So I have been given the task of planning the bachelorette party for a good friend of mine. I have planned one before so this usually isn't hard. This one , however, is hard because so far out of the 5 girls she told me to invited (6 girls total if I include the bride) 4 girls cannot stay overnight. This would leave me and bride to stay the night at this point if we did. Sadly no one (including me) can kick everyone out of our houses and hotel rooms for 6 people are expensive and some do not want to pay for it. Also 3 of the girls have kids and have to go home to them at the end of the night (and I respect that 100%). That being said though I am having a hard time trying to plan a bachelorette party that doesn't include all the girls staying the night. I am needing help with this now because her wedding is in September so I have to start planning it. If anyone has advice that would be great. Thank in advance for any advice.