Knottie Tech Help

How long does it take to get a post "approved?"

lovesclimbinglovesclimbing member
Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited April 2018 in Knottie Tech Help
I commented in the confessions thread on a wedding Woes. It said my comment would be posted after it was approved. This was yesterday. It has yet to be posted, and the conversation has moved on. When I clicked on the thread, my post is showing as a draft. I clicked post, and it posted with no isssues. 

This is super annoying! My post had nothing in it that should have triggered some sort of approval. And if it did need to be approved, it should have been posted, not revert to a draft that I had to come back and make sure posted. 

Re: How long does it take to get a post "approved?"

  • Even though this particular thread is old, I'm having the same problem. And as lovesclimbing says, it's super annoying. Please fix it. My posts are not getting posted.
  • Even though this particular thread is old, I'm having the same problem. And as lovesclimbing says, it's super annoying. Please fix it. My posts are not getting posted.
  • This has been happening with me, on and off, all summer.  The latest "approval hell" began on August 15th, and finally resolved yesterday.  I did receive this response from @KnotHolly.......

    We believe we've found an individual workaround for this issue and have applied it directly to your account. You should be able to post now without being affected by this bug. Please let me know if you do continue to experience this, however. Again, we really appreciate your patience and hope to have a site-wide resolution soon.

    You can find more information in my response to the following threads:

    That response was a long time coming, unfortunately.  All I can suggest is that you attempt to PM her to ensure she is aware that you are one of many of us.
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