I have a (single) friend who a few months ago asked me if she could have a plus one for our wedding. I explained sorry, we're not really doing plus ones, as we have quite a few single guests, and if we gave everyone plus ones, we would either be way over budget or have to cut out people who we want to invite. She said oh I understand, don't be sorry!
About a month ago, she began talking about a guy she was seeing, and was referring to him as her "significant other." I was of course going to invite him if they were in a relationship, so asked for his name to put on the invitation. She said they weren't at that stage yet, but she would let me know. About a week later, she said she was no longer seeing this guy.
We sent out our invitations a couple of days ago, and her invitation was addressed only to her. Last night, she posts a status on Facebook that says, "So my friends are getting married in June and I need a date! Contenders??"
Seriously? Am I insane for thinking this is incredibly rude? Yes, I know one extra person really will not make a difference in our day, however the fact that she had already asked me and I told her we weren't giving out plus ones (and her invitation is addressed to only her) really irritates me. She also knows at least 15-20 people who will also be at the wedding, so it is not like she will be alone not knowing anyone.