I had eyelid surgery nine days ago, and the stitches are driving me crazy. No infection, or other issues. Swelling is gone. My surgeon didn't remember to give us instructions about the stitches.
This procedure was done at the same time another doctor was doing a biopsy on my other eyelid. There was more concern about that. The eyelid surgery on the left eye was mostly cosmetic to repair damage done by cancer and surgery two years ago. The tumor in the right eyelid is malignant, too. (I had to listen to them all talking about football for an hour during the surgery. Grump!)
OK, so I telephone the office this afternoon and ask if I can remove the irritating stitches. The sweet young thing said someone would call me back with the information. Nope. Now I have to go through the whole weekend with these itchy stitches in my eyelid.
Some of you are nurses and doctors. What would you do? I am very grouchy this week.
I now have three hospitals and eight doctors involved in this, and I think I am getting lost in the shuffle.