Wedding Woes

MONDAY again???


Re: MONDAY again???

  • Feel better @cupcait927. Pregnancy is the worst in the sense that you can’t take anything when you’re sick. Even Tylenol is getting taken off the table now. 

    Today is my first day at my home location for the new job. Training is still a little up in the air so I’m not sure when I’ll be back after today. Tomorrow through Friday I’m supposed to be at the corporate location for computer training, but we’ll see how that goes. There’s also no one here to train me so I’ll most likely have to go to one of the other locations for that. 

    Even though we had four days off I still feel like I could use another rest day. Thanksgiving was fun but it‘a always a lot of work, even when I’m not hosting. I hope everyone has a good start to the week. We can officially decorate for Christmas now. 

  • @levioosa What, tylenol is being blacklisted as well?! I rarely take Tylenol because I find it doesn't do much for me (ibuprofen works far better and of course is off the list) but dang. I've been using Cold Eeze sparingly and just pounding water.

    @VarunaTT So glad to hear that surgery went well and that you're recovering nicely! 
  • I'm glad it all went well @VarunaTT!

    Our weekend was insane.  We were so busy.  We had a good time, but now I need my weekend from my weekend.  ;) 

    I have gotten my Christmas shopping underway.  Now I need to start wrapping.  

    It's Prudie Monday, since a column was posted on Thursday.  :) 
  • @cupcait927 yes, it’s starting to be linked to adverse neurodevelopmental effects like ADHD. As of yet I don’t think there is a specific guideline to avoid it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they come out with new recommendations soon. The last I saw (as of 2017) was that it has been linked but that if someone really needs it not to avoid it. Obviously any meds should be cleared through your OBGYN.

  • I'm working from home today, thanks to a snow storm!  

    I got some good Cyber Monday deals, so most of my Xmas shopping is done now. 

    Thanksgiving was fantastic, though I feel like I'm still recovering. 
  • @cupcait927 talk to your pharmacist about what you can take. I had a horrible sinus cold while pregnant {just barely in 2nd tri} and the pharmacist was able to show me thing that were safe.
    Rest and tea!

    @levioosa +1 to why is tylenol being removed? When I was pregnant, regular strength was okay
  • Woke up Saturday with awful sore throat - assumed nasal drip because I could feel the phlegm. Did minimal because it made me sick to my stomach.

    Sunday did costco and did not feel much better. Got meds and just chilled.

    BabyKitten had a rough Saturday night so we all were tired. Idk if regression, on-coming cold, teeth or something else.
    Last night was better but not great.

    Throat still sore. No white spots, so waiting until BabyKitten has her 18m appt on Wednesday to ask dr about it. When I had M double check no white spots, he said it was red a.f {like ketchup red}
    I know there's a virus like this "it should be strep but isn't" so I'm treating it as such until I know otherwise.
  • I need another day off too. My parents took B for 2 nights which was nice although I feel like we wasted it by doing basically nothing. But maybe that's what I needed. I picked him up on Saturday and he was puking all night Saturday night/Sunday so that was fun. Luckily he was ok in the morning bc we had family pictures w/ my family + my mom's birthday celebration. Both he and I were exhausted yesterday but he seemed OK today so he went to daycare.
  • I’m right there with you @cupcait927; I’ve had a bad sinus infection/cold since Sunday and there’s nothing to take. My primary and the pharmacist both said not to take anything. I did a neti pot and that seemed to help a lot. 

    Back at work and tired. H doesn’t come back until Wednesday so it’s a long few days. At least I meal prepped a ton yesterday so I won’t have to do much the next few days. 
  • @VarunaTT glad your surgery went well and that you are recovering nicely.

    Our turkey day was amazing. Everything turned out really good, it was great to get our friends together, there was the perfect amount of leftovers but there were a couple times I snapped at DH and I really realized I need to check my behavior.

    DH has the week off work because this country's national day was today. It is kind of like the fourth of July, there are lots of fireworks, lots of celebrations, etc. Anyway, he also had some hotel points set to expire at the end of the year so we booked a 5star hotel for 3day/ 2nights. I still have to work but it should still be a nice little staycation. 
  • Varuna - Glad that your feeling better and recovering nicely!

    Cupcait & Charlotte - My doctor said plain Robitussen was allowed, but none of the "advanced" formulas.  If neither allow that, then get some Saline nose spray and a humidifier.  I like the Vicks humidifier ones that have room for a little pad (sold separately) that contains Vicks that helps to open the nasal passages.  The humidifier for DD also has an area for a cough suppressant liquid (also Vicks!) to be poured in. I really hear a difference in DD when those two things are added to her humidifier.

    Thanksgiving was so nice!  We had MIL and her BF over for breakfast.  Than my brother hosted and cooked the dinner and I brought a cake and the turkey pretzel I won.  It was nice family time!  Friday, I got my shopping done.  Oddly enough, Lowes was the busiest store!  Going to Kohls was like any normal day at Kohls.  I've seen lines that go halfway back the store, but this year, I walked right up to a register!  So many people must have shopped online, I really could see the difference in store!  I bought a few more things online over the weekend and finished all of our shopping, unless something else pops up.

    Saturday, we did a bunch of stuff around the house and Church.  Sunday, it was going to be rainy, but we drove out to the Christmas Tree Farm anyway and picked out our tree.  Its in the garage right now, so it can dry off.  H and I want to get it up tonight, so it can sit in the house and let Cassie get used to it.  H is afraid Cassie will knock it down.  We still need to decorate the rest of the house and put the outside lights up!
  • BTW! Quick update about BabyKitten's chipped tooth.
    Still mentioning to dr on Wednesday - obv - but the way it broke, you would never guess it did. Smooth. No sharp edges. No other issues that we can see :)

    She still sticks her tongue there but it's getting less and less.
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2019
    @charlotte989875, I just saw your big news!  Congrats!

    @VarunaTT, I'm so glad your surgery and recovery have been going well!  And I know it was extra great to get it done before your deductible resets.  It was a nice bonus you had a long weekend to recover.

    My H and I didn't do too much for the Thanksgiving holiday.  It was just nice to have extra time off from work.  Edited to add: I went crazy with Old Navy's 50% off online shopping for Black Friday.  They have work pants I really like, especially because I can order them in "short", and I stocked up along with some blouses.  I'm excited to have spiffed up my wardrobe, lol.

    I spent the morning at eviction court (eyeroll).  My tenant showed up super late (more eyeroll), like 15-20 minutes which was when the normal sign-in ended.  But it may have been longer, because she came from an outer room when our case started.  She told her latest sob story to the was a partially new one on me.  But admitted she had not paid the remainder of Nov.'s rent and requested more time to leave.  Here was the gist of that conversation:

    Judge: How much more time do you need?
    Tenant:  I don't know your honor, but it's me and my son and it just takes time to find a place.

    (mind you, she's had 2 1/2 weeks since she'd been served and she knew for longer than that she wasn't going to pay me and this is exactly where things would be headed).

    Judge (a bit bemusedly):  "You're not getting much time, Ms. (tenant's last time)!"  At that point the judge turned to us and asked if we would give her through the weekend. We begrudgingly said we would, but weren't happy about it.

    If she really does get out by the weekend, it will be okay.  But she constantly breaks promises, so I don't trust anything she says.  Hence why we were in eviction court today, to begin with.  If she doesn't leave, it will take at least another week to get a constable out there and make her leave.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @short+sassy was this the same tenant who has the personal business and who said she had two new jobs a few months back?

  • @OliveOilsMom what is a turkey pretzel?

    @VarunaTT glad surgery went well and you had a long weekend to recover

    @short+sassy could the judge have ordered her out as of end of the day? 
  • @short+sassy show the blouse links :) always good for wardrobe boost.
    And which tenant is this? {which sob story before}
  • levioosa said:
    @short+sassy was this the same tenant who has the personal business and who said she had two new jobs a few months back?
    Yep, that is the same one.

    kvruns said:
    @OliveOilsMom what is a turkey pretzel?

    @VarunaTT glad surgery went well and you had a long weekend to recover

    @short+sassy could the judge have ordered her out as of end of the day? 
    No, not quite the end of the day.  Normally, it would have been within 24 hours.  So, we could have filed for a constable warrant on Wed. if she hadn't moved out on Tues.  But, since we agreed to the end of this weekend, we can file for the constable warrant next Mon. if she isn't moved out by Sunday.

    The one hope of giving her a little more time is it will finally be REAL for her that it's the end of the line, court order and everything, and she'll have some time to leave peaceably and without further ado.  The sad thing is, there are people out there who just aren't motivated to do anything until they are forced like that.

    Because, here's the thing.  She could have thrown her stuff in storage and moved in with family/friends (she has tons here) temporarily and moved out this weekend.  Notified me, given me the keys, and I would have dropped the eviction hearing.  The only thing an eviction gives me is a warrant of possession.  The eviction courts in my jurisdiction don't deal with monetary damages.  That's small claims court.  All she did was buy herself one more week...two weeks if she forces the constable exchange for an eviction on her record that will stay there for 10+ years.  It makes absolutely no logical sense why anyone would do that.  Yet they do because it is like they can't even get out of their own way.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @sparklepants41 Sorry to hear of your friend :( Glad you and baby pants are okay! Do they know the cause of the accident? {I'm assuming it was the other person}
  • @sparklepants41 Sorry to hear of your friend :( Glad you and baby pants are okay! Do they know the cause of the accident? {I'm assuming it was the other person}
    Yes the other driver fell asleep behind the wheel and slammed into us. He was going 30mph and we were stopped. 
  • Omg @sparklepants41. I’m glad you two are okay. That’s so scary. How was the other driver? And I’m so sorry for your loss. 

    @NBSquared2017 ahhhh!!! Congratulations!!! Good vibes for a continued safe and healthy pregnancy! 

  • @short+sassy show the blouse links :) always good for wardrobe boost.
    And which tenant is this? {which sob story before}
    The Cliff notes.  She is the one who lost her job not even a month after she had moved in back in March.  I've been working with her all that time, until she found a new job.  She paid late and in pieces, but always paid.  Oddly enough, until she actually got a new f/t job in Sept.  Then things got worse.  Part of her sob story to the judge was she had "just started" a new job.  Ummm, no, you started that job 3 months ago.  At least that is not my definition of "just started".  I didn't even bother saying that to the judge because it wasn't relevant.

    I filed for an eviction back in Oct.  I dropped it when we agreed she'd pay past due partial Oct. and Nov., no later than Nov. 17th.  Promised it would be no problem.  She even got some help from the Salvation Army.  Except Nov. 17th came and went.  She knew this was her last chance.  But still paid nothing.  Not giving me many choices there!

    I'll post some links for my new duds tomorrow, lol.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @NBSquared2017, That is such wonderful news!!!!  I hope you all have a smooth and healthy pregnancy!

    @sparklepants41, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and also about the car accident.  I'm glad you and Babypants were okay, other than some soreness.  Definitely not the best way to get a new car, lol.  But congrats and I'm also glad your insurance hasn't been a PITA about it.

    I've heard stats that sleepy drivers are about as dangerous as drunk ones.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @sparklepants41 So glad to hear that you and Babypants are okay!! And ambulance bills are no joke. 

    @NBSquared2017 Congratulations!! I was hoping that you and your H would get good news from the fertility treatments. 
  • @NBSquared2017 yayyy!!!

    @sparklepants41 jeez! Could have been worse but hopefully other driver gets the situation figured out

    @short+sassy  oh yes! This lady! Wow ... sounds like she's just full of stories
  • Well, I have even more to be thankful for this year.

    Our transfer was a success and DH and I had our first ultrasound today. We got to see our little Baby B growing.

    It's still early, but everything is looking so great. We are over the moon. 
    Congratulations!!!  Hope everything goes really smoothly for you!

    So much good baby news around here lately :)  

    I feel like our babe had a huge growth spurt over the last 10 days.  All of a sudden I feel huge and waddle-y.  The moving and kicking is super cool but starting to hurt a little bit since baby is getting so much stronger.  36 weeks!

    We got SO MUCH done around the house last week, rooms painted, big things cleaned and organized, etc. and still had time to chill a bit.  We need to get car seats installed and our hospital bags ready just in case this kiddo decides to make an early entrance.  

    Glad everyone had a nice holiday.  

    @sparklepants41 glad you and babyB are ok!!!
    @cupcait927 @charlotte989875 hope you both feel better soon - sinus infections are no joke, especially when you can't take anything :(
  • Casadena said:

    I feel like our babe had a huge growth spurt over the last 10 days.  All of a sudden I feel huge and waddle-y.  The moving and kicking is super cool but starting to hurt a little bit since baby is getting so much stronger.  36 weeks!
    It's very possible. I had BabyKitten at 38 weeks and the last 2-3 weeks before I had her, I felt huge! I remember the week before I had her, I was going through the mall {I needed a drink} and felt like I was walking like a penguin lmao
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