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Freakin' Friday!


H and I went out for sushi last night and it was delicious, as always. I drank a bottle of wine and read and watched the Rangers get their asses kicked and then went to bed later than I intended. 

So, my dad's been in and out of the hospital for months now and it seemed he was doing really well but he just got admitted again last night. We also found out he has the same heart condition that my mom had and he'll need the same surgery to correct it. That's on top of the ongoing issue with his legs. My mom is a mess, understandably, and I feel terrible for her. They were supposed to come up for the weekend and H and I were taking them to the Bruce Springsteen concert tomorrow night but now that's not happening. My mom was SO excited for it too. 

I packed a bag and drove to work today and if it's quiet, I'm planning to leave early and drive down to their house to surprise them and stay for the night. I want to take my mom out to lunch and for a pedicure tomorrow to try to cheer her up and then I'll head home. 

H is going to a car thing during the day on Sunday and then to some show that night so it'll be just me and the kids and I'm looking forward to relaxing after an emotional couple of days.  

Vibes would be greatly appreciated <3


Re: Freakin' Friday!

  • @Swazzle Sending so many vibes! I hope you're able to surprise them and I really hope your dad feels better really soon!!

    Last night we went to Olive Garden for dinner and ATE ALL THE THINGS. I tracked everything and went over both dailies and weeklies but the scale didn't move when I got on it this morning which is crazy to me!! I will be working out this week to try to get it moving back down.

    Today is a half day for me. At noon I am meeting up with my cousin, then we are heading up to my other cousin's house to visit him, his wife, the new baby and her big brother. I can't wait for baby snuggles this whole afternoon!! 

    Tonight our friends are bringing their dog over and she is staying a week. She is a year and a half old lab and her and Tess get along great but I'm sure it will be nuts at the house the next week. 

    Saturday night we are going to a party for BF's Aunt's 70th. Other than that, we will be hanging with the pups and taking it easy around the house! Hope you all have a great weekend!!
    friends tv show funy
  • @southernpeach89 oh no! I'm glad you're feeling better... do you think it was just a stomach bug?

    @LizzyTish88 ugh, Olive Garden. I have such a love/hate relationship with that place.. mostly love though :)

    @cu97tiger I wasn't here to give you vibes yesterday so I'll give them to you today... GOOD LUCK! I'm running 9 miles tomorrow too so I'll be thinking of you!

  • @LizzyTish88 Awww take lots of pictures of the puppies playing this weekend!!

    @PamBeesly524 I LOVE Jack Rogers. If you have a Shoe Gallery near you or you can look online but they have Jacks that are closer to $99. I need a new pair myself since I've worn mine out completely haha. I'm thinking it was something we ate, I've had a stomach bug before and it was a little different than this. I think our dinner last night upset both of our stomachs.

    @cu97tiger I'm not sure, I think it could be that or maybe DH brought something home from school. Ugh it was awful...hopefully it will be gone this weekend.

  • @southernpeach89 So you were up sick all night. Hopefully is was a quick thing and it's gone now.

    @PamBeesly524 I second the DSW recommendation. This time of year they will have all sandals coming out new and last year's in the clearance section!

    @CocoBellaF It might be something worth getting checked out since it's causing you lots of pain and keeps coming back. Sucks that you have to keep calling the doctor but you need to keep baby K and yourself safe and healthy!!
    friends tv show funy
  • @LizzyTish88 - I have an appointment this coming Thursday, so if it's still a problem I'll mention it then.  
  • @southernpeach89 - OH NO! I'm so sorry you were both so sick! Feel better! 

    @LizzyTish88 - Yummmmm I could devour their salad and breadsticks! 

    @PamBeesly524 - NEVER regret mac and cheese. EVER. I am really behind on Scandal so maybe that's what I'll do on Sunday! I don't know how casual you're thinking but I got Birkenstock Gizeh Sandals (I'm wearing them for the first time today actually) and they're quickly becoming my favorites ever. I can take a pic if you're interested in my feets. 

    @cu97tiger - ALL the vibes for your appointment! And the biggest hugs! 

    @CocoBellaF - Thank you! Your quesadilla sounds delish! 

  • @labro - Get to posting your AW now!!!!
  • @Swazzle just googled... those look so freakin comfy! I've had Birkinstocks in the past but I think these look a LITTLE bit dressier. I think I could probably make them work.
  • @CocoBellaF I have no idea...I know DH's students are all kinds of gross with their germs and such so could be something he caught from them but I think it's from what we ate. Do you think the lump could just be a cyst under the skin that needs to be drained? Sometimes those things disperse on their own if you put a warm wash cloth on it.
  • @labro Lol I didn't have a special outfit but I'll find something cute for her to wear. I made bean soup with smoked sausage over rice. It could have been the beans?
  • @TwoDimes - Can your H get me a job? That sounds freaking amazing. 

  • @southernpeach89 - I'm not sure, I can't feel it myself.  I've been using a heating pad when I'm hurting.  If nothing else, after laying in the recliner with a heating pad I can relax enough that my back isn't bowed up anymore, but I don't think it's doing anything about the lump.  I might have my friend who is a nurse look at today when I get off at lunch, see what she thinks.  I tend to lean to the side of "eh, it's nothing".

    @TwoDimes - Your night last night sounds fantastic!!!  Have fun biking and eating gelato this weekend!
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @TwoDimes OBVIOUSLY that champagne would've gone flat if you hadn't polished it off. You are seriously the nicest for helping them out with that!

  • @TwoDimes Your H's work sounds amazing!! Yum champagne! 

    @minskat30 I think Raj will love the down time you spend with him this weekend! 

    @swazzle I love your jacket!!
    friends tv show funy
  • @minskat30 - I'm sure that Raj will just bask in all the attention he gets this weekend.  I don't think it's the baby because it's so high up, but what do I know??  I've tried some yoga stretches, but by the time i get off work my back is bowed up from pain and I physically can't do anything else but cat and cow.  So...  Hm.
  • @Swazzle - I love that outfit.  I have a coat like that from Old Navy.  Can't wear it right now, but you can bet I'll be wearing a similar outfit to yours in the fall!
  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited April 2016
    @cocobellaf - Hmmm, maybe take 10 minutes during the day to stretch every now and again?  Sounds like your muscles are stuck/cramping up.  And lots and LOTS of water.  I'm sorry.  You are doing great though. 
  • @minskat30 - No, I don't really want to go. We already went once this tour and I'd probably be sad to go without my parents. 

    @LizzyTish88 @CocoBellaF - Thank you! It's from Express from like.... 5+ years ago I think lol 

  • @minskat30 We are just hanging out and cooking dinner. My mom always makes us homemade birthday cakes so I'm sure it will be something yummy!
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @jenna8984 EEK! I hope you make it home before the rain!!!

  • Hugs @swazzle

    I just hope your weekend is really laid back then and you are able to cheer up your mom somewhat.  I'll be thinking of you guys this weekend.
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