Wedding Woes

Prudie's back for a spin on Friday.

Dear Prudence,

I knew my husband had been having an affair, but not with who. We are in the process of getting a divorce right now. During a fight, he let it slip that she had been sleeping with “Gabby,” the wife of a mutual friend. He went utterly pale after he said her name and begged me not to tell anyone. I asked him to leave. I don’t know what to do. Gabby has been “supportive” when I have vomited out all my emotional distress over the divorce. Now I know that she was the one sleeping with my husband while she sat there with a smile on her face internally laughing at me while I broke down in tears. If I am in the same room again with her, I might rip out her eyes with my bare hands. Then there is the issue of her husband. He is a good man and a good friend. He doesn’t deserve to be made a fool. I would want someone to tell me face to face rather than find out like I did. I haven’t told anyone yet. I need some outside perspective here.

—Found Out

Re: Prudie's back for a spin on Friday.

  • Well they literally fucked around. This is the finding out part. 

    I’d tell her husband. Not out of spite but because if he’s that close of a friend he deserves to know. 
  • I'd absolutely tell her husband. 
  • I'd tell her husband in a heartbeat and not feel bad about it at all. 
  • I wouldn't tell someone just out of spite.  I appreciate the LW has paused to think about it and asked for an impartial opinion.

    An especially big factor to me for spiling the beans is that the LW is friends with Gabby's H.

    I doubt Gabby was laughing at the LW, while she was spilling her heart out.  A more likely scenario is that Gabby was wracked with guilt for every minute of it.  Viewing it that way might give the LW at least a little bit of solace.  That her H's mistress had a front row seat to all the pain and anguish she was causing.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • STDs tell me that you tell others.  Once you betray sexual trust I think anyone else has the right to know that they should be tested. 

    I'm sure Gabby felt conflicted but this is hard rule for me.  Gabby's H needs to know and then they can work to figure out if they still have a marriage.  
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