Hi there! I'm a long time lurker and first time poster--for months I have been learning so much from the wonderful advice on these boards. You have already prevented me from making etiquette blunders and I am extremely grateful and eager for more direction.
We are getting ready to send out save the dates. I am inviting some friends that I made while in grad school in the UK (I'm in the northwest US). Some of them now have partners that they got together with after I moved back, and I have not met them. I of course want to extend an invitation to their partners as well, and I'm wondering if it is appropriate to put the name of my friend and their partner on one STD and send it to the friend's address, even if they do not live together. Or is it more appropriate to find out the partner's address and send a STD directly to them, although they will be getting international mail from a person they have never met?
I would really appreciate some guidance on what is most appropriate in this situation, and making sure that the partners feel included. (As a side note, I also like the idea of sending one STD to both to save a little on international shipping costs, but we'll certainly do what's polite and etiquette-approved.)
Thanks, hit me with your knowledge!