Hi there! I am newly engaged to my awesome partner and we're getting married next year. We threw/fully hosted an engagement party (aka pizza/beer) just to celebrate with our friends (all invited to the wedding of course). Most people brought booze which they immediately placed on the booze table/fridge (common in our social sphere) so I'm not even sure who brought what. However two people did give us small gifts, which was utterly unexpected and delightful. Several of my family members have also given us gifts, though not at a specific occasion or event. Each item I received was opened in front of the giver and profuse thank yous were offered. If we'd had an engagement party were gifting was expected/implied, or this was a shower, I would know the answer to my question. In general with my friends/family I offer thanks in person and only write a thank you note if I receive the gift in the mail/open it when they are not there. However because these gifts are *~*wedding*~* related I'm not sure if the etiquette changes. I doubt too many thank you cards is ever a bad thing, and my gut says send them, but I wanted to get a pulse check from other etiquette fans. Also we did get a few engagement cards w/o a gift enclosed - normally I would not send a thank you note in such a circumstance (probably just a call or text with a hearty expression of gratitude) - but does this change too?
Thanks in advance for your help