I know, I'm never on here during real hours, I just catch up in the evenings

(I really do read it all!)
I am sitting in a cold car (it's 7° here) because there are no waiting rooms during quarantine.
(I run the engine periodically because fuck the environment, I'm COLD).
(Also, I do this wait multiple times per week-k7d therapy too)
Poor Mr rather stupidly scheduled his colonoscopy the Monday after the superbowl, so he spent last night drinking meds & sipping plain broth and being miserable
Mondays? We got up ungodly early to be here
I am a big pile of bruises because of an unrelated fall,
My MIL who always has a wish list, passive-aggressively (with plausible deniability) when asked texted she wanted her family's love and had no ideas.
I sent her a pretty butterfly puddler but am still gonna die mad.
That's me, how's y'all's mondays?