Chit Chat

Wedding Party 4 years later???

Hello everyone, I got married right out of high school at the age of 19 and my husband was 23 at the time.  We eloped because at the time that was our choice (my family was very strict and I didn't see our relationship making it as long as I was under my mom's house. More so bc of my stepdad but that's the past). My family love my husband now as he is there own. 
My 4th anniversary is 2 days before Christmas and I eloped so it was a chapel wedding in Texas away from my Louisiana home. I still ache for that small-town dream wedding of mine. We literally had $60 to our name and so little did I know I met my husband for the first time in what would be my wedding dress. 
I know it's way to soon for a renewal of vows, it would be dumb to "redo the wedding scene" but I just wish I had the chance to do something with my own family there to celebrate it. 
We are trying to get pregnant and have been actively for almost a year now (unactively for 4 years our anniversary night) and I don't want to have 3 kids by the time we make 10 years and have to fight the hassle of making kids listen haha. 
I know I made a choice and now I pay for the consequence of that but just wanted to come to a place to talk about it. 

Re: Wedding Party 4 years later???

  • Why not throw an anniversary/Christmas party for your friends and family to celebrate your 4th anniversary? Yes, that's not a major anniversary, but people love an excuse for a good party!
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