Wedding Woes


Vacation Bible School is kicking my ass.  The kids are having fun, but I've fully realized that I'm not good with little kids.  I've also realized that my kids are awesome. 

Tomorrow will be really fun though, the zoo is coming with animals!

Re: Thursday

  • I need to get an oil change and my car inspected today, but it's raining and I don't feel like trudging out. But I have a lot of errands the next 2 days, and I've been nervously driving around on an expired sticker all month. 

    And now the rain means another couple days of my husband not mowing the fucking grass. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Back in the office.  My mom got her biopsy results yesterday, and it's kind of good news/bad news.  The bad news is that she definitely has breast cancer.  The good news is that it's lobular, which currently has the best 5 year survival rate (85%!) of all the types of breast cancer. 

    She has to go for a PET scan, to see if it has spread anywhere.  It is definitely in a couple of lymph nodes, but hopefully that's as far as it has gotten.  Meanwhile, they're analyzing her tumor for all kinds of things:  is it hormone sensitive or not, is it expressing HER2 or not, etc.  With that and the PET results, she can meet with an oncologist and they can decide whether to start chemo or anti-hormone therapy, and once she finishes that, she'll have surgery to remove what's left. 

    She is doing really well.  I ended up staying at her place last night, because the aftereffects of the general anesthetic and/or the Percoset were making her woozy and nauseated.  But she's upbeat, she has a plan, and she is not too daunted by her odds.  My aunt, uncle, and Grandma arrive today, so she is going to have her hands full.

    I don't especially want to be here, but my mom wants me to go with her to the oncologist and maybe other appointments.  So she said to save my days off for when she needs me.  But it feels weird being here.
  • edited June 2016
    Sending healing vibes for your mom, @Heffalump!
  • Oh no, Heffa - hugs and vibes. Even with the odds, that must be scary. I hope she can keep her positive attitude.

    Unfortunately, speaking of, today, two years ago is when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. So today sucks. But I was able to get up in time to get gas and still be in the office a half hour early like I wanted to be. Hopefully today at work will be okay and I can go home and go to bed early.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • Hugs to you and your Mom.  

    My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago this week.  It was discovered during a routine mammogram and she went on to have a wire guided biopsy, lumpectomy and radiation.  Hers was HER2 negative.  It was a scary time, but she came through with flying colors and is cancer-free and active as ever today.  

    You and your Mom are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Sending healing vibes for your mom, @Heffalump!
    Thank you.  I haven't even seen DH since like 7:00 yesterday morning, so we're texting up a storm, and I was just telling him right now it's not the diagnosis itself that's as overwhelming as the logistics.  Because she is single and we're the only ones nearby, I'm kind of doing all the spouse stuff (meeting with the surgeon, her biopsy, meeting with the oncologist, etc.), on top of having an actual spouse, both of us employed full time, two young kids, etc.  So I'm not complaining, I'm just looking at the calendar and wondering how it's all going to work.
  • Heffa - i'm so sorry to hear about your mom, but it sounds like she has a good outlook, and good doctors. lots of healthy vibes for her. 

    i'm WFH this morning because of early meetings, then going in to the office mid-morning. we have an office happy hour planned for tonight, so will get to have some fun after work. i also got an invite from DSW for some massive sale, so might try to swing by and see if they have anything of interest. 
  • I'm sorry, Heffa. Vibes for your mom!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • MNNEBride said:
    Hugs to you and your Mom.  

    My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago this week.  It was discovered during a routine mammogram and she went on to have a wire guided biopsy, lumpectomy and radiation.  Hers was HER2 negative.  It was a scary time, but she came through with flying colors and is cancer-free and active as ever today.  

    You and your Mom are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you, @MNNEBride, and lots of hugs to you @ShesSoCold.

    That monthly meeting I complain about every month was just postponed from this morning to next week, so that's something.  :)

  • @Heffalump, ((all the mom vibes)).  Sounds like she's got great odds and a good plan of action is coming.  You're a good daughter and I know you're doing your 'job', but still... ::pat on the back::  

    DH has said we have 'vacation hangover' this week and boy do we ever.  The kids are doing all right re: FIL's dog.  The kiddo was pretty quiet last night.

    We (me, DH, the kiddo) failed to make sure that all the doors were locked/secured last night, so we woke up at 1:45a to our house alarm blaring, DH calling me in a panic, and the cops on the way.  I'm pretty sure with the weather and wind and our side door not being closed all the way (or locked), it blew open and tripped the sensor.  I didn't get back to sleep until 3am and it wasn't good sleep.  

    I'm thisclose to getting a hotel room for a night so I can just sleep. (Not really, but I can dream)

    In better news, we are all finalized for Hawaii.  I am so stinking excited.  

    DefConn's back to normal and no more ear pain. 

    And it's Prudie day! 
  • Wishing you and your mom all the best and a speedy and complete recovery, @Heffalump.

    Speaker phone scuttlebutt says that the individual who backed out of the job that's now mine (prompting the cluster that has been my life since mid-May) wants it back. I can't bring myself to believe that my company is going to let him have it back, not since he backed out, they did interviews, picked someone else, and not especially since I've signed forms and DH has given his notice, but at the same time I have this shitshitshitshitshit whatif feeling. And it's eating away at me. It's ridiculous, the whole thing. Communication really sucks in this company. 


    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • I'm still battling dehydration and it's now making me constipated.  I'm only sharing this b/c I was thinking of Kuus bitching about her bunny poops this morning while trying to do my business.  Ah WW, I'll never quit you.

    I'm glad this week is short for me.  
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    I am so sorry heffalump. 
  • @mrs.conn23, I just saw your comment yesterday about FIL's dog and I am so sorry.  :cry:

    Also, I hope defconn is feeling better.
  • All the hugs to @mrs.conn23 and @Heffalump
  • @heffalump so sorry to hear it is cancer.  I'm so glad she has a positive outlook, odds in her favor, and you.  My parents are special needs (Deaf and Deaf/Blind) and divorced and my siblings aren't a help.  I know how hard it is to be the main support person, but I also know how huge it is to have someone there.
  • I'm sorry, @Heffalump! Hugs, good vibes, and warm thoughts to you and your mom!!!
  • Rain, cramps, and misanthropy. That is all.
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