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Alcoholism and health

If someone has been drinking EVERY day probably 4-6 shots of vodka for 10 years, what do you think their liver would look like? They haven't seen a doctor for about 8 years, female, 43 years old. She has a doc appt coming up, I'm curious how bad her liver and pancreas will be, also wondering if she'll have cancer. Can anyone here relate?

Re: Alcoholism and health

  • lyndausvilyndausvi mod
    Moderator Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited August 2016
    It depends on the person.  I had an aunt who drank everyday.  As in took a beer to bed with her.   She also smoked.  A LOT.   Also rarely went to the doctor's.   

    The woman lived until well into her 80's.  Had no liver issues at all. No lung issues either.  It was like the alcohol preserved her or something.  We were all shocked.   She ended up dying of heart disease (which runs in the family).

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I seldom drink at all, and I have had cancer for the past 10 years. 
    I don't understand why you are posting this question here.  It sounds like you could use Al-Anon.
  • Depends on the person. Genetics plays a large part in what can happen to your body. 

    If you have someone who drinks like that and you are having issues coping, I agree with PPs, please try Al-Anon and therapy.
  • Every person is different. My grandfather drank himself to death. My dad drank every day for 20 years, but quit a long time ago. My dad is healthy with no medical issues. 

    I also suggest you seek out some therapy or Ala-anon. 
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