I am just wondering if this is too much for accessories? (I am generally a less is more style person). I’m afraid I got a little crazy.
Here is a link to what my dress looks like, the headband I bought and a link to the belt/appliqué I’m thinking. The dress doesn’t look right without the belt I don’t think.
I may add pearl stud earrings and a small silver pendent.
https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/261390726/bridal-headband-bridal-ribbon-headband?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bridal%20headbands&ref=sr_gallery-1-8Sorry. Changed my mind on the dress. I Managed to change it last minute. My friend actually has a headpeice that looks like this one and offered to let me to borrow it. I prefer it to be honest. I may sell the other one. Finally, with the change in dress and headpeice I managed to get a different belt. I really like it. It’s worth the price. It really goes with the headpeice. The only thing staying the same is the pearl earrings. Hahah.