Wedding Invitations & Paper

Thirty day final count?

My daughter is getting married October 13, 2018.  The caterer we are using (highly recommended by both the venue and several past clients) is requesting a 30 day final count.  In order to allow a bit of wiggle room for the late responders that might need prodding, I figure we would need RSVPs due 6 weeks prior to the wedding, and then invites sent out around 10 weeks prior.  Do you think this is too early?

Re: Thirty day final count?

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    I agree that 30 days is way to far out. We didn't have to give our daughter's caterer a hard number until one week out. Even then we could add on for an additional price if needed. I would push back with a soft count at 30 days. We only needed about a week for RSVPs (only had one person who didn't respond). If I were you and could get the caterer to agree to a soft count at 30 days, I would send the invites out at 8 weeks, RSVPs due 1 month (that would be the soft count) and hard count (you've tracked down stragglers) at 2 weeks.
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    30 days is way too far out. Our caterer said they needed the numbers two weeks ahead of time, so we set our RSVP date for 3 weeks out. We didn't even get the final invoice from the caterer until a week or so before the wedding, which was great because one of our friends found out at the super last minute he got off work so we were able to add him into the count.

    How big is your wedding? We planned for like 180 people (ended up with 130), which isn't super small, so unless your wedding is gigantic or the catering is super specific, I don't see how they could need 30 days to prep. Your guests may not know if they're able to come 6 weeks out. 
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    I would also push back on the caterer and ask when you need a hard number. There's no way they actually need a hard number 4 weeks out unless (like someone said above) it's a remote location or some extenuating circumstance. I
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    I would also tell the caterer that a headcount won't be available until closer to the wedding (say, 2 weeks).
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    Push back. That's way too early and you are the customer. Like Marie said, unless your daughter is getting married in some place where it's really hard to get supplies (like they need to be air lifted or shipped in), this request is really unreasonable. They don't need the numbers more than 2 weeks in advance - tops. 

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    Thanks everyone!  My daughter is due back in Ohio next weekend (currently doing a residency in Arizona - the joys of long distance planning!) and we will be having a tasting with the caterer.  We'll definitely push for only a "soft" number at 30 with a hard number closer to the event.  You've reinforced my belief that it IS quite early for a hard count and given me the confidence that taking a stand for a later date is not out of order :-)
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