Wedding Woes

Snow Day Tuesday!!!!!!!


Re: Snow Day Tuesday!!!!!!!

  • *Barbie* said:
    mrsconn23 said:

    I'm sorry, but if your kid misses school infrequently...and you're calling them in to let the school know *why* they will be out, the truancy letters and threats are fucking ridiculous.  Especially for kindergarten. 
    I just checked my e-mail because your situation was stuck in my craw...Turns out, DefConn hasn't been out of school since December.  And he had tonsillitis and an ear infection.

    The really annoying part of this is that some kids are more susceptible to getting sick and little kids can't keep their hands off their faces or each other to save their lives.  So really young kids have a higher chance of being out of school because of the the schoolyard plague du jour.  

    So lay the fuck off with the threats.  Geeze. 
  • @mrsconn23 and @*Barbie*, your schools are nuts.  I'm sorry you're having to deal with that crap.  Maybe there wouldn't be 11 billion cases of strep, flu, norovirus, and pinkeye going around right now if people could keep sick kids home without getting hate mail from the school district.

    We have a new superintendent this year, and he's big on attendance.  "Kids can't learn when they're not in school!"  Well, yes, but they also can't learn when they're running a fever of 101 and about to barf, you know?
  • mrsconn23 said:
    *Barbie* said:
    mrsconn23 said:

    I'm sorry, but if your kid misses school infrequently...and you're calling them in to let the school know *why* they will be out, the truancy letters and threats are fucking ridiculous.  Especially for kindergarten. 
    I just checked my e-mail because your situation was stuck in my craw...Turns out, DefConn hasn't been out of school since December.  And he had tonsillitis and an ear infection.

    The really annoying part of this is that some kids are more susceptible to getting sick and little kids can't keep their hands off their faces or each other to save their lives.  So really young kids have a higher chance of being out of school because of the the schoolyard plague du jour.  

    So lay the fuck off with the threats.  Geeze. 
    the other thing I don't get is how is an e-mail to the teacher not sufficient - especially for this age range. I mean she's a smart kid, but it's not like she's getting dropped off for before school care, hiding, going home, breaking in, hacking her dad's e-mail, writing a coherent note to the teacher, sending it, and then somehow managing to get to school and into the afterschool program after being out all day without us or any other adults noticing anything amiss. obviously she's not faking if the school nurse sends her home and says not to come back the next day. 
    kinder is not mandatory in TX either. 

    other than those 3 sick days in one week, she's missed 2 days all year due to our travel - and it's not like she's missing out from an academic standpoint since she's ahead of her class (not bragging, this is based on testing) and we work with her on home on days that she's missed/have not requested any makeups from the school (e.g. the week she was home sick, she turned in all of her HW when she got back on Monday)

  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Ours has to go through the office because they keep the master attendance lists. 
  • Heffalump said:
    @mrsconn23 and @*Barbie*, your schools are nuts.  I'm sorry you're having to deal with that crap.  Maybe there wouldn't be 11 billion cases of strep, flu, norovirus, and pinkeye going around right now if people could keep sick kids home without getting hate mail from the school district.

    We have a new superintendent this year, and he's big on attendance.  "Kids can't learn when they're not in school!"  Well, yes, but they also can't learn when they're running a fever of 101 and about to barf, you know?
    YES to the bolded.   I don't let it get to me too much.  Imma do me and be the best parent I can.  My kid needs to be in school and he is 95-99% of the time/ But I'm not sending him sick and sometimes, family stuff is more important.  #sorrynotsorry

    I'm just shocked that there's a legal action threat against Barbie.  You're going to take action against someone for parenting? The fuck?
  • mrsconn23 said:

    I'm just shocked that there's a legal action threat against Barbie.  You're going to take action against someone for parenting? The fuck?
    The lack of internal communication is worrisome too - she was AT SCHOOL on Thursday. The NURSE sent her HOME, SICK, and said "STAY HOME TOMORROW." - Shouldn't the nurse have to report sending a kid home sick and telling them that they needed to stay home for X days? 

    I guess we'll see what happens when the district actually gets around to working, next week. 

    I'm not one to be all like, "I'll sue you" - but if the school feels the need to take this to court for some reason, I'll 100% get a lawyer and file some sort of counter suit for harassment. 
  • edited March 2017
    Barbie, you won't go to court for three days. It's probably more of a warning. My district requires a written note and you have 3 days to turn it in.

    There are four levels of truancy and level four is court. They try to work with families so they don't move to level four. 

    Hopefully,  you will get it all sorted out.
  • Random crazy story about school attendance, my elementary school was about to call CPS {child protective services} because when I was 8 or 9 I called into school about an absence myself.

    Full story: my mum had horrible case of pneumonia. She was home from work, and lay down on the couch before taking me to the bus stop. She fell asleep, and I knew how sick she was so I called the school saying I wouldn't be in.

    Since the office knew me - they were mostly volunteers and the lady I spoke to was the parent of a kid I'd been in school with for years - they were lenient, but said that I had to have a parent call before the end of the day to confirm this wasn't me skipping.
    So my dad came home early {this was back in the 90s - no cell phones} and saw I was home. I explained what happened and he calls the school, saying that my mum had pneumonia and was unable to take me to the bus that morning. Sadly he got a bitch of a lady and basically told him that they could have called CPS because "we don't know if the child is home alone. That's illegal at that age"

    My dad - calmly but in a snark way - explained that if they looked at my record, they would see this has never been the case and what happens if something happened? They should be lucky I didn't risk crossing the street alone and was smart enough to realize that it wasn't safe.

    Short version: schools are idiots.
  • *Barbie* said:
    mrsconn23 said:

    I'm just shocked that there's a legal action threat against Barbie.  You're going to take action against someone for parenting? The fuck?
    The lack of internal communication is worrisome too - she was AT SCHOOL on Thursday. The NURSE sent her HOME, SICK, and said "STAY HOME TOMORROW." - Shouldn't the nurse have to report sending a kid home sick and telling them that they needed to stay home for X days? 

    I guess we'll see what happens when the district actually gets around to working, next week. 

    I'm not one to be all like, "I'll sue you" - but if the school feels the need to take this to court for some reason, I'll 100% get a lawyer and file some sort of counter suit for harassment. 
    Harassment and maybe unclean school conditions leading her to be sick (total stretch, but their suit would be just as bullshit, IMO)
  • Barbie, you won't go to court for three days. It's probably more of a warning. My district requires a written more and you have 3 days to turn it in.

    There are four levels of truancy and level four is court. They try to work with families so they don't move to level four. 

    Hopefully,  you will get it all sorted out.
    Thanks, NOLA. 
    I'm happy to comply with the district's requirements -as soon as they're willing to effectively communicate what they are. (whether it be a handwritten letter, a phone call, an e-mail, a form, an interpretive dance, whatever.) 
    DK 's note to the teacher/principal basically said that as first time parents in the district, the action taken (notifying the teacher via e-mail) seemed consistent with the direction given by their office - if this isn't the case, then you need to make us aware of it - preferably before sending a nastrygram threatening legal action. He copied the original (timestamped) e-mails to the teacher on this e-mail. 
    We'll see what come of it. 

  • edited March 2017
    So true. Do you have a copy of the student handbook? If not, it is probably online. It should have the attendance policy listed. If you want to check before next week.
  • I'm back, exhausted, and sick with con crud.

    K didn't get into top 12, but was only 20 points off from it (out of 240 possible).  There was a lot of fierce competition this year and the contestants were all grouped really close together in scores.  I've got some feels about some things that happened, but I'm working on letting it go.  

    There was only one big blow up and it was only tangentially related to anything going on.  K had to take a year off of school for this pageant b/c multiple reasons.  When we started dating, I wasn't super hyped about dating someone who was a student (OGs will remember issues with ex-DH and school happening all the time), but she was well on her way, so I ignored it.  Then she took the year off, but for good reasons and so I ignored it.  Well, then while at the pageant, she said she was taking another year off and I can't ignore that.  So, a long, somewhat hurtful discussion had to happen.  We worked through it and she is finishing up school.  

    We drove back in snow.  The motel was...not great.  It was so dry in OH, I'm surprised I didn't get a bloody nose.  The club was really nice, but I was so tired of being in it by the end.  
  • edited March 2017
    Hope you feel better soon @VarunaTT

     Posted too soon.

    I am trying to decide if I want to open a bottle of wine or not, finish watching the series I started or not, do the dishes or not... do the dishes and get wine as a reward?? (It's 20:30 here)
  • No snow today in TN, but cold. A week ago it was 75 and today its 35, crazy weather! My mom lives in MI and was supposed to come down tomorrow and help me move youngest DD to Atlanta for her new job. Trying to decide if roads will be good enough now.

    I'm having a hard time about DD moving, I'm happy for her but sad that she will not be around. She lived 30 min. away, and now will be 4 hours. I'm also nervous about her being alone in a new city for the first time.  She has always had roommates and now it will be her and the dog.

  • Hope you feel better soon @VarunaTT

     Posted too soon.

    I am trying to decide if I want to open a bottle of wine or not, finish watching the series I started or not, do the dishes or not... do the dishes and get wine as a reward?? (It's 20:30 here)
    How is this a question???? Open the wine and watch TV! Dishes can wait until tomorrow!!!
  • What part of TN are you in @pegasuskat? No snow here either. I was hoping we'd get some in Chatt but we rarely ever do. 

  • What part of TN are you in @pegasuskat? No snow here either. I was hoping we'd get some in Chatt but we rarely ever do. 
    Shelbyville.  We got some huge snow flakes on Saturday but nothing stuck.
  •  @sparklepants41 you are so smart.

    @pegasuskat she will be fine. 4 hours is no big deal. It is almost the perfect amount of space. Close enough for weekend visits, but far enough to develop self reliance. And she has a dog, she will be fine. :) What part of Atlanta is she moving too? In town or suburbs? 
  • What part of TN are you in @pegasuskat? No snow here either. I was hoping we'd get some in Chatt but we rarely ever do. 
    Shelbyville.  We got some huge snow flakes on Saturday but nothing stuck.
    We had a tiny bit of accumulation on Saturday night but it was gone by Sunday morning. I'd love to get one really good snow this year!

  •  @sparklepants41 you are so smart.

    @pegasuskat she will be fine. 4 hours is no big deal. It is almost the perfect amount of space. Close enough for weekend visits, but far enough to develop self reliance. And she has a dog, she will be fine. :) What part of Atlanta is she moving too? In town or suburbs? 
    Alpharetta.  Its all been very rushed, we went there on the 2nd for her interview, and she starts on the 20th. We did ride through some apartment complexes on our way home after the interview, but she's had to do everything online. It seems like a good area, just hope the apartment is nice since she could only look at pictures. She is working at her current job this week, moving Sat and starting Monday, so a whirlwind!

  • edited March 2017
    @pegasuskat I lived in Alpharetta when I first moved to Georgia. It is a nice area, very safe. The little downtown area has a farmers market each Saturday and Food trucks each Thursday in the summer. There are several good restaurants and bars in the area. It is a great first place for a young lady.

    Eta: I am sure the apartment is fine because almost everything there is less than 10 years old. But worse case scenario, she can move in a year. 
  • We just lost power and WiFi for a few minutes! And the storm hasn't even reached full strength yet - yikes!!!!
  • @charlotte989875, sorry to hear you got a rejection letter :(.  Good luck to your H, for the job he applied for.

    Hang in there to all my WW friends in the blizzard path.  @sparklepants41, if your H needs to crawl two blocks in snow to get you pie, then so be it!

    Back from Tahoe!  We had such a great time.  The scenery there is just amazing.  Our room at the hotel had a great view of the lake and mountains behind it.  We went sledding one day and snowmobiling on another day.  Neither of us had ever been on a snowmobile.  It was so fun!!!

    @MissKittyDanger, I thought of you on my trip.  I was wandering through one of the casinos and there was a Miss Kitty slot machine, lol.  I'm sure the "Danger" was implied.  After all, it was a one-armed bandit.

    We didn't get home until 11PM last night.  I am really, really wishing I'd taken today off also.  But I will persevere. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @short+sassy  hahaha that's great :')
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    The superintendent has recorded the final version of the new district lines. He's not releasing it until after 4!!!!!!!   I have zero patience. Why does he want us to know it's done, but refuses to give it out?  News crews are in our neighborhood. If they stop at my bus stop I'm going to just let 6let ride back to the bus barn. 
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    I bet the internet crashes at 4:01. It barely survives teacher assignment day and they stagger the buildings for that. 
  • 6fsn said:
    The superintendent has recorded the final version of the new district lines. He's not releasing it until after 4!!!!!!!   I have zero patience. Why does he want us to know it's done, but refuses to give it out?  News crews are in our neighborhood. If they stop at my bus stop I'm going to just let 6let ride back to the bus barn. 
    At the end of the day, Superintendents are still politicians.  Fingers crossed for you guys!
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Oh I know @kimmiinthemitten It's perfectly timed for the 5 pm news.  4 pm drop means all elementary parents will either be picking kids up at school or standing at the bus stop and the administration offices will be closed before people can process. 

    News people are lining up neighbors for pre interviews and live reactions.
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