I'm the MOH for my best friend's wedding and we've run into a couple snaffus with the darn dresses. There's 3 including me and the bride has decided on the color and length, but wants to have a little more say in the dress as far as fit ect.
I'm a pain because I'm currently pregnant and will be breastfeeding during the wedding so I need a sturdier top to support me.
We originally went to Alfred Angelo and found 3 dresses. One bridesmaid and I fell in love with 1, but the third bridesmaid really didn't like any of them.
So the bride decided to start over again and went online. We decided on dresses on jjshouse, but all the reviews scare me. Thisis especially since I really can't judge my size and the customer support lady told me to wait until a MONTH before the wedding and have all the girls order at the same time so they're the same color. That's a little tight for my liking.
All 3 bridesmaids live in different states and the bride is in the military. She currently out of the country for the next month-ish so communication is spotty (the poor thing called me from the airport when we were nailing down dresses.)
So, any recommendations as far as what others have done? I'm considering trying to talk to her about letting us just pick our own dress in the length and color, but it may be a bit before I can talk to her again.
Any success with JJshouse? Besides Alfred Angelo and David's Bridal, anyone know of a bridal salon that's across the US?
Thank you in advance!