Dear Prudence,
My lovely wife and I are in a fairly low-stakes argument that’s getting worse now that Christmas is coming up. Years ago, we adopted a little mixed-breed pup, and she’s the love of our lives (especially because we don’t have kids and don’t plan on it). My wife has become obsessed over the last few months about getting the dog DNA tested. I think it’s a waste of money. It would be $250-300 for a high quality one that will give us medical results as well, which is cool, but I don’t care enough about the dog’s heritage to drop the cash.
My wife would pay for it herself but she can’t. She’s not working right now, and I’m the breadwinner. I pay for everything (all bills, food, gas, dates, etc.) except her little stuff, like if she needs new clothes or gets coffee. It wouldn’t be wise for her to dip into her savings to pay for a dog DNA test. She’s become even more attached to the dog (didn’t think that was possible) than ever since losing her job, and I think this is just part of that weirdness. I never make her feel bad that I pay for everything, and she’s never expressed any shame as she contributes majorly around the house and with our pets, so I don’t think it has to do with that.
I feel like an asshole in part because I have some clothes items to be returned that could easily cover the cost of the test. The money isn’t the problem—I just think it’s a stupid thing to spend it on. She brings it up once every other week at this point, and I’m tired of it. Should I give in and get it for her? Or not budge because it’s the dumbest purchase ever?!
— I Don’t Want to DNA Test the Dog