Wedding Woes

Messy on MONDAY

Hey all! Snowy and messy here so a good day to work from home!

Re: Messy on MONDAY

  • We're getting that snowy messy tonight and into tomorrow. They're saying 3-5" tonight, and then freezing rain tomorrow. 

    This weekend was really a mixed bag. Friday I ran errands, and then we relaxed at home. Finally convinced my H to get a good haircut with my stylist, so I took him there Saturday morning. 

    Saturday afternoon while we were at his sailing awards luncheon, my best friend's mom passed away. I left that event early and went right to her house. Unfortunately we had another Xmas party to go to that night that we couldn't cancel.  

    Yesterday we had a guy come to the house to help us design some projects. Then H and I watched The Green Book, and them Marriage Story. Both great. 

    My friend is going to the funeral home today, so it's going to be a very sad week. 
  • @climingwife I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. It's been a rough year for you. 
  • @kvruns definitely sounds like a WFH day ;)

    @climbingwife sorry to hear about your bff's mom :(<3

    @MyNameIsNot urg I hate people coming, even when the house is SUPPOSE to be a mess lmao what colour are your walls now and what colour did you decide on?

    @banana468 fx that kids go to school. You may not have to cancel skype call, if you're able to hide away in another room - are your kids to be trusted solo for a bit of time?
    The blanket is such a lovely but sad factor <3

    Weekend was good, but due to plans I ended up solo parenting quite a bit. To a degree that was okay.
    Saturday M had errands to do. Original plan was to take BabyKitten but the store he was going to was incredibly small and couldn't do stroller. She's not quite at the age she will walk around a store for long. Plus .... you know, 18m and curious. She'd grab a lot and/or make a mess, so he didn't wanna risk it. Stores like that, we just don't take a chance. For myself it would be makeup stores like Sephora.
    He did come home with Starbucks so I could have something to drink while working on my assignment when she went down for a nap.
    I got our holiday cards mailed out also :)

    Sunday BabyKitten slept so good. We woke up before her! I had to wake her, because she'd been sleeping 13hrs at that point, and wanted enough time prior to nap for her to kinda burn the sleepy energy.
    M was gone again for a few hrs to help his grampa with buying/building something. Took longer than expected. When BabyKitten went down for a nap, I UberEat ordered Starbucks lol {okay I have a problem but I love creme brulee lattes!} She napped, I cleaned up the table a bit, found my kobo {yay!} and watched The Notebook.
    That ending scene just makes me cry all the time :'( it's just .... I can't lol
    Idk if anyone is watching Dolly Parton's Heart Strings, but it's really good. Stories based around her songs. Ep 1 is Jolene and ep 2 is Two Doors Down. All the feels :) lol

    This coming weekend is busy, so this week is also busy. Have to stop at walmart to see about a calendar I forgot, if it's not there I have to go to the mall. Plus make a grocery list, print photos for family, pick up frames, etc. Little basic things. SFIL is babysitting BabyKitten 2 days next week, so he wants a trial run for diaper changes lmao He's 6'8" and nervous about it.
  • kvrunskvruns member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2019
    @banana468 I saw something about the football win on the Today show this morning. What uplifting news for the town. I still remember I was off the day it happened, decorating sugar cookies and couldn't tear myself away from the coverage. I can't imagine how I would feel now with a kid. 

    edit: fixed typo
  • kvruns said:
    @banana468 I saw something about the football win on the Today show this morning. What uplifting news for the town. I still remember I was off the day it hapend, decorating sugar cookies and couldn't tear myself away from the coverage. I can't imagine how I would feel now with a kid. 
    I remember listening to it on local news radio through the updates and just crying as I held DD when I picked her up from daycare.   I grew up 20 minutes from there and went to college with a lot of people who went to that HS so while it wasn't something that had a first level worry for an immediate family member we saw many friends commenting about their connections.   One member of the football team lost a sibling that day.   That town is great for how they come together. 
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2019
    Oh no, @climbingwife.  I'm so sorry for your best friend.  ((hugs))

    Friday night, we went downtown and saw the lights.  The weather was really pleasant and it wasn't too cold at all.  We headed back home and picked up Chinese on the way.  I wrapped like a crazy person and DH and I did the online orders that we needed to do together.  We only have a few more things to get. 

    Saturday, I went to the store and then got my hairs did.  DH and DefConn went out together and did some running around.  We went to my parents for dinner so DH could help my dad hang his new TV.  My younger sister's BFF had her baby and she's so precious.  <3  We went home and finished Maisel (I have mixed feelings about season 3 and I have concerns about season 4's direction.) 

    Sunday, we got up and went to our fave local doughnut place.  I ran to the store to pick up a few more items that I needed for dinner and baking.  After that, I baked for hours.  I made more cinnamon rolls, cookies, candy, lasagna rolls for dinner.  I joked with DH that his work people are the beneficiaries of my stress baking. ;)  After that, we put DefConn to bed and watched ep 3 of Man in the High Castle (we're on season 1 and we are hooked). 

    I slept on my left shoulder wrong.  I keep trying to stretch it and I hope a hot shower helps. 

    It's a winter wonderland here and more is on the way.  No delays for our district though.  We rarely get delayed and almost never get canceled.  The last time we had a massive snowstorm (2 or so years ago), they dragged their heels on canceling and we were one of the first ones back in school. 
  • kvruns said:
    @banana468 I saw something about the football win on the Today show this morning. What uplifting news for the town. I still remember I was off the day it happened, decorating sugar cookies and couldn't tear myself away from the coverage. I can't imagine how I would feel now with a kid. 

    edit: fixed typo
    I was off work the day of Sandy Hook as well.  I was at home alone, DefConn was at daycare because I had stuff to do earlier in the day.  I remember watching all the coverage too,  hearing the kiddo's bus down the street drop him off, and just feeling at a complete loss and so sad. 
  • mrsconn23 said:

    Saturday, I went to the store and then got my hairs did.  DH and DefConn went out together and did some running around.  We went to my parents for dinner so DH could help my dad hang his new TV.  My younger sister's BFF had her baby and she's so precious.  <3  We went home and finished Maisel (I have mixed feelings about season 3 and I have concerns about season 4's direction.) 

    I'm curious about your mixed feelings. I'm not sure I liked how it ended, but I still liked the season. I'm trying to be vague to avoid spoilers. Didn't we used to have a way to nest spoilers?

    @MsKittyDanger They're a bunch of colors now. The whole thing is going to be "agreeable grey" at the realtor's suggestion. Sounds boring to me, but I hopefully won't be living here much longer!
  • Climbing - Sorry for your loss.  You have had a tough year :(

    Our weekend was half and half.  DD was a terror at daycare on Friday, so the consequences carried into the evening.  We did take her to the pedi because her deep cough hasn't subsided yet.  Doctor said she was very borderline, but gave antibiotics.  I'm hoping that the outbursts of bad behavior are just from not feeling well and the meds will help improve her outlook on life!

    Saturday my parents came over and we got all the fish processed and in the freezer.  We went to Church and after my niece came over for a bit so my brother and SIL could finish their Christmas shopping.  DD was in heaven with her cousin over!  She also got so many Peppa toys!  And my niece read DD her bedtime story, they were so cute!  I just wished I could have gotten a pic!  DDs smile said it all! <3

    Sunday was not so good.  It started with one meltdown after another, an accident all over the bathroom and a good talking to from mom and dad.  Her outlook improved so much!  She was so great!  We popped over to pick up a bookcase to replace her changing table, I found on a yardsale page.  We even decorated cookies!  But after dinner, DD stumbled again just as Santa was starting to come around the neighborhood on the firetruck.  So she ended up missing that, as it became an immediate bedtime.  H was very upset over how the day started and ended, but we talked it out that we are trying to make a good adult and its tough, can suck and kill our insides some days.  And today was one of those days.  We are making some changes in bedtime and breakfast routine, so that hopefully improve her attitude as well.  We want to make sure she isn't tired or hangry, by the time she gets to school!
  • MrsConn - We are only on Season 2 of Man in the High Castle, I feel so behind on this being an "it" show, so I'm glad to know of another person who just started it!  LOL!  It's hard to watch it since its usually a full hour and we can't watch it with DD around!
  • I feel so sick when I think about Sandy Hook. I still want to cry. I had family who were attending a school down the street. For a few awful minutes I thought it was their school. 

    I am tired today. I didn’t sleep very well. But we had a good weekend. Friday night we managed to drag ourselves out to date night. But not for long. We were back at home and I passed out on the couch at 9:45. Saturday we went over to FSIL’s place and had dinner and watched a movie. Then we woke up on Sunday and went on a hike. It was my first workout since injuring my leg three weeks ago so I’m watching my leg today to see how I feel. So far it’s been okay. I’m hoping it holds. If I still feel good at the end of the day I’ll try breaking into my gym routine again easily with every other day workouts. 

    Otherwise I’m back at work today and hoping that tea helps perk me up. I realized that drinking coffee makes me incredibly nauseous about five hours after I’m done drinking it so I’m trying to see if the caffeine in tea will work instead. 

  • mrsconn23 said:

    Saturday, I went to the store and then got my hairs did.  DH and DefConn went out together and did some running around.  We went to my parents for dinner so DH could help my dad hang his new TV.  My younger sister's BFF had her baby and she's so precious.  <3  We went home and finished Maisel (I have mixed feelings about season 3 and I have concerns about season 4's direction.) 

    I'm curious about your mixed feelings. I'm not sure I liked how it ended, but I still liked the season. I'm trying to be vague to avoid spoilers. Didn't we used to have a way to nest spoilers?

    I wish they'd show more self-awareness on Midge's part.  Also they seem to want to touch on things about the era, but back off being serious about any of it.  IDK, I just felt there wasn't enough 'funny' and it never got too serious or in the weeds with anything that it just made everything feel very uneven or like an unfinished thought.  Also, there some some clunkiness in wrapping up certain loose ends and other things I wish they'd have spent more time on.  Plus, I find the parent dynamic and how it doesn't affect Midge and Joel as much as it would IRL annoying. 
  • Marriage story!  I want to dee that.  Glad to hear it was good but sorry about your friend @climbingwife.  

    I legit can’t believe sandy hook was 7 years ago 😢 

    This is for Banana

    Anyway my weekend was eventful.  Friday’s christmas horror house was awesome. Some rooms didn’t make sense - but cool nonetheless.

    Saturday I went to southern IL to visit my bro and family. I checked the town where he lives, and I checked my town.  Both clear of snow.  I didn’t check the weather for the 5 hour drive between the towns, however and I left at 1:30.  Hit a snow storm 45 minutes out.  Af 6:00 I was only two hours away from my bro (should have been home by then), was going 15 miles/hr on the highway, white knuckling it.  I called my H who was 2 hours away from me to see if that town was clear and he said it was - but it didn't matter because the snow I was in was getting worse so he got me a hotel room 3 hours away from home, where I happened to be at the time.  I was up at 4am, on the road at 4:25 and it was STILL slushy/slippery.  Took me 3.5 hrs to get home.  Surprisingly only 50 minutes late for work! 

    Ah, winter. 

  • MrsConn - We are only on Season 2 of Man in the High Castle, I feel so behind on this being an "it" show, so I'm glad to know of another person who just started it!  LOL!  It's hard to watch it since its usually a full hour and we can't watch it with DD around!
    It's so heavy that we can only watch an episode at a time. 

    At least DefConn will grab the iPad and let us watch an episode if he's awake/around. 
  • Marriage story!  I want to dee that.  Glad to hear it was good but sorry about your friend @climbingwife.  

    I legit can’t believe sandy hook was 7 years ago 😢 

    This is for Banana

    LOVE that kid!  Luckily my boss is not forcing a video chat and she has 4 kids herself.   

    My bigger issue is that there is NO way I'm bringing both kids to the salon.   I have done it with Chiquita once but will not do that with Chiquito as well.   He's 5 and acts like it and simply does not belong in a place billed as a 'salon/spa'.  
  • @climbingwife, I'm sorry to hear about your BFF's mom.

    @MyNameIsNot, sounds like a really productive weekend!  I'm sorry to hear about your coworker's mom.  I'm exhausted just hearing about how your week sounds, but it sounds like work will at least lighten up for the rest of the year, once you get past Fri.

    My weekend turned out better and less busy than I expected, but still really productive.  Friday was a waste, lol.  I was at work way too long for no reason.  Saturday was super busy partially because it worked out that the things we were going to do Sun., we did on Sat. instead.  Which then gave me Sunday to totally veg and I didn't even leave the house, lol.  

    Saturday, my new tenant moved in.  She was very happy and excited, so that is the most important part.  But I was PO'ed when I first walked in...thankfully about 45 minutes before she got there.  My H told me everything was good to go, except taking the construction paper off the windows and a few little things like that.  But, neither bathroom had been cleaned.  The living room floor needed to be swept.  Argh!  We were able to get everything done before she got there, but it was frantic.

    And talk about fortuitous.  Apparently my new tenant still needed to get a couch and asked for my recommendation on a place that sells them for a decent price and even mentioned she might go see if a thrift store has any in decent condition.  My H and I start laughing.  He whips out his phone and shows her a picture of the couch/love seat that my evicted tenant had left.  And told her if she wants to come get them, she can have them.  We also described some of the other furniture they left (wicker tv armoire, dresser, nightstand, end table).  She met us at that house later that night with her dad, brother, and the U-Haul.  She ended up taking all the furniture!  Yaaassss!  I just love a win-win.  It helped her out and saved her money from having to buy.  It helped me out by saving me money on time and labor to drag the stuff out.   

    My H and I had been planning to clean that unit out on Sunday.  But, since we were meeting her over there anyway on Sat., we got rid of all the other personal items and food left in the fridge/pantry, while we were there.  Took us about two hours.  Didn't get home until after 9:30, but it was such a relief to get the first chunk of work done over there.

    Now that Sunday was more free, my H was also able to change the brake pads on my front tires.  He'll do the back ones this coming weekend.

    Weather-wise, today is some serious extremes.  The high is 79 (morning) and the low is 48 (evening).  30-degree difference!  So crazy!  And, of course, I totally forgot to bring my jacket or anything warm because it was hot when I left my house, lol.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Weekend was good! Saw Les Mis on Friday and the first half was okay but the second half was great. I don’t get it about national tours lately changing lyrics and arrangements, but I’m not a fan. Just keep the original, it’s so good for a reason. The Jean Valjean actor was INCREDIBLE. 

    Saturday H came home early from camp and we went out to dinner. I’m pretty tired these days so I was in bed by 10. 

    But the best part of the weekend is that the BILLS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!! 
    What?!?!  Why, WHY?!?!  I have not had that happen to me, but it's also been a long time since I've seen Les Mis.

    Congrats!  While that is great news.  Some teams **cough, Saints, cough** clinched the playoffs a couple weeks ago ;).
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsconn23 said:

    Saturday, I went to the store and then got my hairs did.  DH and DefConn went out together and did some running around.  We went to my parents for dinner so DH could help my dad hang his new TV.  My younger sister's BFF had her baby and she's so precious.  <3  We went home and finished Maisel (I have mixed feelings about season 3 and I have concerns about season 4's direction.) 

    I'm curious about your mixed feelings. I'm not sure I liked how it ended, but I still liked the season. I'm trying to be vague to avoid spoilers. Didn't we used to have a way to nest spoilers?

    @MsKittyDanger They're a bunch of colors now. The whole thing is going to be "agreeable grey" at the realtor's suggestion. Sounds boring to me, but I hopefully won't be living here much longer!
    FWIW, I agree with your realtor.  Greys have been the "it" neutral color for a few years now.  Lots of real estate investors with rentals or flips choose a go-to grey color, including the Agreeable Grey you are talking about.  That's how popular it is.  I recognize that particular color's name from the forums about paint that I read sometimes, lmao.  Though my personal go-to grey color is Dolphin Fin Grey.

    I think grey sounds a little more boring than it actually looks.  With white trim, it "pops" nicely.  The paint color in my rehab photos is Dolphin Fin Grey, which is a similar shade to Agreeable Grey.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @cupcait927, ALL the good vibes!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @climbingwife I'm so sorry about your BFF's mom. Hugs for you. 

    This weekend we finally put our tree up, got wrapping paper/tags/ribbons at Target, I made banana honey muffins, and Babypants had her very first official swim lesson! I used to teach and had been teaching her up to this point, but she is right at the age where she is better about listening to an instructor than she is about listening to me. LOL. She did really well yesterday and said it was "so so much fun" (her words). The session is every Sunday through March so it's exciting to think about how much progress she will make between now & then! I love the method they use too - no swimmies, no floaties, just a swim platform in the water and exercises to get her used to her own buoyancy. 
  • @charlotte989875 My H is so excited about the Bills. He grew up a Bills fan and he's finally feeling like there's hope again! Lol

    Weekend was good but tinged with stress and anxiety. We found out last week that my OBGYN suspects possible growth restriction concerning the baby. She's always measured small, but during my growth scan last week her abdomen measured below the 5th percentile. So now I get to have weekly NSTs and ultrasounds every two weeks (possibly moving to every week in January). H and I of course went too far down a Google rabbit hole but it did motivate us to really start getting everything in place in case I have to deliver earlier than expected.

    Had my first NST this morning and the tech said it was "perfect" and I have a "happy baby" so that made me feel a little better. I'm still going to be an anxious mess until our next ultrasound on 12/27 when we can see her and measure her again.
    It’s been a long time coming!! 

    All the good vibes to you and the little one. Hoping all is well. 
  • lots of love to you @cupcait927 perfect, happy baby sound great. 
  • @MyNameIsNot honestly, grey is the new neutral. I'm not complaining, I like it {will be painting my house in grey tones - some will have blue-grey tones} I originally didn't want to do cool-tones but it blends best with my house and stuff.

    @banana468 I keep forgetting Chiquito is 5! I thought he was like 7 lmao

    @cupcait927 My OBGYN said the closer you get to due date, you want the kid to be an "under achiever" as long as they're healthy :) 
  • @MyNameIsNot honestly, grey is the new neutral. I'm not complaining, I like it {will be painting my house in grey tones - some will have blue-grey tones} I originally didn't want to do cool-tones but it blends best with my house and stuff.

    @banana468 I keep forgetting Chiquito is 5! I thought he was like 7 lmao

    @cupcait927 My OBGYN said the closer you get to due date, you want the kid to be an "under achiever" as long as they're healthy :) 
    oh he's ALL of 5.   He tries to act older at times because big sis is 9 but he's in K and is still processing.

    My favorite is when he asks what time it is, I tell him and then he answers, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?"  

  • banana468 said:
    @MyNameIsNot honestly, grey is the new neutral. I'm not complaining, I like it {will be painting my house in grey tones - some will have blue-grey tones} I originally didn't want to do cool-tones but it blends best with my house and stuff.

    @banana468 I keep forgetting Chiquito is 5! I thought he was like 7 lmao

    @cupcait927 My OBGYN said the closer you get to due date, you want the kid to be an "under achiever" as long as they're healthy :) 
    oh he's ALL of 5.   He tries to act older at times because big sis is 9 but he's in K and is still processing.

    My favorite is when he asks what time it is, I tell him and then he answers, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?"  
    Lol very 5! XD
    But I mean ... good question on time? Lol
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