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Good morning and happy Tuesday! 

I had a great night last night! I got home and took Lucy for a long walk and even though she was not pleased because she'd rather be napping, she powered through. H had a hockey game so I took that as an opportunity to make something he hates: scallops! 

Dinner was incredible and I topped it off with 2 glasses of wine while reading more of my book. I was tired so I got into bed at 9 and was asleep by 9:30. 

Tonight will be much of the same. H and I will take Snoos for a walk when I get home and then I'm making Skinnytaste Sloppy Joes for dinner which I couldn't be more excited about. It's one of my favorite ST recipes ever! I'll probably finish this book after dinner if I haven't already and of course there'll be playoff hockey on in the background (Go Penguins!). 

Have a lovely Tuesday, everyone! 


Re: Tuesday

  • @PamBeesly524 - Me too! I only ever make them when H is out and if we go out to eat and they're on the menu, I always order them. He hates the texture because his mouth is broken, obviously. 

    @southernpeach89 - Ewwwww Snoos used to eat cat poop from the litter box if one of us accidentally left a door open in our old apartment. I think she's afraid of the basement now though so we don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm glad you're taking a break from your Crossfit place. You don't need that negative energy in your life! 

  • @southernpeach89 - Mother's Day Brunch!  Look at your H thinking ahead.  I hope it's delicious!  I'm also jealous of your run... it sounds so nice.
  • @minskat30 Yay for your H! He is going to be a great birthing partner!
  • @CocoBellaF - Baby shoes are the best! They get me every time! 

    @minskat30 - I mean, I'm basically a chef, so... :wink: 

  • @jenna8984 Sounds like a great weekend! I've never run a full marathon, just a half, but I figured if I'm going to do one it should be Boston. I'm not sure how I feel about being able to just run without qualifying (My brother trained and qualified for it and ran it last year).. It kinda feels like cheating.
  • @jenna8984 Ugh I hate sitting at a table with people who send food back. DH has waited tables a long time and he said almost always if it's a bullshit reason for someone sending it back...the cooks will mess with their food.
  • edited April 2016
    Anyone here that wants to talk Star Wars?  Don't want to take over the thread because not everyone is a fan, but I'm dying to talk about JJ's latest statement and what theories you're leaning towards.  Come on, people!!

    ETA:  And Rogue One, obviously.
  • @southernpeach89 I know right- she would not order something else and just sat there so they didn't have the opportunity to mess with her food but I still felt weird. Then she saw the cash I pulled out for tip (30%) and she made a big deal that I was leaving so much. I was like uuum H & I always tip well, don't worry about it.

    @cocobellaf I have never seen any Star Wars so you can talk about it all you want and I'll have no clue lol

    @pambeesly524 yea one of my friends did it on a fundraising team last year instead of qualifying, and she didn't even raise enough money! She had committed to $5,000 to be on the team and she only raised $2,200. She was legally responsible for the rest but she called MS Society crying and they wrote it off! Which is not cool in my eyes for all the people who DID.



  • @speakeasy14 I used this website to make a lot of my freezer prep meals for after Callie was born. All the recipes turned out really well...they have a chicken pot pie recipe too!
  • @minskat30 Awww! I love that suprise! Nice work @jenna8984 because chocolate is the best too.
  • @minskat30 I will totally have to go back and buy myself some of that chocolate!

    @southernpeach89 thanks- just pinned that recipe page!



  • Well guys I voted but I have no proof because I didn't get a sticker! :(
  • @minskat30 @jenna8984 What an awesome surprise!! 

    @untouchablets Yay for voting, and BOO to no sticker! I've never had a precinct that gave out stickers. I hope my new one does!

  • untouchabletsuntouchablets member
    500 Love Its 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2016
    @wink0erin at least bitmoji has my back! (Sorry if this is huge, I'm on mobile!)

  • @wink0erin - No basking kitten photos?! Sad. 

    @untouchablets - Way to go! I've never gotten an 'I voted' sticker :cry: Maybe at my new polling place I will. Unfortunately, the NJ primary isn't still for SO LONG (June 7).

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