Registry and Gift Forum

Cash Funds: Mother's Cancer Medical Bills

Hi all! First time posting in this sort of thing. My mother has recently been diagnosed that her cancer is back. She is one of the most important people in my fiance and I's life. Would it be appropriate to host a cash fund in support of her medical bills? Or should I not be using those for that purpose? We feel like we don't need money or material things to start our life out. Looking for honest opinions! Thanks!

Re: Cash Funds: Mother's Cancer Medical Bills

  • MRDCleMRDCle member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    I think the best approach would to just give your mother any monetary gifts you receive. If you are worried about getting things you don't want, just don't register, and most people will get the picture. I hope your mother makes a full recovery. 
  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 5 Answers 500 Love Its
    Hi all! First time posting in this sort of thing. My mother has recently been diagnosed that her cancer is back. She is one of the most important people in my fiance and I's life. Would it be appropriate to host a cash fund in support of her medical bills? Or should I not be using those for that purpose? We feel like we don't need money or material things to start our life out. Looking for honest opinions! Thanks!

    I donate to fundraisers set up to assist people with their medical bills with frequency.  I hesitate to donate to just a GoFundMe as opposed a fundraiser, but I've donated to those too.  Maybe set up a gofundme for your mother that's completely separate from your wedding? 
    I'm sorry that her cancer is back, I hope that her treatment goes well.
  • I"m so sorry.

    I don't think it would be appropriate to ask for donations to your mom in lieu of wedding gifts but I do think it's more than fine for you and your FI/and future husband to decide to give any money to your mom.  
  • I'm so sorry to hear that. 

    If you're saying set up a cash fund as your wedding registry, that would be inappropriate. It's rude to ask for cash anyway, but your wedding shouldn't be a fundraiser for anything, no matter how important. It's perfectly fine to just not register and quietly gift any cash gifts to your mom. 

    I would set up a GoFundMe and also think about traditional fundraising. e.g. if you're crafty, you could make and sell crafts. People are often willing to pay more for items when they know that proceeds go to a good cause. 
  • I'm very sorry. 

    It wouldn't be appropriate to ask others to donate to a cash fund for any purpose as a wedding gift to you.  But it would be acceptable to give any cash gifts you receive for your mother's care. You can also set up a GoFundMe for this, and sell things and use the sales proceeds for her care. 
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