have much scent.
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    What about white wax flower?

    MesmrEwe said:

    There's a thistle that might work well for the job...  It looks sort of "stary"...

    Queen Ann's Lace (Daucus Carota) is the flower you might be thinking of. 

    I think @MesmrEwe is correct. Baby's breath really doesn't have much scent.
    Actually some varieties of baby's breath can smell pretty darn bad (like a bad pee smell).  So can limonium.  But I think one would have to use A LOT of it everywhere for the scent to penetrate the entire room.  The only time that I have ever noticed the smell is when I have literally stuck my nose into a bunch of it.

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    Wax flowers:

    07660A__Statice_Lavenderjpg 500500


    And a new to me one: Throatwort

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    My florist is using Million Star Gyp.  Looks pretty much they same as Baby's Breath and has a better, light scent. 
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