Wedding Woes

Kid Names {open to all}

So other post has me curious. I know we all use nicknames, but how did you get your kid's name?

If you have no kids, do you have names you like and would use if you had a kid?

Pet names can be included.

BabyKitten's name is actually the female version of my dad's name. Except for her last name, she actually [unintentionally] has the same initials as him and her name/1st middle name are both female versions of his.

Angel {cat} was named after "Angel" by Shaggy. His middle name is Alowishes because I would hum "it's all about you" by McFly a lot when he was a kitten and he liked the lyric "and I would grant all of your wishes, if you asked me to"

Penny - actually named after Penny from Big Bang Theory. My mum refers to her as Lady Penelope Garcia, so her middle name is Garcia from Criminal Minds lmao

Re: Kid Names {open to all}

  • Chiquita we finally decided the day I was induced.   We didn't have a girl name and finally agreed we loved the name we gave her as her first.   Her middle name is my mom's first name.

    For Chiquito we knew we were having a boy.   His first name is my dad's first name and his middle name is FIL's first name.  It also happens to be DH's middle name. 

  • We're having a girl in February. I've kept a list of girl names on my phone since H and I got married because there are so few that he likes. When we found out baby is a girl, I pulled my phone out, read through a few until I got to the name we picked and he said "I like it, let's go with it". Her middle name is my grandmother's first name. 

    If baby had been a boy, he would've been a Junior but gone by the nickname version of his middle name. My husband and his father are both Bill and to have a third also going by Bill or Billy would've been too much. Plus the middle name is the first name of my MIL's father, and he went by the nickname version so it honored both sides. And the nickname is only boy name I like. 

    My one dog is named after Fred Jackson, a former Buffalo Bills player. Our other dog came with her name and we never changed it. I'm not a fan but she knew her name and I felt bad trying to change it.
  • When I was early on dating my Husband I clearly remember we were ice skating and had a casual name conversation and he told me the name he always liked and would like to name a girl if he ever had one. I also liked the name and it stuck.

    He mentioned the name for my second daughter and it was my great grandmas name and coincidentally the street name he grew up on as well.

    We had a boy name picked out as well that we landed on after a lot of back and forth but never used it.
  • I can only go by the "kids" names I picked when I was a child myself, lol.  Because, by the time I was in my mid-20s, I knew I did not want children.

    But my favorite girl's names have always been Charlotte and Gwendolyn...though I prefer the shortened version Gwen.  No family connection whatsoever.  I just like them.  My favorite boy's name is Scott.  No family connection either.  Though I never gave much thought to boys names.  I don't have strong feelings, either way, for most of them.

    My parents didn't have any boys.  But, if they had, he would have been named after my dad.  My dad, who was pretty easygoing with most things, was adamant about that.  Though he used to joke to me and my sister that, if we had been a boy, he would have named us Frank with a Ph, ie Phrank.

    Our dog Izzy, came from the pound with that name.  We thought about changing it, but decided Izzy was fine.  It's short.  It's a fun word.  However, later, we lengthened it to Izzifer Ignatious.  Not that we actually call her that.  But that's our "joke" name we use when we're pretending to scold her (but with a nice tone).  Like, "Izzifer Ignatious (our last name)!  What are you doing near the cat's food?"

    Izzifer Ignatious is just also funny because, for one, Ignatious is a boy's name and she is a girl dog.  And, for two, it has a pompous sound to it.  But there is nothing pompous about Izzy, lmao.  She is just a super happy, easy to please, goof all the time.
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  • VarunaTTVarunaTT member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2019
    Francesca Rae -- B/c I loved the movie The Red Violin and I loved the nickname Cesca, but I wanted a gravitas name for a woman. Rae is my grandmother's middle name.

    Joseph Holmes -- Joe is my grandfather's nickname and I love Sherlock Holmes.

    ETA:  these are for my never going to exist children.
  • @short+sassy  I think you've mentioned about the Izzifer Ignatious part - cracks me up.
    When the song "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga came out, I use to sing {drunkenly} "Angel bearto" lmao
  • H and I actually have pretty similar taste in names, which I think is making our search a little more difficult.  We started with a baby name book and the social security name list from last year and marked all the ones we liked. And since we're not finding out the sex we need both.  We currently have probably 30 names for each sex on a list that's not really getting narrowed down yet.  I'm sure we'll go to the hospital with 3 or 4 of each and decide at the last minute. 

    Middle names will likely be family names - our grandparents all have names we like and it's a little more meaning for us those.  
  • In recent years, I've liked the name Mazikeen and Maze for short.  I do like the names anyway, but also a lot of that is because I have a huge girl crush on the Mazikeen character from Lucifer, lol.

    For those who have not seen the show.  She is a demon who is the Devil's right hand woman.  She's super hot, though the (below) pics aren't her usual sexy outfits.  But she also has a great character that has evolved over time.  She was initially super cut-throat and would make these dry-wit outrageous statements, that she doesn't even realize are outrageous because she's used to being in Hell and not the human world.

    And while she is still delightfully wicked she has, to small extent, come to appreciate humans a bit more and her character is a little softened.  The pics below is when she is excitedly telling one of her few human friends that she has discovered the best job...being a bounty hunter.  Another funny twist in the show is one of her favorite people is the main character's 9-year-old daughter.  They have totally bonded, despite her being a demon and the daughter being a sweet and loving little girl.  

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  • I always loved flower names, so if I had kids I'd want three girls and have Rose, Lily, and either Violet or Ivy.  But I'm not having kids, so might get some animals named that.
    I always have so many rabbits, so I do themes with them.  I had the four rabbits of the apocalypse last theme (so Pestilence, Famine, Strife, and Morte), and right now I'm doing an Adventures of Sinbad theme.  So I've got Doubar, Sinbad, Talia, Dermott, and I had a Bryn (all characters from the show from the 90s). 

  • kerbohl said:
    I always loved flower names, so if I had kids I'd want three girls and have Rose, Lily, and either Violet or Ivy.  But I'm not having kids, so might get some animals named that.
    I always have so many rabbits, so I do themes with them.  I had the four rabbits of the apocalypse last theme (so Pestilence, Famine, Strife, and Morte), and right now I'm doing an Adventures of Sinbad theme.  So I've got Doubar, Sinbad, Talia, Dermott, and I had a Bryn (all characters from the show from the 90s). 
    I like flower names also!

    And I am really laughing and enjoying that you named four sweet, fuzzy, and adorable little bunnies after four of the signs of the apocalypse!  From those choices, I think Pestilence is my favorite name for a rabbit. 
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  • Charlotte (our cat) was already named when I got her from the SPCA but I think it fits her. Our dog is Charlie Kelley. The husband named him. 
  • The kiddo's name was HAAAaaard.  THe fact that we have an unusual/'funny' last name colored things a bit; something traditional was kinda our starting point.

    Does anyone remember the movie/play "Harvey"? Jimmy Stewart. About the invisible 6' white rabbit/pooka?
    At one point the shrink who is trying to get Stewart's character to admit Harvey is imaginary quizzes him about the name Harvey--doesn't he have a harvey in his past? childhood friend? that's why his invisible wish-granting-fairy-rabbit-friend is named Harvey?
    And he explains that, no--he actually liked that name BECAUSE he never knew anyone with it.  That he had always liked it and felt it had so so much potential because it was a complete unknown.  Hence giving it the name Harvey.
    That's how I always feel about the kiddo's name.

    (That and the family name I'd be most eager to use is 'Vada', and the mr. hates it.  And "Ruby" which...I just like but has some family baggage (and that is not what my kid is--she could be a Vada, but never a Ruby).  And Ruby is less what I want and more one I had a strong dejavu dream moment that's to real to completely dismiss, even like 8 years later.  Still stuck)
    Our 1 cat is named "Duff" because we knew he was an ass from day 1.  So very Simpsons, he is also sometimes Duffman.

    The 2nd cat is named Nova because she's a torbie and has super interesting birthplace of stars markings.
  • Charlotte (our cat) was already named when I got her from the SPCA but I think it fits her. Our dog is Charlie Kelley. The husband named him. 
    My husband would love that name. 
  • My sister stole the name I wanted to have if I were to ever have kids.  My mom’s name.  But actually, not having kids was fine by me so we’re all good.

  • @GBCK I feel when people have odd last names, the parents need to be nicer.
    Friend of mine's last name rhymed with his first name. Kids at school loved yelling it at the mall, but he was not thrilled.
    He one day asked his estranged father "wtf were you thinking with this last name?!"

    Also, I adorreeee "Harvey"! I wanted a pooka for the longest time lmao {also ... young Jimmy Stewart ;) }
  • Charlotte (our cat) was already named when I got her from the SPCA but I think it fits her. Our dog is Charlie Kelley. The husband named him. 
    My husband would love that name. 
    I knew someone else would get that!! And the dog is so much Charlie from Always Sunny; a little dumb but always happy, except when REALLY sad
  • kerbohl said:
    I always loved flower names, so if I had kids I'd want three girls and have Rose, Lily, and either Violet or Ivy.  But I'm not having kids, so might get some animals named that.
    I always have so many rabbits, so I do themes with them.  I had the four rabbits of the apocalypse last theme (so Pestilence, Famine, Strife, and Morte), and right now I'm doing an Adventures of Sinbad theme.  So I've got Doubar, Sinbad, Talia, Dermott, and I had a Bryn (all characters from the show from the 90s). 
    I like flower names also!

    And I am really laughing and enjoying that you named four sweet, fuzzy, and adorable little bunnies after four of the signs of the apocalypse!  From those choices, I think Pestilence is my favorite name for a rabbit. 
    We called her "Pest" for short and she really decided to live up to that nickname.  I loved that rabbit but goodness was she trouble!  

  • Honestly? I would read lists of names out loud off the interwebs, and we'd write down ones we both said "ok, maybe," to. We had a very hard time agreeing. We'd also run by each other names we thought of that we each liked. But the names for both our children came from reading lists on nameberry or whatever site. Middle names so far have had some sort of family tie - either a family member's middle name or part of a family member's name (think Joan and using Jo as a middle name). 
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