My fiance's mother is in a nursing home and physically unable to come to our wedding. My fiance is very close to his mother so the discussion of a mother/son dance has been a difficult one. I am still going to have a father/daughter dance but we are unsure what to do for my fiance to honor his mother. We have thought of a few options: 1. Nothing at all - which seems odd to not acknowledge his mother's absence since she is still alive. 2. A dance with his sister, with photos of him and his mom playing in a slideshow - this one seems like the better option but may be emotionally hard for the both of them.
Our DJ also suggested inviting all mothers and sons to the dance floor during a dance with his sister but my fiance is not a fan of that idea since he will be the only one on the dance floor then not able to be with his mom. Our DJ also suggested my fiance dance with his mom at the nursing home and we record it on video to be played in the background during his dance with his sister but his mom is paralyzed on one side and it just wouldn't be physically possible to do this.
Has anyone done anything to honor their parent (without making it seem like he or she is deceased) that we're just not thinking of?
Our wedding is in 5 weeks so we have to make a decision soon. Turning here for hopefully some good options.
Thank you all!