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Who or what are you side-eyeing?


Re: Who or what are you side-eyeing?

  • My memories of PE are this "let's all gang up on the kids who aren't athletic and humiliate them" with the PE teacher being the biggest bully of the lot. I still hate the idea of PE classes. 

    Not to mention the sexual harassment from the boys and the teacher shrugging it off. The coed swim classes in high school were brutal for us girls, the boys vocally and loudly told what they thought of your body and the PE teacher laughed it off.
    I was athletic and I had a similar experience in PE class. It was a lot of laughing at girls like me in shorts who might be a bit more middle heavy. Or being yelled at from across the room by gym teachers who couldn't be bothered to pull you aside, and instead chose to humiliate you in front of an entire class of people for not being as athletically gifted as others.

    God forbid you DID do something like serve the ball into the net, that got another round of laughter from everyone. Getting to stop gym class at age 16 was the best part of high school.
    Gym was a nightmare for me. This is what we had to wear for gym in Junior HS and HS

    We were later updated to this

    The boys got to wear ordinary sweat shorts/pants and t-shirts. We had separate classes for boys and girls, except for once a year when they'd open the gyms for square dancing in those lovely uniforms. 

    Then there was the Junior HS gym teacher who stuck her hand in my shower to make sure I was soaping up. Miss Vida, I regret not reporting you to my guidance counselor.
  • Yup. The only time my parents ever spoke to a teacher about a grade was a B- in gym. I showed up, listened, tried, and still could not shot a basket. All of my teachers for actual classes actually taught the material instead of just yelling at those of us who didn't know how to play. The only classes we had to take a full four years of in order to graduate high school were English and gym. That is absurd. 
  • Our gym classes were fine; I think you generally got an A if you showed up.   The gym teachers tended to be more empathetic and laid back than the rest of our teachers.  One season our locker rooms were being renovated so we were assigned "non-sweat" activities and I learned archery, which was awesome.  Twice a year we did a fun exercise with a giant parachute.  And I remember us getting ultra competitive with the guys during the annual American Heart Association test: # of sit-ups in a minute and a timed mile run. Which is absurd.  Do they still administer the test in public schools?
  • Side-eyeing the shit out of our parts guy who walked into the boss' office just now and quit giving 1/2 day notice. He said he applied for a job 3 years ago, but they hired him last week. Uh-huh sssuuurrreee. The guy is a really bad job hopper and my salesman and I have said for the past few months that we felt like he was on his way out. Nobody really like the guy but the boss anyway, but with him being gone all the work gets shifted around and makes it harder on everyone else. 
  • @peachy13  how did you manage 4 min ceremony? Ours was 12min 45sec {yes it was timed - long story lol} and very short. That was from walking in to walking out
  • @peachy13  how did you manage 4 min ceremony? Ours was 12min 45sec {yes it was timed - long story lol} and very short. That was from walking in to walking out
    I was going to ask the same thing. That's awesome. We were determined to keep ours short. Total time was less than 15 minutes including seating of grandparents and moms and walking out.

  • @MissKittyDanger and @emmaaa Well, the ceremony itself was 4 minutes (intro from the JOP, consent, vows, ring exchange, you are married now, kiss) but then I would add another 4 minutes for our huge wedding party walking in/out. It seemed like a blur at the time but I remember it being short, so when we watched the video I actually timed it.

    And after we were married and outside for a group photo, my husband whispered to me: "was that even legit? Are we married?"
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @peachy13  our judge knew our goal was to keep under 13min {that was my parents' wedding time ;)!} so she was able to do some things ahead of time or just after everything was done.

    Did you guys have that awkward "what now?" after the kiss? We did. We just kinda stood there and H's stepdad was like "you're married now!" lmao
  • I'm side-eyeing my coworker who has suddenly gotten it into her head that I'm not worth even a "Good morning," or "You too," in reply to "Have a good evening/weekend." I have no idea what I did to piss her off. One of my bosses says that's just how she is with everyone, but she's friendly to everyone but me.
  • bleve0821bleve0821 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited June 2016
    Side-eyeing DH's cousin who just posted a photo of herself... Getting her annual pelvic exam.


    Edited because of redundancy.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • kvrunskvruns member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    I'm side-eyeing my coworker who has suddenly gotten it into her head that I'm not worth even a "Good morning," or "You too," in reply to "Have a good evening/weekend." I have no idea what I did to piss her off. One of my bosses says that's just how she is with everyone, but she's friendly to everyone but me.

    we had a receptionist like that, I thought it was just me but others said they had it from her too. I finally stopped saying good morning to her when I'd walk in since she couldn't be bothered to return the favor. I think she was one of those people who was in her own little world for the first half hour or whatever - still doesn't excuse it in my book but I decided it wasn't worth my time.
  • edited June 2016
    It's not just the first and last half hour. If I'm anywhere in her line of sight, she looks at me like I have the plague.

    ETA: I have no idea what I did to offend her. I don't think I've ever been anything but pleasant and friendly to her.
  • @peachy13  our judge knew our goal was to keep under 13min {that was my parents' wedding time ;)!} so she was able to do some things ahead of time or just after everything was done.

    Did you guys have that awkward "what now?" after the kiss? We did. We just kinda stood there and H's stepdad was like "you're married now!" lmao

    We did. We wrote the ceremony the day before the wedding and there was no rehearsal. When my brother (the officiant) gave the "you may kiss the bride" we kissed and walked away. Apparently there was a whole 'nother paragraph he had to go. It was funny because the way the venue was set up, the bar was at the end of the aisle. So we kissed, walked towards the door, said something about having nowhere to go and went back to the bar.

    I'm pretty sure we were under the 5 minute mark too. No processional except me.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I'm side-eyeing several friends who refuse to help themselves.  I am someone people come to for consultative advice, and I really do enjoy helping friends figure out what they should do in a given situation.  But lordy am I getting tired of having the same conversations over and over without any movement on their parts.

    One is a guy in his mid 20s who lives way out in suburbia with some family members.  He had a troubled youth, turned his life around, and he is now enrolled in college.  Admirable for sure!  But every time I see him he is complaining about how difficult it is to live where he lives.  He has some drug charges on his record from over 5 years ago in a different state, and he is convinced he won't be able to get an apartment because of it.  He asks for help finding prospects in his price range, and several times I have played realtor and sent him long list of apartments that could work for him, but then just throws up his hands without actually pursuing them.  He called ONE, over a year ago, and asked if they would rent to someone with a criminal record.  Dude, you have to actually try if you want to improve your living situation and thereby your social life.

    The other is a divorced dad of 4 who lets his ex walk all over him.  She was always the bread winner; now she has a 6-figure job and he makes $10 an hour with no benefits as a temp at a call center.  The child support order is for literally more money per month than his entire take home pay but he refused to contest the amount because he wanted to "do the right thing."  Now she has him terrified that if he does't to absolutely everything she wants--including some truly not okay requests--she will have the court revoke his visitation rights for nonpayment because of course he is behind despite doing the best he can.  It's never going to stop until he fights it, but he just won't advocate for himself. Gah!

    Sorry for the long vent.  I love both of these guys but they are driving me batty right now.
  • I'm side-eyeing several friends who refuse to help themselves.  I am someone people come to for consultative advice, and I really do enjoy helping friends figure out what they should do in a given situation.  But lordy am I getting tired of having the same conversations over and over without any movement on their parts.

    One is a guy in his mid 20s who lives way out in suburbia with some family members.  He had a troubled youth, turned his life around, and he is now enrolled in college.  Admirable for sure!  But every time I see him he is complaining about how difficult it is to live where he lives.  He has some drug charges on his record from over 5 years ago in a different state, and he is convinced he won't be able to get an apartment because of it.  He asks for help finding prospects in his price range, and several times I have played realtor and sent him long list of apartments that could work for him, but then just throws up his hands without actually pursuing them.  He called ONE, over a year ago, and asked if they would rent to someone with a criminal record.  Dude, you have to actually try if you want to improve your living situation and thereby your social life.

    The other is a divorced dad of 4 who lets his ex walk all over him.  She was always the bread winner; now she has a 6-figure job and he makes $10 an hour with no benefits as a temp at a call center.  The child support order is for literally more money per month than his entire take home pay but he refused to contest the amount because he wanted to "do the right thing."  Now she has him terrified that if he does't to absolutely everything she wants--including some truly not okay requests--she will have the court revoke his visitation rights for nonpayment because of course he is behind despite doing the best he can.  It's never going to stop until he fights it, but he just won't advocate for himself. Gah!

    Sorry for the long vent.  I love both of these guys but they are driving me batty right now.
    Ugh....the nice guy divorced dad is the worst. I dated a guy who was long separated from his wife, but not divorced. She actually lived with the guy she cheated on him with, and paid his cell phone bill so he could keep her on insurance. I warned him to get their parenting time in writing because it truly was 50/50. He didn't and guess who has been considered the custodial parent for the last 7 years and who isn't getting joint custody?  There's nothing wrong with advocating for what you're legally entitled to. You're not being nice by settling for less, you're being dumb. 
  • Side-eyeing DH's cousin who just posted a photo of herself... Getting her annual pelvic exam.


    Edited because of redundancy.
    Ewwww!! Why the hell would someone do that?

  • Currently side-eyeing the dog for eating one of FW's sandals. Anyone want a mutt with a sweet disposition, no manners, and a cast-iron stomach? I'll deliver within North America.
  • Currently side-eyeing the dog for eating one of FW's sandals. Anyone want a mutt with a sweet disposition, no manners, and a cast-iron stomach? I'll deliver within North America.
    No thanks, we already have one who loves shoes, tv remotes, and my collection of first edition books...

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • I'm side-eyeing several friends who refuse to help themselves.  I am someone people come to for consultative advice, and I really do enjoy helping friends figure out what they should do in a given situation.  But lordy am I getting tired of having the same conversations over and over without any movement on their parts.

    One is a guy in his mid 20s who lives way out in suburbia with some family members.  He had a troubled youth, turned his life around, and he is now enrolled in college.  Admirable for sure!  But every time I see him he is complaining about how difficult it is to live where he lives.  He has some drug charges on his record from over 5 years ago in a different state, and he is convinced he won't be able to get an apartment because of it.  He asks for help finding prospects in his price range, and several times I have played realtor and sent him long list of apartments that could work for him, but then just throws up his hands without actually pursuing them.  He called ONE, over a year ago, and asked if they would rent to someone with a criminal record.  Dude, you have to actually try if you want to improve your living situation and thereby your social life.

    The other is a divorced dad of 4 who lets his ex walk all over him.  She was always the bread winner; now she has a 6-figure job and he makes $10 an hour with no benefits as a temp at a call center.  The child support order is for literally more money per month than his entire take home pay but he refused to contest the amount because he wanted to "do the right thing."  Now she has him terrified that if he does't to absolutely everything she wants--including some truly not okay requests--she will have the court revoke his visitation rights for nonpayment because of course he is behind despite doing the best he can.  It's never going to stop until he fights it, but he just won't advocate for himself. Gah!

    Sorry for the long vent.  I love both of these guys but they are driving me batty right now.
    I've got one of those too! She moved here to OK for some reason I don't know of and meets this loser dude. She moves him into her apartment and he lives there rent free for 8 months. He had no job, no driver's license, no money. But he loves her. She ends up pregnant, has the baby, and then he decides he really doesn't love her and he never did so he's moving back home to his family and she should do the same. After telling her this, she starts making plans to move back home to WA and he suddenly decides that she's not going anywhere with his baby and if she even tries to go to the grocery store with her, he's going to call the cops. I'm telling her the whole time to call an attorney and get advice, but she won't do it. She just keeps saying, "Well DHS says..." 

    She waits until he goes to visit his family for the weekend, her grandma comes down from WA, they pack up the entire apartment, and hightail it home. Now he's got a decent job, living in his own apartment, still no DL or car, and is constantly posting on facebook about all the crap he's spending money on. He hasn't sent a penny to her in 4 months, he hasn't even sent diapers. 

    Again I tell her, to go see an attorney and sue him for child support. She won't do it because, "If he has to pay child support, he automatically gets visitation rights." I tell her "So what if he does? It's his responsibility to enforce those and he doesn't even have a DL to drive to see her!" She just frustrates the crap out of me because she won't do anything to help herself or her baby when it comes to this creep.
  • Currently side-eyeing the people in my apartment complex that don't pick up after their elephant when there are free poop bags throughout the yard.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Currently side-eyeing the people in my apartment complex that don't pick up after their elephant when there are free poop bags throughout the yard.
    Please tell me this is a literal elephant:)
  • I'm side-eyeing several friends who refuse to help themselves.  I am someone people come to for consultative advice, and I really do enjoy helping friends figure out what they should do in a given situation.  But lordy am I getting tired of having the same conversations over and over without any movement on their parts.

    One is a guy in his mid 20s who lives way out in suburbia with some family members.  He had a troubled youth, turned his life around, and he is now enrolled in college.  Admirable for sure!  But every time I see him he is complaining about how difficult it is to live where he lives.  He has some drug charges on his record from over 5 years ago in a different state, and he is convinced he won't be able to get an apartment because of it.  He asks for help finding prospects in his price range, and several times I have played realtor and sent him long list of apartments that could work for him, but then just throws up his hands without actually pursuing them.  He called ONE, over a year ago, and asked if they would rent to someone with a criminal record.  Dude, you have to actually try if you want to improve your living situation and thereby your social life.

    The other is a divorced dad of 4 who lets his ex walk all over him.  She was always the bread winner; now she has a 6-figure job and he makes $10 an hour with no benefits as a temp at a call center.  The child support order is for literally more money per month than his entire take home pay but he refused to contest the amount because he wanted to "do the right thing."  Now she has him terrified that if he does't to absolutely everything she wants--including some truly not okay requests--she will have the court revoke his visitation rights for nonpayment because of course he is behind despite doing the best he can.  It's never going to stop until he fights it, but he just won't advocate for himself. Gah!

    Sorry for the long vent.  I love both of these guys but they are driving me batty right now.
    I've got one of those too! She moved here to OK for some reason I don't know of and meets this loser dude. She moves him into her apartment and he lives there rent free for 8 months. He had no job, no driver's license, no money. But he loves her. She ends up pregnant, has the baby, and then he decides he really doesn't love her and he never did so he's moving back home to his family and she should do the same. After telling her this, she starts making plans to move back home to WA and he suddenly decides that she's not going anywhere with his baby and if she even tries to go to the grocery store with her, he's going to call the cops. I'm telling her the whole time to call an attorney and get advice, but she won't do it. She just keeps saying, "Well DHS says..." 

    She waits until he goes to visit his family for the weekend, her grandma comes down from WA, they pack up the entire apartment, and hightail it home. Now he's got a decent job, living in his own apartment, still no DL or car, and is constantly posting on facebook about all the crap he's spending money on. He hasn't sent a penny to her in 4 months, he hasn't even sent diapers. 

    Again I tell her, to go see an attorney and sue him for child support. She won't do it because, "If he has to pay child support, he automatically gets visitation rights." I tell her "So what if he does? It's his responsibility to enforce those and he doesn't even have a DL to drive to see her!" She just frustrates the crap out of me because she won't do anything to help herself or her baby when it comes to this creep.
    Not to derail the post, but the bolded isn't necessarily true. I know of several instances where the father has to pay child support (as well he should) but has no visitation rights.
  • Not to derail the post, but the bolded isn't necessarily true. I know of several instances where the father has to pay child support (as well he should) but has no visitation rights.
    That's what I tried to tell her! And even if he did get visitation, he has no way to enforce it.
  • bridetobe26-2bridetobe26-2 member
    Second Anniversary 25 Love Its 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2016
    @scrunchythief I wish it was!!! But then again I'm not sure what other creature could leave behind a present as big as this one was.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • MCmeowMCmeow member
    500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited July 2016
    Side eyeing one of my friends who got engaged after us, who keeps updating wedding planning stuff on Facebook as if people care. She just launched a blog called "wedding Wednesdays" where she'll share her wedding updates to us -_- whyyyy
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • MCmeow said:
    Side eyeing one of my friends who got engaged after us, who keeps updating wedding planning stuff on Facebook as if people care. She just launched a blog called "wedding Wednesdays" where she'll share her wedding updates to us -_- whyyyy
    You must keep us updated on this. Sounds like a lot of material for snark.
  • MCmeow said:
    Side eyeing one of my friends who got engaged after us, who keeps updating wedding planning stuff on Facebook as if people care. She just launched a blog called "wedding Wednesdays" where she'll share her wedding updates to us -_- whyyyy
    You must keep us updated on this. Sounds like a lot of material for snark.
    No don't!  I don't want to hear that just as much as you don't.  LOL
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