Bare with me this is kind of a long one. I am a MOH to my friend who lives in Florida with me. Recently after discussing plans she let me know that she would like to have her shower near where she grew up in Chicago since her family still lives around there. She told me that she doesn’t want her mom paying for a dime for anything, which i totally understand. I am so honored to be her MOH and want her shower to be beautiful but I am so stressed and anxious over how quickly the cost of things are adding up. We are traveling from Florida up north for her bach which I’m so excited about! But she is expecting me to plan, pay and travel for her shower in Chicago. This is a place I have never been and no nothing about. So now I’m expected to pay for venue, food, drinks, plane ticket, and hotel. Is this right? I don’t want to be a bad MOH or cheap by any means and I want to make it great but I just didn’t know if this seemed normal! She also let me know I can stay at her moms, which is so nice! But that makes me a bit uncomfortable and I think I would be best getting a hotel room. I offered to throw it locally in Florida where we live and also asked to maybe do it on the last day of the bach party since we will be in beautiful area but she wasn’t interested in that at all. I know I will also be splitting the cost of the shower with the bach party but these are her friends from Chicago who i don’t know and I’m not sure if they are aware that they will be paying for this shower (usually my friends mothers and family’s pay for the shower and we chip in $100 for something + gift) but this will be way more involved then that. Also for her bach her friends in the bridal party had to pay me in installments for the party which helped me get a gage on everyone’s financial situation. Sorry for being so long winded but I need Help!!! What do I do?