Good morning and happy Tuesday!
I had a great night last night! I got home and took Lucy for a long walk and even though she was not pleased because she'd rather be napping, she powered through. H had a hockey game so I took that as an opportunity to make something he hates: scallops!
Dinner was incredible and I topped it off with 2 glasses of wine while reading more of my book. I was tired so I got into bed at 9 and was asleep by 9:30.
Tonight will be much of the same. H and I will take Snoos for a walk when I get home and then I'm making Skinnytaste Sloppy Joes for dinner which I couldn't be more excited about. It's one of my favorite ST recipes ever! I'll probably finish this book after dinner if I haven't already and of course there'll be playoff hockey on in the background (Go Penguins!).
Have a lovely Tuesday, everyone!
Re: Tuesday
I was totally MIA yesterday, but I did read the thread. Yesterday was the Boston Marathon so I alternated working in my apartment and going outside to cheer. It's always such a fun day, I'm thinking of putting my name into my company's raffle to get a bib to run next year. We'll see!
@AlPacina how was dinner last night?! I want to make that recipe again.
Not too much happening today.. I wish it were Friday already though.
Yesterday I had an awkward call from my CrossFit coach trying to convince me to come back. I truly enjoyed working out there and the owners but I really think I need a long break. I was just getting really annoyed. That's what I told her and she was fine with that thankfully.
Callie almost did not go to sleep last night but DH worked some sort of special magic and she fell asleep for him and then he sent me a surprise email reservation for brunch on Mother's Day. I love that man.
Instead of doing Insanity last night I went for a run (5k) and it felt great! Lots of hills in my neighborhood.
This morning as I was leaving with Maddux, he has been darting around the corner every morning because apparently a cat likes to poop over there and he goes for his morning snack. SO DISGUSTING! I try to get him to go immediately to the car but NOPE Cat poop it is! Makes me want to vomit.
Not too much happening tonight, we are having leftover tomato basil soup again because I made apparently enough for the entire state of Georgia and then I'll probably do Insanity when DH gets home.
@PamBeesly524 - Run next year! My H is training for a half in June, and then next spring he wants to run the full in our city's memorial marathon (OKC Murrah building bombing).
Today is the 21st anniversary of the OKC Murrah building bombing. Normally the city has a big memorial service with 169 seconds of silence at 9:02, but it's pouring rain so they'll have to move it inside. The race is this Sunday. They have a 5K, a relay, a half, and a full. I would like to do at least the 5K next year, but it depends on K. We'll have to find someone to watch her!
Been a bit of a pukey morning, but I'm slowly eating my 2nd breakfast and I think the worst is over for today. We finished the chandelier last night (had to put the little crystals on it) but I forgot to take a picture. I'll AW tomorrow!!
My neighbor gave me these cute little shoes yesterday. I need to make some little outfits with them!
@southernpeach89 - Ewwwww Snoos used to eat cat poop from the litter box if one of us accidentally left a door open in our old apartment. I think she's afraid of the basement now though so we don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm glad you're taking a break from your Crossfit place. You don't need that negative energy in your life!
@southernpeach89 - Your H is very very sweet to make mothers' day arrangements already. You got a keeper.
@pambeesly525 - You should put your name in next year for the Marathon!
Today is, meetings, more work.
Last night we went to birthing classes and tried out different birthing positions. Some are NOT for me I can tell but some are great...I'll play it by ear. Plus we tried this exercise where the Hs picked what they thought their Ws would choose for pain management and then the Ws had to choose....H was dead on with me so that's good because several couples were off.
Hiping to hit the gym tonight, cook, read and hit bed early.
@minskat30 - I mean, I'm basically a chef, so...
@swazzle yum, I love scallops and don't get them nearly as much as I'd like.
@pambeesly524 have you ever run a marathon before? My friend tried to qualify and was 4 minutes short so she's trying again this year. I ran a half and that was all my body could handle.
@minskat30 glad you had a good time at your class! Mine start in a few weeks.
Well my weekend was great. Saturday went to a friend's baby shower in NH.
Sunday I went out to dinner with BFF and I was surprised that she's become Mrs. "I'm used to good NYC food, this is gross, I'm sending it back". I was like dude it's fine, it's good. But she refused. I was a little embarrassed because I personally wouldn't send something back unless it was cooked wrong or labeled on the menu wrong, not just because I didn't think it was "nyc good". But anyways, I'm off the hook with going there for her graduation! She was saying that it's too much to ask people to come when she can't get them tickets to the actual ceremony, so instead she's going to have a big bbq party here at home the following weekend. YESSSS.
Yesterday I had off for marathon Monday and it was the perfect day spent with H. We went hiking and the sun and fresh air made me feel great. Then we relaxed and rented a few movies.
@southernpeach89 I'm glad you at least got to tell your coach that you need a break! I hate phone calls like that, just let me quit in peace!
@cocobellaf those shoes are cute!!
Today is Primary Day so I am leaving for work a little early, my polling place is down the street from my house so I'm gonna vote, get my sticker, and then work. That's all I've got today!
@swazzle - True, true.
@jenna8984 - Wow, yeah....I don't send food back unless it is undercooked (to the point of unsafe), clearly has gluten in it when it isn't supposed to (i.e., croutons on the salad), etc. So awkward to sit next to that.
Hey, when are we supposed to AW our spring surprises? I got mine yesterday and it is awesome. @speakeasy14 - should we all wait for the reveal?
ETA: And Rogue One, obviously.
@southernpeach89 I know right- she would not order something else and just sat there so they didn't have the opportunity to mess with her food but I still felt weird. Then she saw the cash I pulled out for tip (30%) and she made a big deal that I was leaving so much. I was like uuum H & I always tip well, don't worry about it.
@cocobellaf I have never seen any Star Wars so you can talk about it all you want and I'll have no clue lol
@pambeesly524 yea one of my friends did it on a fundraising team last year instead of qualifying, and she didn't even raise enough money! She had committed to $5,000 to be on the team and she only raised $2,200. She was legally responsible for the rest but she called MS Society crying and they wrote it off! Which is not cool in my eyes for all the people who DID.
@southernpeach89 glad that Callie went to sleep for your H, and super sweet of him to surprise you.
@jenna8984 ugh I hate sitting with people that send food back for no reason. I've only sent food back once, and it was because there was a stray (not head) hair on the plate.
@CocoBellaF omg those shoes!
@minskat30 glad the baby classes are going so well and you and H are on the same page. Eh, you can share it's not like secret santa where no one can know.
So we have begun the renovations for the exterior part of the house. Yesterday my bf spent the whole day stripping the front porch. We're going to repaint the ceiling and floor a slate grey and then the deck part white. Our back deck is going to be a cranberry red.
I'm also meal prepping some freezer meals for my sister and BIL. I have a ton of the eggplant pasta left so going to freeze that for them. Thinking of also making chicken pot pie and pulled pork.
@southernpeach89 I will never understand our fur friends' love for poop. My Paulie (RIP) used to eat his own until we caught him. So gross.
@minskat30 Yay your H will be great! Glad to hear you liked the class.
@pambeesly524 You should give it a shot for next year! My friend was never a runner but got a bib through her work, trained all year and was successful yesterday. A lot of people didn't think she was going to make it. Do it!
@jenna8984 I send food back if it doesn't come out right. Like if I specify a change or make a request and it isn't fulfilled then yes send it back. But if it just isn't to your liking? I just don't go back to that restaurant. Simple. I'm also one of those annoying Yelp people.
Good morning everyone! I woke up this morning to a fat lip and I think it's like a hidden cold sore or pimple?...super lame. Last night I went out to eat at a new restaurant and it was pretty good. I had spicy italian mussels and a bbq chicken pizza. I was feeling pretty tired so I went to bed early.
Today I am going to visit one of my teacher friends that has been on maternity leave. I have a ton of letters from kids to give her, so it should be entertaining lol After that I might get my nails done or just head home and finish my eval report. Nothing exciting, unfortunately.
And the tastes JUST as good as it looks. Especially the sea salt caramel.
Thank you @jenna8984!!!
@minskat30 I will totally have to go back and buy myself some of that chocolate!
@southernpeach89 thanks- just pinned that recipe page!
@minskat30 I love how involved H is, he's going to be a great birth partner!
@jenna8984 Glad you're off the hook for the graduation! I'd never send food back for "not being good enough" either, that's just asking for them to mess with your food. I'd only send it back if it was flat out wrong.
@CocobellaF I love Star Wars! Are you talking about the statement about Rey's parents? Because what he said blew my one theory!
Yesterday after work I took walk along a biking/walking trail by the river. I know I walked at least 4 miles total (the distance was marked on the path every 1/4 mile) but for some reason my iphone app only recorded a little over 3 miles. I wish I had a more accurate way to record distances! The path went along a river and passed some fairgrounds, including the horse stables, where there were seriously 20 barn cats lounging in the sun. It was an awesome walk. After that I undid all my exercise by eating too much food at a place downtown. Part of me says it was worth it, and the other part of me is crying about never being able to get rid of my gut because I love food and beer too much.
@untouchablets Yay for voting, and BOO to no sticker! I've never had a precinct that gave out stickers. I hope my new one does!
@untouchablets - Way to go! I've never gotten an 'I voted' sticker Maybe at my new polling place I will. Unfortunately, the NJ primary isn't still for SO LONG (June 7).