Q. Am I overreacting? For the third time, a friend of mine decided to go ahead with the plans we made that she canceled on me the night before. She’d canceled because she said it was too far for her to walk, she did not want to get on a bus and meet up there, and it might rain. This contradicts her so much, as this is the way we most often get around when we hang out. Well, lo and behold, her Instagram posts showed she went anyway. My guess is she got her brother to drive her, like all the other times she pulled this. I have hung out with them both before, and he always asks when we can all hang out again. We make tentative plans that usually fall through because he ends up having to work, or they show up hours after an event starts, causing me to miss parts of it. Should I just stop initiating plans with her and block her posts so I don’t get annoyed and say something to her I may regret?