Wedding Woes

Happy Turkey Eve!

mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment
edited November 2018 in Wedding Woes
Who's here today?

Everyone got their Thanksgiving pants ready.  Tomorrow is definitely a leggings day.  :)  

I embarrassed DefConn this morning by singing and dancing to "I don't want to work (I want to bang on the drum)" while waiting for the bus.  Definitely leveled up in parenting.  :D 

Watching last night's Below Deck and cringing because they are so awful.  My co-worker who also watches the show is out today and I sent him a FB message telling I was sad he wasn't here to discuss.  

Re: Happy Turkey Eve!

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    I’m at work, but at least we have a 3pm dismissal! I’m hoping by the time I make it to Wegmans it won’t be horribly busy. Half the office is already out and I only have one meeting on my schedule. 

    At least I have Michelle Obama’s book to listen to while I finish up a project. 

    Mother than that just prepping for tomorrow. 
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    I'm here. I did not get to watch Below Deck yet! Dying to see it. 

    We're having a work Thanksgiving potluck for lunch today. I made my sausage stuffing. 

    Our house is a WRECK. All of the old siding has been pulled down and they're putting up new insulation. I've already warned my relatives not to be alarmed when they arrive tomorrow..haha. But on the plus side, our new front door is in! 

    My parents are coming down today, and thankfully my mom will help me tonight with all the last minute cleaning I want to do. 
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    We're also having a Thanksgiving potluck today, complete with mimosas at some point this morning and get to leave at 2. I'm also currently rocking leggings, a hoodie and Uggs in the office, so I'm pretty happy. Except it's still open enrollment and my clients are making me do actual work today.

    I still need to get to Wegmans and the liquor store at some point today. Need to stock up on wine for tomorrow and champagne for Saturday (my birthday!). 
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    Here......and procrastinating.  This is an "off" Thanksgiving year in which most of the family goes to the "alternate" respective sides.  I have 9 for dinner this year and have barely started food preparations.  Last year, DS, his wife, and her folks came in for Thanksgiving.  It was an "on" year, so I had 18 for dinner, AND hosted a Thanksgiving eve dinner (pizza and salad easy, but still.....) for another 20 who wanted to stop and say "hello" to the out-of-towners.

    I really should get moving.......
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    Work today. I’m officially sick. Boo. I think I’d feel better except Jack was an asshole all night. Dude has zero chill. Even Squish can relax and he’s the baby of the family. Lol. I also have a bad feeling I’ll be floated to another department, so that will make today even better. I work tomorrow but I got a bunch of pre-pared stuff to celebrate with FI when I get home. Looking forward to rolls and sweet potatoes the most. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

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    Ugh all of the commentary would drive me crazy @6fsn.  I’m off today (yay Catholic schools) and the kids are off (boo catholic schools) so I’m trying to get some cooking done now.  Although more of what I’m bringing kind of has to be made day of, so I’ll just chip away where I can. 
    Safe travels to anyone who has far to go!
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    I'm here and working today.  No early dismissal for us - boo!  I do have Friday off this year because I'm not in a patient area (clinic is open) so that's good.  I'm going to ring bells for Salvation Army on Friday and also hope to get some shopping done.  

    We will go to my Aunt's house tomorrow for evening meal.  I'm bringing a salad (I asked, she said salad but didn't provide a recipe - ha!).

    Work has been stressful so I'm really looking forward to a 4 day weekend.
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    short+sassyshort+sassy member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited November 2018

    @cupcait927, happy early birthday!  Mine was actually yesterday.

    My present to myself was taking the day off work, lol.  Though I did go grocery shopping for the stuff we hadn't already gotten.  I was surprised how busy the store was at 3:00 in the afternoon.  On the bright side, they were having a great special.  With a $30 purchase, customers could buy a ham (any size) for $6.  So now we're set for Christmas dinner also, lol.  Edited to add: That's at Winn Dixie at the special is good through today.

    Originally, we were planning to smoke a turkey breast.  But, on Monday, they were giving away free turkeys at a park a block away from me.  So now my H is on board with cooking a whole turkey this year.  Since one "fell into his lap" (his words).  A whole turkey was always my preference, so I was happy to hear him say that :).

    I am at work today, but only until noon.  Then it's the start of my 4-day weekend!  Yeahers!  I really don't have any plans for it.  We might go out to dinner a couple times.  I want to do some organizing around the house.  And definitely lots of relaxing.  One of my traditions is, the day after TG, I'll whip up some low-sugar apple cider and leave it on low in the crockpot to enjoy all weekend.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Thanks @short+sassy! And happy birthday to you as well!
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    Last night my mom called to let me know that she just found out my dad's acute rehab benefits are expiring at the beginning of December. This means he has to be transferred to a sub-acute facility where he will get less therapy than he needs. He is not able to get out of bed without substantial help from staff and is not able to bathe himself. And his memory has continued its steep nosedive trajectory. With less care in the new facility his MS will continue to decline. He is also only covered for 20 days in the sub-acute facility. We aren't sure when he will be able to come home - if at all. 

    I just want to cancel Thanksgiving and stay in bed all day. 
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    So sorry Sparkle. All the (((hugs.)))
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    I’m so sorry @sparklepants41. That’s infuriating.

    Happy birthday @short+sassy and @cupcait927
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    Last night my mom called to let me know that she just found out my dad's acute rehab benefits are expiring at the beginning of December. This means he has to be transferred to a sub-acute facility where he will get less therapy than he needs. He is not able to get out of bed without substantial help from staff and is not able to bathe himself. And his memory has continued its steep nosedive trajectory. With less care in the new facility his MS will continue to decline. He is also only covered for 20 days in the sub-acute facility. We aren't sure when he will be able to come home - if at all. 

    I just want to cancel Thanksgiving and stay in bed all day. 

    Man :(.  I am so sorry to hear that, @sparklepants41.  I wish for your family, and for so many families!, that there were real answers.

    I don't know why the "rule" is 20 days.  But my mom recently faced that with my grandma.  My grandma is on Medicare and, when she broke her ribs a few months ago, she also ended up needing to go to rehab care center and she was also only covered there for 20 days.  At least it was never a question that she'd be healed enough to leave at some point.  But she did need to stay longer and I think my mom sucked it up and paid out of pocket, until she was actually ready to leave the rehab center.  Grandma is back at my mom's house now and is doing much better.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Sparkle, I'm sorry! 
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    Sparkle - I'm sorry about your dad.  Is there anyone who can advocate to the insurance company to extend the acute rehab benefits?  Or can an outside person come to the subacute rehab to give your dad extra PT or other therapy while there?

    I'm just here counting down the time to leave.  I've had a few small projects, but nothing crazy.  I should probably put in some time.  I was hoping for a 3 PM dismissal, but they haven't announced anything yet.  We were only told that we could use today as our weekly jeans day since we are off Friday. Uh, I was going to wear jeans anyway! 

    I somehow did my Crate & Barrel trip to the mall and Wegmans within an hour yesterday.  It was a Thanksgiving miracle!  I parked crazy far away at Wegmans and left the opposite direction of everyone else, even though its a farther trip.

    Tonight I am taking my niece to pick out her birthday gift from us.  Tomorrow is only a few things to make for TG dinner.  Friday will be shopping.  Saturday morning is TG breakfast with the ILs and maybe getting the Christmas tree.  Sunday is who knows!

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    Sparkle - I'm sorry about your dad.  Is there anyone who can advocate to the insurance company to extend the acute rehab benefits?  Or can an outside person come to the subacute rehab to give your dad extra PT or other therapy while there?

    I'm just here counting down the time to leave.  I've had a few small projects, but nothing crazy.  I should probably put in some time.  I was hoping for a 3 PM dismissal, but they haven't announced anything yet.  We were only told that we could use today as our weekly jeans day since we are off Friday. Uh, I was going to wear jeans anyway! 

    I somehow did my Crate & Barrel trip to the mall and Wegmans within an hour yesterday.  It was a Thanksgiving miracle!  I parked crazy far away at Wegmans and left the opposite direction of everyone else, even though its a farther trip.

    Tonight I am taking my niece to pick out her birthday gift from us.  Tomorrow is only a few things to make for TG dinner.  Friday will be shopping.  Saturday morning is TG breakfast with the ILs and maybe getting the Christmas tree.  Sunday is who knows!

    We are trying to see what we can do. He has a case manager & my mom is a PT so she's been doing a lot of pushing & advocating. He also needs OT and speech but hopefully we can get him approved for outside care to come into the new facility. 
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