Wedding Woes

Happy Monday morning y'all

I know, I'm never on here during real hours, I just catch up in the evenings :)
(I really do read it all!)

I am sitting in a cold car (it's 7° here) because there are no waiting rooms during quarantine.
(I run the engine periodically because fuck the environment, I'm COLD).

(Also, I do this wait multiple times per week-k7d therapy too)

Poor Mr rather stupidly scheduled his colonoscopy the Monday after the superbowl, so he spent last night drinking meds & sipping plain broth and being miserable 
Mondays? We got up ungodly early to be here

I am a big pile of bruises because of an unrelated fall,

My MIL who always has a wish list, passive-aggressively (with plausible deniability) when asked texted she wanted her family's love and had no ideas.
I sent her a pretty butterfly puddler but am still gonna die mad.

That's me, how's y'all's mondays? 

Re: Happy Monday morning y'all

  • Sorry she was being difficult @cbck. Family’s love is pretty inexpensice though?... so there’s that...
    @Jstump2, oh that’s so heartbreaking.  I remember losing out on so many houses I wanted to.  You even wrote a letter! Well, one door closes - literally - another will open!

    i didn’t watch the super bowl last night, so I know nothing about it. Other than you LOVED the halftime show or you didn’t love it.  I’m sure he played it family safe? I can remember last years half time like it was yesterday.  M and I spent the weekend in.  In fact, I have this sudden urge to get a new dinette set so we planned to go to a good will store to see what was there, but I think it was -6 yesterday and I had no desire to go out, find something, load his car up... so I just purchased a new set online.  The last of my house “innards re-do”! Summer/fall and I’ll have to work out the outside.

  • The babe started back at school this morning and I only cried 2 times!!  Bc of COVID protocol only one parent can go in the building and no one but teachers and students can go in the actual classrooms.  I gave him lots of smooches outside and then H took him in to do the actual handoff.  Even he had a few tears when he got back in the car.  Then we had a quick Starbucks drive-through date and are back home working at the same time in silence.  It's so weird.  I'm going to go into the office a little later this morning mostly to get out of the house and maybe talk to my boss in person for the first time like like 3 months.  

    Weekend was great - we did nothing but hang out and play and snuggle with G.  No projects or cleaning and it was wonderful.  I made a roasted jalapeno chorizo queso dip yesterday and we had lots of other snacks for the game (that I didn't really watch - but I like the food).  Also made a carrot cake banana bread that is super duper good.  

    @Jstump2 I'm so sorry about the house - it's so hard when you get excited about something! 
  • edited February 2021
    @Jstump2 that is so frustrating. I hope you get the next one.
    @GBCK I hope you have a hot coffee to keep you company. That is too daymn cold.

    I got good and drunk at my friend's house warming bbq on Friday. They moved in down the street so DH took DS home and I stayed to hangout until around 10:30. Then I walked home and promptly threw up, lol. 

    I got into a little fender bender today when a guy just back straight into me. It's kind of nbd, but I still had to make a report because it's a lease. A lease which is due back in 12 days. FML.
  • @Jstump2 that is so frustrating. I hope you get the next one.
    @GBCK I hope you have a hot coffee to keep you company. That is too daymn cold.

    I got good and drunk at my friend's house warming bbq on Friday. They moved in down the street so DH took DS home and I stayed to hangout until around 10:30. Then I walked home and promptly threw up, lol. 

    I got into a little fender bender today when a guy just back straight into me. It's kind of nbd, but I still had to make a report because it's a lease. A lease which is due back in 12 days. FML.
    Murphy's Law in action!  Smh.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We watched about half the Super Bowl, it was meh.  The commercials weren't even funny, so I told H he could change the channel if he wanted and he did.  I did love Amanda Gorman's poem at the beginning!  She is just amazing!

    I did make one of the garlic bread and mozz cheese stuffed bread loafs and it was delicious!  DD wanted dessert afterwards and it took a while to get her to understand that it was just our appetizer!  After that, I made stromboli lasagne, which I haven't made in years.  There is even enough left for a dinner later in the week.

    I have to go to the lady doctor in a few hours.  I finally remembered to call and make an appointment.  They said the last time I went was in 2018!  For some reason, they never sent me a reminder card to schedule a new appointment.

    Overall, our weekend was good.  We had an easy fix for the ceiling fans, which was to just replace the one light fixture in the attic, where the ceiling fans draw their electricity from.  Something must have cracked in the plastic light fixture when it was put back together.  We got a new porclein fixture instead, which cost $1 more than the plastic one, installed it and our grounding problem was solved! Woohoo!  Sunday we finished up our kitchen drawer project too.
  • Weekend was decent!  

    We had to take away all of Chiquita's screens except her school lappy.  We have had an ongoing cadence of telling her mid week to look at her assignments and get some done so she's not behind on Friday, looking at the assignment list in Google Classroom, monitoring progress and seeing NONE of it.   We also said, "Hey you had no school this week for TWO DAYS so this is a great time to get ahead," and the H and I got nothing but 10 yo attitude."  So Friday night when we asked if she was done she said no, that there were at least two to do and we had enough.   It is not sufficient to catch up.  She needs to prove to us that she can be on time for a full week.   In the meantime sorry friends of Chiquita.  You can't talk to her. 

    Sunday we watched church, Chiquita made chocolate chip muffins, I taught religious class to the kids (we have to from home) and then we prepped for the football game.  I have dough for 6 more pretzels in the freezer and there are 3 leftover.  We had pretzels, pigs in a blanket and nachos piled high with chili and cheese.   I had two beers and not enough water and that's what 40 is like. 

  • GBCK said:
    ah, screens.
    I could see through the curtain today and had to snag one.
    (mom superpower)

    The Mr. does not have colon cancer, and I'm back where it's warm.

    @Jstump2 I've nver really had to house hunt and it sounds like an awful experience.

    @short+sassy yay for vaccines.
    My parents got their firsts, the Mr. got his 2nd.

    The vaccine thing is SO BROKEN.
    My dad got a phone call from one of his BFFs who said "hey, remember Mrs X who used to teach with us? she's with the DHS and knows we're qualified, here's the number, she'll make your appt"
    Mind you, all of these people ARE on the list and qualify or they wouldn't have gotten them.
    But knowing someone shouldn't get you a direct number.
    I witnessed something like this with a coworker.  Her and her H are friends with someone that works at a pharmacy.  Their friend ended up with one extra dose one day (maybe a cancellation) and it was going to expire at 3:30.  This person started going down their list of friends/family to find someone that could confirm they could come before 3:30.

    I can't speak about the other people this person called, but neither my coworker nor her H would have normally been qualified to get one.  Neither of them could get to that pharmacy by 3:30 anyway, so their friend continued down their list.  But it did rub me the wrong way.  I don't know how that pharmacy runs things, but a lot of them have waiting lists for people waiting for an appointment.

    I know there are the occasional stories where a person was in the right place at the right time and got a vaccine, even if they weren't qualified, because they happened to be somewhere when vaccine(s) were about to expire.  And that's great!  Don't let them go to waste.  But what my coworker's friend did was different and a "who ya know".  There were still a few hours before it was going to go to waste and I'd think they would have numerous qualified customers they could have offered it to first.

    Sometimes it is luck of the draw.  A different coworker had an interesting story with her 73-year-old FIL.  In addition to being over 70, he's also had major heart surgery.  He had a vaccine appointment at a pharmacy, but it was weeks out.  He would occasionally call them to see if they had earlier appointments open up.  He happened to call one day at 10:45ish.  They told him they had just had someone cancel their 11am appointment and could he come now?  He sure could.  Got off the phone, jumped in his car, and got his first shot.   
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • So Thursday I was off because exam at noon.
    I injured myself 3x before noon and that included nearly breaking my finger.

    How did I nearly break my finger? Oh ... humourous ....
    I was putting BK's clean clothes away and we have milk crates to store her sweaters. I was tossing something beside it, fell and I went to go grab and my finger caught on it. Broke my nail to the quick and my finger definitely did something, and M isn't completely sold I didn't fracture it. But I can move it and doesn't hurt. It's down by the knuckle.

    Other 2 times was literally stupid things. Like tripping over something and nearly falling on my face.

    Otherwise I think I did well.

    I took Friday off. I did both bathrooms, vacuumed upstairs, laundry, vacuumed most of main level. I also went back to bed after BK left and slept until 10:30am, watched gilmore girls and lounged around. So I wasn't entirely productive.
    We also ended up making pasta because I forgot to take something out for dinner lol

    Saturday was suppose to be good, but alas it was not.
    Friday night I had spoken to my granny, saying my mum and I would stop by briefly to pick up BK's xmas gift and discuss about facetiming while she opens them. I didn't mind waiting until we're all free, BK doesn't really understand.

    Then my uncle - who lives there - basically blows up and escalates entire ordeal.
    About how I don't put effort into sending photos, blah blah blah. Like I was literally verbally attacked.
    I managed to speak to my granny alone asking wtf. She's like "I've asked for photos" and I just explain how I cannot get her photos if she doesn't tell me how to. Does she want them printed? Emailed? What. Like I can't do anything if she doesn't tell me.
    So she understood the issue, but my uncle was just fucking mean, and I told him that. I also told him to fucking butt out of the situation.

    I knew that my mother has his number, but I literally said that she historically leaves her phone places, and that granny has my number because she called me the night before. She can tell me. Instead of middle man my mother.
    I explained idgaf who has his number or my number, how about someone talk to me?

    It was a whole ordeal and I ended up having my mum's bf drive me home instead of helping my aunt clean my nana's place. I basically cried in the car because I was still reeling. M made me eat and lie down for a bit.

    Sunday I was better but barely. It's my sleep in day, and M knew I needed the rest luckily.
    I'm considering just bypassing my uncle and mailing photos to my granny. I don't wanna deal with him.
  • @MissKittyDanger, I'm glad you felt your exam went well.  Hopefully you passed!  I know you have been working hard for it and stressing about it.  I'm sorry to hear your uncle was so rude and upsetting to you.  I don't blame you for trying to steer clear of him as much as possible for the time being.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @MissKittyDanger That sounds like a frustrating situation and  sucks that you got blown up at. What about using something like amazon photos and just change the ship to address to ship directly to your granny?
  • Jstump2 said:
    @MissKittyDanger That sounds like a frustrating situation and  sucks that you got blown up at. What about using something like amazon photos and just change the ship to address to ship directly to your granny?
    I've been looking at a few places. If the stay at home orders lift a bit, we do have places nearby that will open and can print from there {various grocery stores, etc}
  • Two days until our big work project is done. I’m definitely counting down. 

    Weekend was fine. H went to camp again and my Mom came to stay with us so I could get things done. It was nice to have someone else around to hand the baby to! 
  • Sorry about the house @Jstump2
    Yay for the vaccine @short+sassy!

    Weekend was pretty uneventful.  It was so nice having a quiet Super Bowl instead of having H’s friends over!  The wings and guac were delicious.  
    We got 6” of snow yesterday and almost every day this week it’s in the forecast, but at least yesterday wasn’t blizzard-like. 
  • Phew, some good news about our truck problems.  My H said the person at Firestone had told him verbally it was going to be about $4K for "everything" and $1500 for the power steering/rack and pinion/alignment.  But, when they e-mailed me the quote, it was actually $2800 total.  Not $4K.  So that was a lot better!  Though the power steering and all the repairs related to that...which is why we brought it in, in the first place...was the $1500 they'd originally said. 

    But it's gotten even better then that!  We already had an appointment with a local mechanic near our house.  My H dropped the truck off today.  All the power steering stuff (which includes the rack and pinion) is $880.  That doesn't include the whole enchilada that Firestone said we need, but I'm not so sure we needed all the rest of the things they mentioned anyway.

    It's funny how perception is.  Normally I wouldn't be very happy to hear I have an $880 car repair to take care of.  But, compared to what I was looking at...even potentially having to sell my truck and get another I am practically giddy about it, lol.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Good mechanics are priceless!
  • GBCK said:
    Good mechanics are priceless!
    I hope so!  I've never used them before because my "other" car is a special snowflake import (MINI Cooper).  Only a select few foreign car mechanics have the right computer program to work on that type of car.

    But this place has good reviews and a good reputation around the neighborhood.  Which seems pretty unusual for an auto repair shop, lol. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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