Wedding Woes

Tuesday, Tuesday, full of rage.

We are in the bad place.  I mean, we have been, but just keeps getting worse. Fuckity, fuck, fuck all of this.  I have to go vote in my primaries today. 

I also need to get my IUD swap appt in place ASAP because it's what I can do to protect myself.  

The weather is shit.  I am tired. It is Tuesday. Fuck all of this. 


Re: Tuesday, Tuesday, full of rage.

  • I’m so full of rage. I knew this was coming but to read it this morning was not something I was prepared for at all. 
  • Has it been overturned for sure? They touched on it briefly on the news this morning but it’s all in talk right now still right?

  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited May 2022
    Has it been overturned for sure? They touched on it briefly on the news this morning but it’s all in talk right now still right?
    It is a leaked draft opinion from Alito that he wrote in Feb. It had (has?) 5-4 support, with Roberts dissenting with the liberals.  It's a big deal because this is the first time ever a draft opinion has been leaked.  The final decision is to be issued next month.  Not sure who leaked it and what their angle was (either to sway Kav, who seems the most gettable between the ones who are for overturning (meaning he'd side with Roberts and the libs) OR to bring shame to Roberts for siding against the majority OR someone/something else). It's all very fucked up and the court has lost even more credibility than had already been lacking. 

    Alito's opinion is wild AF and also drags in other cases like LGBTQIA marriage, birth control, and FFS, even Loving (interracial marriage) into question.  
  • Has it been overturned for sure? They touched on it briefly on the news this morning but it’s all in talk right now still right?
    It’s a leaked draft opinion, so not for sure. But (as a former con law professor) I’ll say it looks & reads like a real draft opinion, Justices can still switch/ change votes (which definitely does happen & the leak could be an attempt to solidify the majority & make it hard for Justices to switch), the likely majority (Justices Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Comey-Barrett) has indicated they want to strike down Roe and Casey so it’s unlikely to change. 

  • I feel nauseous. And I want to shake everyone who said in Nov 2015 to “give him a chance, it’s only four years, it can’t be that bad, how much damage can he do?” This is why I bawled my eyes out that night in November. This is a horrific dystopian nightmare. 

  • I posted on the wrong day but glad I did as a daily update seems inappropriate now. 😒 
  • It's hard to believe a SCOTUS judgment from almost 50 years ago is going to be overturned.  Yet, here we are.  Our country literally going backwards in social progression.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ladies .... move to Canada. No one deserves this ABSOLUTE B.S HAPPENING

    Old white men need to get out of my vagina.
  • Ladies .... move to Canada. No one deserves this ABSOLUTE B.S HAPPENING

    Old white men need to get out of my vagina.
    For reals.

  • A Louisiana Congressman (Troy Carter) sent a tweet that, if this is the SCOTUS decision, Louisiana's "trigger ban" will go into effect.  FWIW, he's against it and supposedly fighting to protect reproductive rights.

    Oh yeah.  I had forgotten about that.  Louisiana already outlawed abortions so that, if the day came when Roe vs. Wade was overturned, that law would immediately go into effect.  Gotta send women and their rights back to the dark ages ASAP!  Don't want any "pesky" waiting times while a new law is drafted.

    I think TX is another state with something like this and I'm sure there are others.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
    Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

  • mrsconn23 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
    Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

    .... is this good? It sounds good they can step in
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited May 2022
    mrsconn23 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
    Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

    .... is this good? It sounds good they can step in
    Nope, it's bad.  It basically locks down abortion providers from performing abortions under the threat of being criminally penalized for providing one.  The penalties may vary from state to state, but it's basically the way they can criminalize abortion and prevent it from happening legally and safely.  Women will still find ways to get abortions.  

    Also, these laws are set up in mostly red states.  Blue states for the most part still have legal abortion, but the hoops you have to jump through to get one changes from state to state.  There are states working to codify abortion and protections for their providers that perform abortions for out-of-state citizens.  However, the cost is usually too high for the people who need an abortion the most to go out of state because you have to pay to travel, which can take days or up to a week for some people, and pay for the abortion.  Furthermore, there are red states trying to pass laws to prevent people from leaving the state to get abortion care.  So if you have seen a doctor in a red state and had your pregnancy confirmed, you may not be able to leave the state unless you decide to take your freedom into your own hands if these laws are passed and upheld. 

    I live in a red state.  If I turned up pregnant after Roe is overturned, I already have an idea of a plan for myself if I no longer wanted to be pregnant.  I'm actually more concerned about complications if I were to become pregnant (since maternal mortality is shit here) and DH having his hands tied to save me because of abortion laws. 

    It's super fucked here. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
    Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

    .... is this good? It sounds good they can step in
    No it’s terrible. 
  • The other issues if this is overturned is that at the state level, many laws are written without thinking of basic science:
    -treating an ectopic pregnancy with required reimplantation vs. removal of the tube
    -treating a D&C of a deceased child in utero as an abortion
    -at what point can a labor be induced when there is the health of the mother in jeopardy and it is known that the baby is terminal.

    And as others have said, the other layer to this is that the legal precedent cited to overturn Roe v. Wade can be used to reverse other legislation that does not criminalize homosexual activity, pornography, interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

  • banana468 said:
    The other issues if this is overturned is that at the state level, many laws are written without thinking of basic science:
    -treating an ectopic pregnancy with required reimplantation vs. removal of the tube
    -treating a D&C of a deceased child in utero as an abortion
    -at what point can a labor be induced when there is the health of the mother in jeopardy and it is known that the baby is terminal.

    And as others have said, the other layer to this is that the legal precedent cited to overturn Roe v. Wade can be used to reverse other legislation that does not criminalize homosexual activity, pornography, interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

    All of that, plus it could absolutely criminalize miscarriage and put people through the legal process under the suspicion of self-induced abortion. 

    Also, you think you want to get pregnant via IVF? Good luck.  No one will touch it because destruction of embryos could be criminalized since they're 'people' now.  That industry will dry up.  
  • mrsconn23 said:
    banana468 said:
    The other issues if this is overturned is that at the state level, many laws are written without thinking of basic science:
    -treating an ectopic pregnancy with required reimplantation vs. removal of the tube
    -treating a D&C of a deceased child in utero as an abortion
    -at what point can a labor be induced when there is the health of the mother in jeopardy and it is known that the baby is terminal.

    And as others have said, the other layer to this is that the legal precedent cited to overturn Roe v. Wade can be used to reverse other legislation that does not criminalize homosexual activity, pornography, interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

    All of that, plus it could absolutely criminalize miscarriage and put people through the legal process under the suspicion of self-induced abortion. 

    Also, you think you want to get pregnant via IVF? Good luck.  No one will touch it because destruction of embryos could be criminalized since they're 'people' now.  That industry will dry up.  
    Right. I say this as someone who IS pro-life but it comes with the knowledge that we absolutely aren't doing enough to prevent the unwanted pregnancies that do exist and there is so much that is misunderstood about pregnancy.  Also, being pro life is life at all stages! 

    This was evident with the Texas law that was passed and nothing was passed at the same time about mandatory child support.    

  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited May 2022
    banana468 said:
    The other issues if this is overturned is that at the state level, many laws are written without thinking of basic science:
    -treating an ectopic pregnancy with required reimplantation vs. removal of the tube
    -treating a D&C of a deceased child in utero as an abortion
    -at what point can a labor be induced when there is the health of the mother in jeopardy and it is known that the baby is terminal.

    And as others have said, the other layer to this is that the legal precedent cited to overturn Roe v. Wade can be used to reverse other legislation that does not criminalize homosexual activity, pornography, interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

    It is a bizarro world where a fetus's life is considered more important than the mother's.

    I wish the majority of "Pro-Life" people cared more about the lives of people already born.  Because those are a lot of the same folks who also want to gut social welfare, physical and mental health, and educational programs.

    Especially mental health.  Now that victims impregnated by their rapist, including young girls raped by a family member, will be forced to deliver those babies.

    Edited to add:  No offense to you, @banana468.  I know it's one issue and not all pro-life people are in lockstep with the whole Republican agenda of no universal health care and the like.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsconn23 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Yep a shit ton of TRAP laws are there and ready to be enacted once the final ruling is issued and Roe is overturned.  
    what's TRAP?
    Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers

    .... is this good? It sounds good they can step in
    Nope, it's bad.  It basically locks down abortion providers from performing abortions under the threat of being criminally penalized for providing one.  The penalties may vary from state to state, but it's basically the way they can criminalize abortion and prevent it from happening legally and safely.  Women will still find ways to get abortions.  

    Also, these laws are set up in mostly red states.  Blue states for the most part still have legal abortion, but the hoops you have to jump through to get one changes from state to state.  There are states working to codify abortion and protections for their providers that perform abortions for out-of-state citizens.  However, the cost is usually too high for the people who need an abortion the most to go out of state because you have to pay to travel, which can take days or up to a week for some people, and pay for the abortion.  Furthermore, there are red states trying to pass laws to prevent people from leaving the state to get abortion care.  So if you have seen a doctor in a red state and had your pregnancy confirmed, you may not be able to leave the state unless you decide to take your freedom into your own hands if these laws are passed and upheld. 

    I live in a red state.  If I turned up pregnant after Roe is overturned, I already have an idea of a plan for myself if I no longer wanted to be pregnant.  I'm actually more concerned about complications if I were to become pregnant (since maternal mortality is shit here) and DH having his hands tied to save me because of abortion laws. 

    It's super fucked here. 
    what the fuuuuckkkkk
  • I had a long night at the hospital with my parents.  Dad's blood sugar dropped into the 50s and he was unresponsive.  Mom got the glucose packet into him, then called 911.  The paramedics did finally get him conscious and then we all went to the hospital.  I had woken up around 1:30 am already and was awake when she called at 3 am and went back to bed around 7 am for a few hours before coming into work.  I mean, WTF am I going to do sitting at home?  On a personal level, I truly do love my parents, but being around them, especially when everyone is on high stress, can be triggering AF for me.  I know where my patterns come from and, my mother especially, pushes them into the extremes that are unhealthy.  I've done the work to recognize them and try to mitigate those things, so it's just really hard to be around.  Just added to the exhaustion.

    So then I came home to the news about the leak.  I don't even have words, I'm just so angry and tired.  I live in a state with a trigger laws too.  I fear what else is going to come down the pipe now that they've been successful in this.  The conversations in my local queer bar are people who are anxious and scared of what is going to happen to them.  Most of us are cis, white, and middle class.  I can't even begin to comprehend what my trans, BIPoC, and poorer community members must be feeling.
  • banana468 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    banana468 said:
    The other issues if this is overturned is that at the state level, many laws are written without thinking of basic science:
    -treating an ectopic pregnancy with required reimplantation vs. removal of the tube
    -treating a D&C of a deceased child in utero as an abortion
    -at what point can a labor be induced when there is the health of the mother in jeopardy and it is known that the baby is terminal.

    And as others have said, the other layer to this is that the legal precedent cited to overturn Roe v. Wade can be used to reverse other legislation that does not criminalize homosexual activity, pornography, interracial marriage and gay marriage. 

    All of that, plus it could absolutely criminalize miscarriage and put people through the legal process under the suspicion of self-induced abortion. 

    Also, you think you want to get pregnant via IVF? Good luck.  No one will touch it because destruction of embryos could be criminalized since they're 'people' now.  That industry will dry up.  
    Right. I say this as someone who IS pro-life but it comes with the knowledge that we absolutely aren't doing enough to prevent the unwanted pregnancies that do exist and there is so much that is misunderstood about pregnancy.  Also, being pro life is life at all stages! 

    This was evident with the Texas law that was passed and nothing was passed at the same time about mandatory child support.    

    Not only is not enough being done to prevent unwanted pregnancy, there is proof that providing accurate sex ed and access to birth control, especially IUD's, lowers unintended birth rates.  Especially in teens.  Colorado has (?) a low cost/free BC program for teens where they offered thousands of kids IUDs and their teen birthrates tanked.  

    Also, there's no healthcare to be had unless you're fully employed and that's not a guarantee. Also, maternal mortality is abysmal in this country, and worse for POC, especially Black women.  And if you are fully employed, there's no national leave to take care of the baby and you're lucky to get it covered for 6 weeks at 60% of your pay (while you pay full benefits out of your reduced salary!).  Plus there's currently a formula shortage, especially if your baby needs specialty formula.   Breast feeding is time-consuming, physically, and emotionally draining.  If you want to BF, you can pay out the nose for support and supplements to assist you with the process.  Oh and you want your kid to go to day care? Good luck finding a spot in a center since a ton have closed since the pandemic and at home day care is a crapshoot (had a great experience personally, but I've heard of horror stories).  Live at or below the poverty line?  Ha.  Good fucking luck.  Your benefits may not cover the sky-rocketing costs of formula and diapers.  And family courts are so overwhelmed that if you don't know exactly where the other parent is and where they work, getting CS may not happen for you until they are so far behind they can't catch up and will just be put in jail for failure to pay. 

    Ohhh andplusalso, the same SC is also working to dismantle progress on initiatives to slow climate change.  Therefore your kid will grow up in a world that is decaying faster and they will be at much higher risk for all sorts of diseases, more pandemics, more likely to be displaced due to a natural disaster, etc. 

    Depending on where you live, they may also get shit education because the governor decided three textbooks only will work and they're all riddled with errors. 
  • And one more thing, the need for IVF has sky-rocketed partially because people are waiting to have kids, but also because of environmental factors and how shittily we manage our food supply have tanked fertility.  Men have lower sperm counts than ever.  Freezing eggs is an expensive and physically taxing process.  So old eggs and shitty sperm means people who WANT to have babies won't because they won't have access to the necessary fertility assistance that could help them successfully become pregnant. 

    Also, you have to be extremely privileged to even whiff fertility assistance in the first place because often there's very limited coverage or it will cost most than the allowed amount through insurance.  
  • So fuckfaces on SCOTUS overturning Roe is only meant to cause pain to the most desperate people in the worst circumstances.  But cruelty is the point, no? 
  • This is what pro life is. It’s what the movement has always been about. I don’t think we get to describe ourselves as pro life but not this. It’s a political movement designed to control women. 

    Mandatory child support does not remedy the harm of forced pregnancy. 
    I agree that being a person who is pro-life and the movement itself are not the same.  It's a major problem.  Most politically pro-life people also do not vote in favor of any kind of program that helps the born.  In addition, there are many people who are both pro life and pro-death penalty and you cannot value the sanctity of life while also agreeing that there are times people need to be put to death.    

    To the bolded I agree with you. My point in it is that if there is any legislation that is passed that criminalizes abortion but does not address any form of financial cost involved in having a child then that law is doing exactly what you said and does NOTHING to respect or help the lives affected. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    So fuckfaces on SCOTUS overturning Roe is only meant to cause pain to the most desperate people in the worst circumstances.  But cruelty is the point, no? 
    It sure feels that way.

    Pregnancy is expensive, especially if someone is high risk and doesn't "qualify" for a medical exemption.  Daycare is expensive.  Babies/children are expensive to take care of.  Working at a low paying job with no sick/vacation time and minimal or no health care?  And all of that is exponentially more difficult.  Which is why some women wouldn't be able to travel 500+ miles away to another state in order to have an abortion, in the first place (if that was what they wanted). 

    Someone on the NOLA sub-Reddit was estimating that, once you consider the states that already have trigger laws and the ones mostly likely to make abortion illegal, the closest place a woman would need to travel from our area is southern Illinois. a 600 mile and 9-hour drive away, and that's only one-way.

    I'm not worried about myself.  I'm 48 and take BC and, although I haven't gone through menopause yet, it's super unlikely I could pregnant even if I were trying.  But I'm worried about my fellow women who may not have the resources to leave, but don't have the resources to raise a child either.
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