Wedding Woes

Today is Wednesday

We made it through 7 days of nursery before DS came down with a cold. FX it's not omnicron. If it is, it's not the end of the world. It would just be inconvenient if it was.
Omnicron is sweeping through the city so it seems inevitable that we will get it at some point. DH's office was all sent home today and will WFH for the rest of the week. Maybe next week too.

I need to go get a PCR test to keep my green pass active but I am procrastinating because I am anticipating long lines. (Which they will let me jump to the front of b/c I'm pregnant but still). I just hope they don't ask for it at my Dr's appointment tomorrow morning incase the results don't come back by then. They normally come back in <24 hours but I know they are all backed up at the moment.

Re: Today is Wednesday

  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited January 2022
    Fingers crossed @missJeanLouise!

    Had a super busy Monday post-starting the discussion as well as yesterday, so just played some catch up.
    @climbingsingle that flight sounds like a nightmare!
    @Casadena sorry about another positive, you guys cannot catch a break!
    @VarunaTT how are you feeling?  I'm sorry about your positive.  I remember how frustrated and stooped I felt when my family and I tested positive.  You can be masked everywhere and be doing everything right and it still happens, that sucks.
    @charlotte989875 ugghhh babies who won't sleep...maybe molars coming in?  Regardless of the reason that really stinks! I hope he gets back on track soon.

    Kind of an uneventful work and after school day today which I really need and am thankful for.  Wishing everyone well.

    ETA - @short+sassy my employer doesn't need a negative test to return.  They do need an official (not a home test) positive for us to be permitted to use our special Covid sick days, which are separate from our regular sick days.  But returning was actually the opposite of proving you're negative.  The evening of my 5th day of quarantine I had an email from the asst superintendant as well as texts from my principal and department chair saying "you're coming back tomorrow right?  If you're asymptomatic we need you back!".  We're so short-staffed that I don't think they'd want to risk anyone taking another test for risk of it showing up positive.
  • GL with the testing @missJeanLouise, I had to google a green pass - and I like it!  Kinda along the same lines as the states asking for proof of vaccination right? Or do you have to be vaccinated and take these tests?

    Today is my Friday! I have a stupid meeting at 11 and one at 1, so I can’t slip out to the bank till 2 now. I hate that my bank hours are 9-5!

  • @missJeanLouise I swear, kids being with other kids are just germ spreaders lol BK made it 10 days before we had to keep her home but we think that may have been allergies. fx testing!

    I proved to M why BK cannot be in our room.
    She woke up calling for me at 5:45 - which I ignored, but then she started crying so went to deal.
    Water and I didn't want to get up so I told her to climb into our bed.

    She. Doesn't. Fkn. Stop. Talking. She'll lie there for like 30 seconds and then "oh! What's that?"
    "Car across the street"
    "What's that?"
    "Car driving by"
    "What's that"
    "Penny walking."
    "Where's Angel?"
    "Angel died remember."
    "Angel gone. Just Penny."
    "Yes, just Penny. Now hush and sleep until mommy's alarm goes off. Snuggle me if you want"

    *silent 30 seconds - repeat*
  • Boo to DS having a cold.  I hope he's none too worse for the wear and it's not omicron. 

    I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten any e-mails about positive tests at DefConn's school.  They've been back to school for a week and a day.  We were getting daily e-mails before Christmas break. 

    SSDD otherwise.  
  • Yay for Wednesday, I guess? I'm in a funk today but not sure why. I'm annoyed at H for a bunch of little things. I don't know if it's really him or if he's just around and I'm feeling shitty. Blerg. 
  • Being in a funk sucks.  I hope you feel better/less funky soon, @MyNameIsNot
  • @ei34, yes!  I remember you talking about that now.  I know my work would be the same, and that would even be with me WFH and not missing a beat.  I'm picturing a Teams message from my boss on Day 5, "You're coming back to the office tomorrow, right?"

    Speaking of, I have my rapid test scheduled at 2:20 today.  I got over my annoyance about using their online system and set it up at about 7:45am today.  They were already out of all the morning appointments, which would have been my preference also, but at least there were still plenty in the afternoon.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Boo to DS having a cold.  I hope he's none too worse for the wear and it's not omicron. 

    I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten any e-mails about positive tests at DefConn's school.  They've been back to school for a week and a day.  We were getting daily e-mails before Christmas break. 

    SSDD otherwise.  
    Does your school system have a database where they post? 

    Our school advised that they've abandoned contact tracing and now we're only advised of positive cases at the class level in the elementary school, if educators test positive (with an ambiguous 'covid positive staff' form email) or at the KIVA / grade level for middle school.    I can look at the school system website to see the # of new cases reported daily and it takes about a day or two for the system to catch up. 
  • banana468 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Boo to DS having a cold.  I hope he's none too worse for the wear and it's not omicron. 

    I'm honestly surprised we haven't gotten any e-mails about positive tests at DefConn's school.  They've been back to school for a week and a day.  We were getting daily e-mails before Christmas break. 

    SSDD otherwise.  
    Does your school system have a database where they post? 

    Our school advised that they've abandoned contact tracing and now we're only advised of positive cases at the class level in the elementary school, if educators test positive (with an ambiguous 'covid positive staff' form email) or at the KIVA / grade level for middle school.    I can look at the school system website to see the # of new cases reported daily and it takes about a day or two for the system to catch up. 
    Yes, there is a covid tracker. I guess we're just supposed to rely on that now.  It looks like there has been 11 reported cases in his school this week. 
  • edited January 2022
    @CharmedPam we are required to show the Green Pass to enter public spaces like malls, restaurants, offices, parks maybe... I don't really know. I barely go anywhere that they don't know me. I do have to show it to pick DS up from nursery. They might require it at the hospital tomorrow.

    How long it stays green depends on your vaccination status. Right now, vaccinated people stay green for 14 days. It was 30 before omnicron started spreading. I think unvaccinated people stay green for like 72 hours or something like that. Vaccines aren't mandatory here but they sure as shit will make your life incredibly inconvenient if you choose not to vaccinate. 

    Eta: @short+sassy I read your post about your tenant yesterday. I have heard of companies, not sure exactly which ones, who will give your paycheck on what is basically a company debit card. 
  • Super. Just got email from preschool.
    Even though kids are going back Monday, BK apparently is staying home until end of month *heavy sigh*
  • @missJeanLouise, yeah, I previously had a tenant who worked at Walmart.  She didn't have a bank account and they paid her on some kind of debit/prepaid card.  Especially for an employer like that, it seemed like it was pretty handy.  I think she could go to any cashier or maybe the Money Center and take all the cash right back out if she wanted to, without even leaving her work.  I think she could use it at any ATM also, but I never actually saw the card and am not totally sure about that.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Speaking of crazy ways people get paid, it reminds me of a job a former coworker P had back in the 70s or 80s.

    He worked for a shipping company, like those big container ships type of ships.  The deal for the people who worked on those ships is that they were paid, in cash, upon arrival to the destination.

    Part of P's job was boarding the ship and paying the personnel.  Needless to say, there are a lot of employees on a container ship.  He would carry around $2-3 million IN CASH, every time one of his company's ships docked in NOLA.

    That part of the job was also on-call, because you don't know exactly when a ship will arrive.  It can be after dark, in the middle of the night.

    The routine was he would get the call.  Go to the office where two other people met him.  Got the cash out of the safe and they walked him down to his car.  He'd drive over to the dock.  Where two of the biggest dudes from the ship had been sent down to meet him, like de facto security guards.  He'd use a room on the ship as his "office".  Employees would file in, one by one, where he would pay them their exact wages to the penny.  He said it took hours before he got through everyone.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • client: we never use this FEIN for anything, I don't know why the IRS would say we have a filing missing

    me, after 30 seconds of research: you've been using this FEIN for at a minimum of 13 years for filings.

    The best part is the person who signs the form is the one saying she doesn't know where it came from. 
  • help me wordsmith something. My grandma wrote something for their hometown newspaper as a write up for their 75th wedding anniversary. My mom asked me to update it and I'm stuck on this last line. They're not doing an open house or anything although honestly it's more because my grandpa doesn't want the bother than covid haha although my grandma is more covid cautious these days too.  I think I just hate how my parents and grandparents always say "the virus" and that is why I'm stuck

    "Due to concerns about the virus there are no special plans."
  • @kvruns "Due to precautions, we do not have any special plans"
    or if you don't want to put anything regarding covid
    "We have no special plans for the time being"
  • Could they just leave off anything related to plans that would involve celebrating with guests? And make it more of an announcement?  "On 2/2/22 Grandma and Grandpa celebrate 75 years of marriage...". Happy early anniversary to them! @kvruns
  • "No public celebration is being planned."

  • Hello, folx.

    I don't feel terrible, but I don't feel great.  This cough is no joke.  I had my primary appointment yesterday.  She's very concerned, bc the cough is triggering asthmatic responses, which has a path of bronchitis to pneumonia, above and beyond the path to pneumonia with covid.   I had also gone off of my daily allergy pill in preparation for my allergy test, so it created a rather perfect storm for all of this.  So, she has put me on a pretty heavy steroid schedule.  I'm not allowed at work until the 20th at the earliest because steroids and covid do not play well together.  That's when I'll be down to 1 steroid pill per day, have to have a negative covid test, and no fever for 24 hours AND she was very firm about, if you are still coughing even a little bit you do not go, you contact me and I'll take care of it.  The risk of catching a virus with me having covid and being on steroids is apparently very high and very dangerous.  This is exactly why I didn't want to catch covid.  I kind of want to scream at the people at work that I know aren't vaccinated.  Apparently we have at least 4 people out right now and there were 2 before I left  This is all just so dumb.

    My side table looks like I'm dying with all of the bottles of pills on it.  I had to move my allergy test and now it's not until the end of March  It's disappointing.

    So, I've got all the streaming, lots of books, my papercraft models to work on, and plenty of food.  So far my sense of taste and smell are fine, which is a blessing.  Otherwise, everything is okay. 
  • @VarunaTT, It's awful you caught COVID, especially with how extra cautious I know you have been.  It didn't sound too bad the other day, so I'm sorry to hear it has gotten worse and more serious.  And especially since one fallout is you have to move your allergy test so much further away. 

    My test I had earlier was negative.  Which is good?  But in a way, it's kind of bad.  Because if I don't have COVID, then what is happening with my totally out of control, super high blood sugars that are barely responding to insulin?!?! 

    When I saw my test was negative, I called my endocrinologist.  I spoke to his nurse, but she didn't have any answers either.  She said she would have my doctor call me.  But this conversation was late in the afternoon and he didn't call me back.  Hopefully he does tomorrow.

    I still think it might be a false negative because the timing with my blood sugar issue is just way too coincidental with the COVID exposure I had.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @MissKittyDanger Why?  I thought everyone was going back to school on Monday?  That's so confusing.  I can't imagine how frustating it is for parents right now.  I was talking to a colleague and she doesn't believe that her son will be back to school on Monday - she thinks Ford will change his mind last minute.

  • @VarunaTT, It's awful you caught COVID, especially with how extra cautious I know you have been.  It didn't sound too bad the other day, so I'm sorry to hear it has gotten worse and more serious.  And especially since one fallout is you have to move your allergy test so much further away. 

    My test I had earlier was negative.  Which is good?  But in a way, it's kind of bad.  Because if I don't have COVID, then what is happening with my totally out of control, super high blood sugars that are barely responding to insulin?!?! 

    When I saw my test was negative, I called my endocrinologist.  I spoke to his nurse, but she didn't have any answers either.  She said she would have my doctor call me.  But this conversation was late in the afternoon and he didn't call me back.  Hopefully he does tomorrow.

    I still think it might be a false negative because the timing with my blood sugar issue is just way too coincidental with the COVID exposure I had.
    How long have the higher than normal BG levels been? Maybe it’s just a fluke for a short period of time? <— not a doctor, but use doctory type words like fluke

  • kerbohl said:
    @MissKittyDanger Why?  I thought everyone was going back to school on Monday?  That's so confusing.  I can't imagine how frustrating it is for parents right now.  I was talking to a colleague and she doesn't believe that her son will be back to school on Monday - she thinks Ford will change his mind last minute.
    Preschool isn't part of the school board, so they make decisions separately.
    I think because a lot of info coming out about how it's going to peak at the end of January and 3yr olds aren't forced to wear masks, they take extra precautions.

    I know a lot of parents are so burnt out with Ford. He is not going to with the election this year. {vote in June fyi} But Lecce is the fkn WORST
  • @VarunaTT, It's awful you caught COVID, especially with how extra cautious I know you have been.  It didn't sound too bad the other day, so I'm sorry to hear it has gotten worse and more serious.  And especially since one fallout is you have to move your allergy test so much further away. 

    My test I had earlier was negative.  Which is good?  But in a way, it's kind of bad.  Because if I don't have COVID, then what is happening with my totally out of control, super high blood sugars that are barely responding to insulin?!?! 

    When I saw my test was negative, I called my endocrinologist.  I spoke to his nurse, but she didn't have any answers either.  She said she would have my doctor call me.  But this conversation was late in the afternoon and he didn't call me back.  Hopefully he does tomorrow.

    I still think it might be a false negative because the timing with my blood sugar issue is just way too coincidental with the COVID exposure I had.
    How long have the higher than normal BG levels been? Maybe it’s just a fluke for a short period of time? <— not a doctor, but use doctory type words like fluke
    That's the problem.  If it had just been one day and then a one-off here and there, that can happen.

    But it's been every day, all day, since Sunday.

    As an example, my blood sugars rarely go above 250.  And even to get above 200, it's usually because I flaked and didn't take my insulin before I ate.  Or ate something high in sugar/out of the ordinary and didn't take enough insulin for it.  But then I take 3-4 units of fast acting insulin and it goes back down and stays there.

    But since Sunday, I've regularly been having blood sugars into the 300s and sometimes over 400.  My normal insulin dosage for that would be about 6 units.  But right now, it hardly budges at 6 units.  I've been having to take 15-18 units to bring it back down and even that takes longer than usual to bring it down.  And then after a couple hours, it suddenly spikes right back up again, even when I haven't eaten anything or drank anything with calories.

    I also take two shots of a "basal" insulin (N insulin, for me) that feeds a low level of insulin all day long.  One in the morning shortly after I get up and one at night around 10PM.  I personally never adjust my basal insulin, unless a doctor recommends it, because even a one unit change can have drastic effects on my blood sugar for the entire day or...even worse...the entire night when I am sleeping and don't see when it starts to fall low.  My basal dosage has stayed the same for years.

    Other than the exposure I had on Friday, nothing else in my life has changed.  No new exercise routine.  Same general diet I always have.  Slightly stressed, but nothing more than usual.

    I've had T1 diabetes for 28 years and I've never seen anything like this.  Even when I've had occasional, permanent shifts in the amount of insulin I need to take, it's never been something this extreme.

    Getting sick, like with a cold, can sometimes raises my blood sugar levels but only slightly. 

    So that's my long story of why I'm pretty sure I have COVID, even though I tested negative yesterday.  My body is fighting pretty hard against something.

    Interesting!  I just did some quick research and, when someone is sick, the body produces more cortisol which is the body's main "stress" hormone.  But cortisol also makes the body more resistant to insulin.  That's been half of my confusion.  Not just the high blood sugar, but that my insulin hardly seems to be working.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • kerbohl said:
    @MissKittyDanger Why?  I thought everyone was going back to school on Monday?  That's so confusing.  I can't imagine how frustrating it is for parents right now.  I was talking to a colleague and she doesn't believe that her son will be back to school on Monday - she thinks Ford will change his mind last minute.
    Preschool isn't part of the school board, so they make decisions separately.
    I think because a lot of info coming out about how it's going to peak at the end of January and 3yr olds aren't forced to wear masks, they take extra precautions.

    I know a lot of parents are so burnt out with Ford. He is not going to with the election this year. {vote in June fyi} But Lecce is the fkn WORST
    I didn't know that about preschool, but that does make sense.  

  • kerbohl said:
    kerbohl said:
    @MissKittyDanger Why?  I thought everyone was going back to school on Monday?  That's so confusing.  I can't imagine how frustrating it is for parents right now.  I was talking to a colleague and she doesn't believe that her son will be back to school on Monday - she thinks Ford will change his mind last minute.
    Preschool isn't part of the school board, so they make decisions separately.
    I think because a lot of info coming out about how it's going to peak at the end of January and 3yr olds aren't forced to wear masks, they take extra precautions.

    I know a lot of parents are so burnt out with Ford. He is not going to with the election this year. {vote in June fyi} But Lecce is the fkn WORST
    I didn't know that about preschool, but that does make sense.  
    If they were part of the school board, we'd go by school board rules. They can run separately but we mostly run similar to rules.

    As I set up BK for kindergarten, they still say the under 5 group are not forced to mask but encourage it to happen and work with the kids
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