So I recently posted about putting together a vegetarian meal and trying to make sure it went over well and and that we catered to everyone's taste...
We've since decided on a different location that's willing to do more food and give us anything we like (family style now vs plated) so that ppl can eat exactly what they want and fill up on their favorites. This meal includes hor d'oeuvres instead of the late night snack we were gonna go with at the last place. But the same idea. More food options in case you happen to not love what we serve for the meal. I'm listing our menu on our website so there will be zero confusion if you're that concerned with what you'll be served. We are also getting a larger selection for our included premium bar so I believe that will make ppl happy as well.
Here's the issue. My father and sister are insistent that doing a meal without meat is extremely selfish. Since our wedding is in March we came up with the idea to move it to a Friday bc its during lent and the ppl they are so concerned about are all Catholic... which means they don't eat meat on Fridays in lent. This seems to have pacified my dad. But my sister is going on about it now. And it's causing a lot of conflict between us. My husband to be (the awesome person he is) insisted, when I called him in tears, that we won't be backing down and that what we are offering is absolutely fine. He says it's not fair to us to change our entire plan just because 1 person feels THAT strongly, especially since we've gone out of our way (AND outside of our budget!!) to try to accommodate everyone.
Has anyone else dealt with this type of thing? And is it a completely unreasonable idea?
I've dubbed this the "battle of the bird" as we're literally fighting over the addition of chicken vs staying vegetarian. Lol