Wedding Woes

It's Already Wednesday!

Amazing how quickly a week goes when you don't go to work on Monday! LOL 

Stones tickets go on sale in an hour and 23 minutes. I think I have a strategy. And possibly an anxiety attack. 
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Re: It's Already Wednesday!

  • woohoo! Good luck with those. I hate hate HATE how fast tickets sell out.

    I have my therapist appt today.  I had to move it to today instead of yesterday because I waited ALL DAY for someone to send me contracts that needed a quick turn around so I didn't want to leave at lunch if they came.  I should have had them before noon. Got them at 2.  So annoyed because I could have made the appt had I known! 

    Then after work my retalk appt with the plastic surgeon.  Busy day for a lousy Wednesday. 

  • So, my log-in is working, but the screen load is wonky as heck.  There are links running down the left side, then the board shows up, then more links down the left side under the board.  C'mon, Knot Gods, we've been through this more than a few times.

    Starting a new meal plan today.  Fingers crossed, b/c this one seems good.  There's a lot of "Oh, this actually makes 4 servings for an individual, so we're going to go ahead and use it up for lunches and another dinner".  Which means I'm not cooking every damn day.  So hopefully that helps.  Both my waistline and our budget could use the relief from eating out all the time.  My waistline more importantly; I'm back up to my pre-divorce weight.

    I have figured out 4 people's gifts.  I'm just getting my parents an IHOP GC.  It's not magical, but they'll use it.  Older people are just hard to buy for.  I've got 3 things picked out for K:  a fanny pack they'll love (seriously, how am I dating a human that loves fanny packs?), a unicorn onesie thing, and a nice tea sampler.  It's all the silliest stuff, but they'll like it all.  K's dad just commented that he wants to get into fermentation more; we had been at a bookstore and K commented they wanted to get their dad a fermentation book, so voila.  Now we just have K's mom and grandmother left.  I think.  I hope.  Thank goodness I didn't sign up for Secret Santa or I'd just be the worst.

    SSDD at work.  One of my terrible clients requested to be transferred away from my team b/c we were rude.  None of us have been rude, I even plastered a damn smile on my face while on the phone so I wouldn't be yesterday.  Client doesn't like what I'm telling them, well those are the facts and those facts are not changeable.  #sorrynotsorry  Can't be transferred, which is fine.  I have secret fantasies of client firing us, which will open a can of worms for said client.  Client thinks they're smarter than us.  Client is not.  But go ahead and try, client.
  • @Varunatt- What plan? I refuse to cook every day.  I cook 2 and we eat leftovers 2 days.  Of course I have to keep upping the amount I cook because holy cow these kids eat.  I now need 3 lbs of meat for 2 nights of meals. 

    The kids are all GONE today.  I needed this people break.  So speaking of the kids eating all the food, I spent the morning prepping to keep their bellies full.  3 loaves of fruit bread, 2 loaves of dinner bread, 2 batches of pizza crust, granola bars, lara bars, peanut butter bars, and portioned and filled their snack bins. 

    I'm going out after lunch to pick up our Christmas cards and try to find some new jeans.  In good/bad news 2 pairs of "loose" fit style fall off and the skinnies are now loose fit. 

    I'm an idiot and agreed to be team admin for 6let's futsal team.  At least that's only a 3 month commitment.

  • We have about a foot of snow and it’s still snowing. The drive took me twice as long but at least it’s pretty. 

    H is (supposedly) coming home today but he will have to drive through the worst of the snow so we’ll see. Poor dog misses him a lot. He looks for him every night and again in the morning. 

  • I feel unprepared for today. I can’t wait for it to be over. I could use another two hours of sleep too. There’s a rumor it’s going to rain tonight and all day tomorrow which is good and bad, because we need the rain, but it’s going to cause flooding and hinder recovery efforts in the fire stricken areas. 

    Last night we we set up the Christmas tree. Fingers crossed the cats don’t destroy it. Jack has seen a tree before but he was being naughty and trying to smack the ornaments. Squish was trying to eat the skirt so we had to remove that until we get some presents on top of it. Who knows, he’ll probaby eat the presents too. 

  • Good luck with the meal plan @VarunaTT@6fsn, that all sounds so good! Especially the fruit bread if it's what I think it is.... and buying new jeans because you need smaller ones isn't a bad thing =) I was super happy to find a few pair at macy's for 17.99 each since I hope this isn't my smallest size either. 

    So last week I was wfh on Wed and set my "weekend" timer to Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun to remember to take my bcp....I forgot to set it back to only the weekends and it just went off now at work.  Oopsies. 

  • Holy, GD s**t (insert many more 4-letter words)!!!!!  So, we got the canopy off my pick-up truck yesterday.  I'm scheduled to pick-up my Sam's Club couch today.  I went to pull up my order because, while I could still pick it up today, I would prefer to do it on Fri.  We have our friend all squared away and set up for either time.  We have things coordinated to move the old couch and pick-up the new one.  Oh yes!  It is a lot to coordinate when we are talking about furniture.

    When I go to pull up the info right before I call the club, I see there is an e-mail from this morning that my order was cancelled.  I called customer service and was basically told, "Yup, sorrynotsorry.  We could care less.  Whatever.  It's sold out.  Despite the fact that you ordered it."  I mean, the CSR was perfectly nice and didn't say those words and I understand there is nothing she can do about it.  But that is a paraphrase of exactly the company's attitude.

    I.AM.LIVID!  I am "completely cancel my membership and never have one again" livid.  I am just so mad about all the trouble I've gone to and time I've spent on this for nothing.  Their conduct is outrageous. 

    My day was going well.  I know I need to just get over it and calm back down, for my own good.  I'm working on it, but still have a ways to go, lol.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I meal plan every week.  I do it while I make a shopping list.  I cook most nights, but usually around Weds or Thur, we do an 'easy' dinner...leftovers or whatnot.  DH and I both eat leftovers for lunch almost every day.  We try to eat out or order in only twice a month or so.  

    It's still fuh-reezing.  It's going to be 60 and rainy by Sunday.  I'm sure my sinuses are going to be really happy with that BS. 

    Pretty much SSDD.  Trying to focus on work vs. everything else on the interwebz.  It's not going well, LOL. 
  • What a load of bunk @short+sassy .   Can you go further up the food chain with their CS to see what they'll offer and if not take to social media to blast them? 

    SSDD here.   I'm trying to stay on top of what we need to do for work for month end.   

    Chiquita turns 8 in less than a week and I totally goofed on planning a kid party.   I'm not into renting out full places so I emailed the moms of her two best friends to get something together and the mom I'm closer to hasn't responded yet.   It's totally my fault for waiting until the last minute but I'm frustrated trying to figure out what time works best for this small guest list.   We have family coming Saturday night.   Luckily family for a kid birthday means something easy like baked ziti. 
  • @6fsn, @mrsconn23, I HATE meal planning.  With a damn passion.  So basically when I look for a meal plan, I'm like "give me menus and give me a shopping list".  I'm still burnt out from being broke AF with exH and taking care of everything that I'll start having a panic attack if I actually sit down and start trying to plan the actual meals and then create an actual shopping list myself (since it was "this needs to be kept as cheap and healthy as possible" which isn't terrible, just time consuming) and then go shopping.  I'm hoping that starts to pass at some point; I continue to be in awe of how much baggage my previous relationship has left me with.

    So, I've had friends who have had good luck with the keto diet.  I basically picked out the cookbook like this, "Which one has the best/most meals plans with shopping lists."  I found one that honestly, i think is the best diet cookbook I might've ever found.  1.  The meal plan is actually for one person, but she uses up the leftovers in the meal plan!  Hallelujah.  So I just doubled it for K and me and moved forward.  2.  3 different meal plans, all 3 plans cover all meals, and each meal plan is a month long.  So basically 3 months worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and shopping lists.  I was in.  I know that it's gimmicky and I know all the nutrition science bloggers I follow would probably yell at me, but I always had good luck on South Beach and most of the recipes seem fairly similar to that and I couldn't find a South Beach plan like this.  Also...this stupid coffee with butter in it actually tastes really good and I'm slightly miffed about that.  :D  I really would like to start performing, but I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin right now that I need to work on that.  I'd like to lose about 40 pounds and then I'll be able to think about being on stage more.  
  • The owner of my company passed away today, so it's a pretty somber day here. I feel awful for my colleagues, as many of them have worked for him for the 10,15, even 20 years. He was such a nice man - well known and loved, and very respected in this industry. It's a huge loss. 

    So, other than that, just trying to plug along. This head cold is just doesn't want to pass. 
  • I cook every day too.  The kids are thankfully good eaters (aka willing to eat whatever’s in front of them, lol) but they like change.  Although there are sneaky repeats.  I may roast a chicken on Sunday and then make chicken tacos on different enough for the kids but not much effort on my end. I genuinely enjoy meal planning (and thinking about food in any way).
    Ugh that’s really frustrating @short+sassy! And yay for figuring out your gifts @VarunaTT.  Hope you got tickets @ShesSoCold! And sorry for your loss @climbingwife

  • The owner of my company passed away today, so it's a pretty somber day here. I feel awful for my colleagues, as many of them have worked for him for the 10,15, even 20 years. He was such a nice man - well known and loved, and very respected in this industry. It's a huge loss. 

    So, other than that, just trying to plug along. This head cold is just doesn't want to pass. 

    Oh no!  I'm sorry to hear that.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • yeah @shessocold, update us with the ticket status!
    @short+sassy you have every right to be angered! I would definitely take it up to the top dogs.  Be like "find me this couch, or comp a comparable one or you're going to lose a very valued customer". 
    @climbingwife, so sorry for your loss :(  was it sudden?

  • I'm sorry for your loss, Climbingwife.

  • I am out for a friend’s birthday. Except I am the only one here and we were supposed to meet 30 minutes ago. ::grumpyface::
  • @climbingwife I'm so sorry for your loss. 

    @short+sassy that is a seriously large load of bullshit right there. I would be livid too!

    @ShesSoCold aaahhhhh! Congrats on scoring Stones tickets! 

    Had a dentist appointment today - no cavities! Woo! And the cafe downstairs was serving french omelettes at lunch, which totally made my day. It's the little things. 
  • @ShesSoCold, congrats on the great Stones tickets!

    With the Stones release of their concert schedule/tickets today...the plot thickens for their appearance at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.

    May 2nd in New Orleans was not listed on their schedule.  But then, they probably wouldn't be able to officially announce it yet because Jazz Fest hasn't officially announced any of the performers.  But the Stones will be nearby in Houston on April 28th.  Hmmmm.

    More intrigue.  A Brass Pass is a special pass people can buy that allows them unlimited entry to Jazz Fest for all the days.  But, this year, May 2nd is an exclusion.  That's a separate ticket, not included in the Brass Pass.  Pretty unusual.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Thanks everyone. It was pretty sudden. We all knew that he hadn't been feeling well lately, but none of us expected this. I last saw him on Wednesday. 
  • Sorry to hear about the owner Climbingwife :( 
  • @ShesSoCold, congrats on the great Stones tickets!

    With the Stones release of their concert schedule/tickets today...the plot thickens for their appearance at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.

    May 2nd in New Orleans was not listed on their schedule.  But then, they probably wouldn't be able to officially announce it yet because Jazz Fest hasn't officially announced any of the performers.  But the Stones will be nearby in Houston on April 28th.  Hmmmm.

    More intrigue.  A Brass Pass is a special pass people can buy that allows them unlimited entry to Jazz Fest for all the days.  But, this year, May 2nd is an exclusion.  That's a separate ticket, not included in the Brass Pass.  Pretty unusual.

    Yeah and there's nine days until the next show, which is more than the rest of the schedule. 

    Mick actually mentioned New Orleans on some instagram thing (I didn't see it, I know nothing about Instagram) so I'd be willing to bet money it's a done deal. 

    And yeah, the Stones don't let anyone get anything for cheap. I bet 5/2 tickets will be very expensive.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I’m so sorry climbingwife. That’s got to be a huge shock. 
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited November 2018

    @ShesSoCold, congrats on the great Stones tickets!

    With the Stones release of their concert schedule/tickets today...the plot thickens for their appearance at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.

    May 2nd in New Orleans was not listed on their schedule.  But then, they probably wouldn't be able to officially announce it yet because Jazz Fest hasn't officially announced any of the performers.  But the Stones will be nearby in Houston on April 28th.  Hmmmm.

    More intrigue.  A Brass Pass is a special pass people can buy that allows them unlimited entry to Jazz Fest for all the days.  But, this year, May 2nd is an exclusion.  That's a separate ticket, not included in the Brass Pass.  Pretty unusual.

    Yeah and there's nine days until the next show, which is more than the rest of the schedule. 

    Mick actually mentioned New Orleans on some instagram thing (I didn't see it, I know nothing about Instagram) so I'd be willing to bet money it's a done deal. 

    And yeah, the Stones don't let anyone get anything for cheap. I bet 5/2 tickets will be very expensive.

    On the bright side, that's not how Jazz Fest tickets usually work.  It's one price, the same price, for any one day admission ticket.  They were somewhere in the range of $75-$85/person/day last year, at the gate (general admission).  I think $60, if they were bought in advance.  Something like that. 

    They did add one extra day to the festival next year, which is where I think they are getting off in excluding 5/2.  However, the day they added was 4/25.  Though I do think they are using the Stones hype to make 5/2 the exclusion day, instead of 4/25.  Especially since the big headliners don't usually play on Thursdays.

    But Jazz Fest does pull in big headliners every year on multiple days.  So, while I realize this might sound like blasphemy to you lol, the Stones aren't an unusually big headliner for this event.

    And, pros vs. cons depending on your POV, it's a music festival.  Not a concert.  It's a huge open field, with multiple stages, and no assigned seating.  Just wherever you can squeeze a blanket or chairs in.  So, unless you spend big bucks on VIP seating or something like that, you have to get there right when the gates open and expect to camp out all day at the main stage where the popular headliner will be.  There will at least be other acts throughout the day at that stage.  If you go later, you'll be pretty far from the stage where you may not be able to see or hear them very well, except on monitors/through speakers.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I went to Jazz Fest in 2010 - I think? It was insanely muddy and super hard to get around. But I did get a good spot for Simon &  Garfunkel so I was happy. What I also loved was all the live music happening that weekend as well too. Lots of fun late night shows also. 
  • Really sorry for your loss @climbingwife
  • I went to Jazz Fest in 2010 - I think? It was insanely muddy and super hard to get around. But I did get a good spot for Simon &  Garfunkel so I was happy. What I also loved was all the live music happening that weekend as well too. Lots of fun late night shows also. 

    Not to be all anti-Jazz Fest...because it's great to experience at least once...  but I think the weather makes it tough.  It's either a beautiful, sunny day.  Which feels hot and scorching after 2-3 hours.  Or it rains.  And it always rains on at least a couple days.  Turning that huge field with thousands of people walking all over it, into a big messy mud pit.

    I actually live right by it, but I haven't gone in years.  I just can't take it all day like that.  They used to stamp your hand and let people leave and come back.  But stopped allowing re-entry a long time ago.  I keep threatening my H that, one of these days when we are rolling in dough, we'll buy the $600/person all-access pass so we can just come and go as we please for the festival.  That would actually be pretty heavenly.  We could go home and nap/relax between bands we wanted to see.  I can usually hear one of the stages from my porch, though it's not the main one.  So that is the freebie I can sometimes soak in, if it's a band I like.  And drink my own beer and water that doesn't cost $5-$8/per, lol.   

    You make a great point about all the awesome music surrounding the event.  Jazz Fest ends each day shortly after it gets dark.  So there are tons of concerts and live shows going on all over the city, at night.  Plus, if you're lucky, every year stories abound of people hanging out at "this" random bar or "that" random bar...and a famous singer in town for Jazz Fest wanders in and sings a song or two.

    Not Jazz Fest, but this recently happened with Christina Aguilera.  Or it almost did, lol.  She was in town for her concert.  The night before it, she was hanging out at a bar/nightclub on Frenchmen St. (area right outside the Quarter).  She went up and asked the singer for the band performing if she could join him for a couple songs.  But he told her no!  Later on, when the incident became viral, he said he hadn't realized who she was and was confused about what she was even asking to do.  He thought she wanted to come on the stage and dance, but there really wasn't room for that.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @climbingwife, I'm very sorry for your loss.
  • Jazz Fest was great many years ago, but I agree it's usually very hot and the tickets are too expensive now. However, I haven't been in about 7 years. I recommend it to people for their first visit to Nola, if they don't want to come during Mardi Gras.
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