So other post has me curious. I know we all use nicknames, but how did you get your kid's name?
If you have no kids, do you have names you like and would use if you had a kid?
Pet names can be included.
BabyKitten's name is actually the female version of my dad's name. Except for her last name, she actually [unintentionally] has the same initials as him and her name/1st middle name are both female versions of his.
Angel {cat} was named after "Angel" by Shaggy. His middle name is Alowishes because I would hum "it's all about you" by McFly a lot when he was a kitten and he liked the lyric "and I would grant all of your wishes, if you asked me to"
Penny - actually named after Penny from Big Bang Theory. My mum refers to her as Lady Penelope Garcia, so her middle name is Garcia from Criminal Minds lmao