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Weekend Recap

Good Morning! I hope everyone had as fun of a weekend as I did! I think people had pretty good plans on Friday so hopefully I am right!

Friday I got home and just hung out. When BF got home from work, we headed out to dinner at a cute little local place. We went home and watched part one of the gymnastics trials. 

Saturday morning I woke up and hit the road! I drove to @buddysmom80 house to help the girls surprise her with a baby shower!! I got to see @buddysmom80 @Swazzle @GoldenPenguin @csousa1 squared, @Hummingbird125 and @Peaseblossom55! It was great to see/meet them all and we had a good time! @buddysmom80 was surprised, so the ladies and her H did a great job!! I hung out there for a bit then headed back home. That night BF and I went to my parents for a fire and to hang out with some family and friends. 

Yesterday BF and I woke up, had the sex, and then sat on the couch watching TV/Movies alllllll day. We literally didn't leave the couch until 3pm. We got ready and headed to my cousin's house. We all went to a hibachi with my other cousins. My cousin wanted to bring his 2 year old son for the first time, but the poor thing was not having the chef right in front of us. The food was yummy! Last night we crashed on the couch again and watched part 2 of the gymnastic trials. Those girls have skills!! 

How was everyone else's weekends??
friends tv show funy

Re: Weekend Recap

  • @jenna8984 Sorry you're not sleeping well. I hated that so much towards the end. I hope you have a good appointment this afternoon!
  • @PamBeesly524 UGH I totally understand your frustrations on that! That was my same frustration with the Peachtree....everyone was just in the way and it totally messes with your pace. Same goes for the water stations...everyone just stops and you can't move around them easily. That's an awesome time though! Congratulations on a great run!
  • @southernpeach89 thanks! I think H and I tend to start further back than we should because we think we're too slow... Maybe for our next one we'll be confident and start further up with our pace!

    @jenna8984 oops, sorry I missed you when I posted earlier. Glad to hear a good review of Secret Life of Pets, I'm dying to see it! Sorry you aren't sleeping - I know this doesn't compare 100% but our cats have been driving us crazy the past week or so.. Being away this weekend we got 2 nights of quiet uninterrupted sleep and it was incredible. I hope you can get some sleep soon before the baby comes!
  • @labro Yummmm mimosas!!!
  • Morning!

    @LizzyTish88  sounds like a great weekend :) hope she was excited for the surprise!

    @jenna8984  boo no sleep :(

    @southernpeach89  ha ha, so cute! of course she wanted to eat it ;)

    @PamBeesly524  yay half though! Weather considered, you did great! How are kitters doing together now?

    @labro you mean you didn't finger paint? ;) lol also yay avacado! Start them young ;)

    I hate when I know I'll have a headache by the end of the day. My blonde self forgot her glasses in another purse .... *sigh*

    Friday I was by myself and lurked a bunch, but opted not to post because I just kept getting distracted by other stuff. After work I met with a couple friends for coffee {Starbucks - shaken iced tea lemonade in passion fruit. YUM!}
    Another friend - who doesn't live in the same city as us since her hubby is military - ended up surprising us by showing up :) I was excited.

    After that, one of my friends and I planned on hanging out so we grabbed stuff for dinner {soup for me, potatoes and ratatouille from deli for her} and a bunch of stuff to snack on also. We just chilled and watched movies and chatted.

    Saturday was so gloomy. Woke up later than normal, even cats were still asleep! Matt and I literally spent the day napping, and doing nothing. It's been awhile since we had a day like that. Also didn't help I woke up with a bad headache. We've decided to cave and buy a mattress this week .... I can't wait until September for one.

    Sunday was the soccer game with coworkers. It was great! I saw one of my coworkers who's on maternity leave, and she brought her baby who is 6 months :)

    After the game we did a whole lot of nothing, I love weekends like that
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @minskat30 Lol pretty sure I was taking my nap while Miss Callie explored finger painting! I'm glad you had a positive and helpful visit with your doctor. <3 Hopefully with your action plan and your BFF coming to visit this week you start to feel more YOU!

  • @minskat30 That sounds like an awesome weekend! Isn't crazy even when we are away from our children, they are still on our minds constantly and all we seem to talk about anyways lol? I'm glad you and your doctor were able to think of some game plans for everything. I hope it starts to help!
  • I dunno if you guys remember or not, but I thought I was giving blood like a month ago at work and had the day wrong. Well today was the right day and I was finally told after 4 times in my life of trying to donate that my iron was high enough to donate! I got so excited. But then I got disqualified because I got a tattoo in Oct. last year and apparently in MA you have to wait 12 months.

    Majorly, majorly bummed over here right now. I know they have to be cautious but I wish there was a better way to weed out good/bad blood - I heard that right now they have less than a 5 day supply of blood in the bank and here I am sitting on perfectly good blood! Such a bummer.
  • @PamBeesly524 Aw bummer! That totally sucks! I guess they're just wanting to be overly cautious. Hopefully next time you will be able to donate!
  • @pambeesly524 that stinks about giving blood, next time! And great job on your half, you kick butt. Sorry about the kitties at night

    @labro your porch is so cute, I'd like to sit there even just with a plain OJ haha.

    @southernpeach89 I never tried avocado until I was like 27 years old! Of course I was hooked on the first bite, I'll have to start him early!

    @eilis1228 well you're not the only kid since we saw that movie as well hehe.

    @minskat30 yay glad your mom came and that your friend is coming soon. Sounds like a wicked nice date night too. You still have like 6-7 more weeks off work, right?

    My appointment went well, nothing eventful (which I guess no news is good news).



  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @jenna8984 I'm glad it went well, but I do hope you start progressing over the next couple of weeks! I can't believe that August is only a little over 3 weeks away!

  • @labro me too!! My friend keeps texting me saying "any day now" and I'm going to punch her in the face. I am trying to mentally prepare to go 40-41 weeks so as nice as it would be, I don't need her getting my hopes up. She asked if my doctor would induce me around 38 and I was like "no...even if she would I do not want that..."



  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @peaseblossom55 I'm so so so happy that Chick and Duck are healthy and that the genetic testing came back negative! What amazing news!!

  • labro said:
    @peaseblossom55 I'm so so so happy that Chick and Duck are healthy and that the genetic testing came back negative! What amazing news!!
    Thank you!! I hope the good news keeps on coming.


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