Wedding Woes


No Monday post yet?
We had some drab weather this weekend.  But the rain held off enough for us to have a little bit of a bonfire Saturday night. It was my friends 45th. Sunday I was actually productive and removed more tops out of my jam packed closet I’ll never wear for whatever reason.  I have 5 more on their way :)

Re: Monday

  • I just boxed up a bunch of clothes for goodwill. Yay! We also have a box of electronics cords to go to an electronics recycling this weekend. I'm hosting book club on Thursday so I've started cleaning. I thought it was next week but no the 21st is this Thursday! Where the heck did September go?

    Had a good spin class this morning. I'll be home for a while so hopefully I will get back into going 2-3 times a week. This weather is glorious. We have doors and windows open. The pup is loving the screened porch. He thinks the couch out there is his personal property LOL. I guess it probably is.
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited September 2023
    Good afternoon.  The weekend was pretty great.  The weather was really nice.  DH and I got a lot done and had a good amount of time just hanging out together, which was so nice.  We also got all the meats for dinner this week smoked yesterday, so dinner prep will be a breeze this week.  

    However, early evening yesterday my friend L hit me up because she was still OOT and asked if DH and I could get her son to school in the morning because her ex had to be at work early (something about a project).  We were like, "Yeah, great.  What time is your ex dropping him off in the morning?" She said 7.  FFWD to 7pm last night, her ex is at my door with their son.  We handled it like pros and were like, "OK, come on in, let's get you some food."  Made up the futon for him and got him settled.   But I immediately hit up L because I knew she had no idea he pulled this fuckery.  She was pissed, but I was just like, "He's good.  He's safe.  We've got him, but I didn't think you knew he was here and that's not cool."  L's son had never spent the night before and he's only 6, so I was up and down all night because I was worried he'd wake up scared and unsure of where he was.  He slept just fine and was a total angel through all of it (he's usually a good kid, but he's 6 and it was a weird situation for all of us).  But's really BS on her ex's part, so I know she's going to have to call him out for this.  

    Never a dull moment.  LOL 

    I'm tired, but SSDD otherwise.  The weather is just outstanding today.  I'm working from the couch and sitting next to the window enjoying the breeze.  I see a nap in my future after work.  
  • What a dick @mrsconn23 - i'm so glad he was able sleep well and seemed ok and comfy with you guys. I'm so furious at this guy though, i can't even imagine how you all feel. 

  • Wow what an ass @mrsconn23. Glad he had you all to take him in! 
  • I loved the weather here this weekend, cloudy/rainy and cool - just enough windows to get outside a bit. We had baseball class with the boys Saturday, then did the farmers market for a little bit, flu shots for kiddos, and then hung out at home. They both slept horribly bc of the shots and thunderstorms. IL's came over for a bit yesterday and the boys were both asleep before 7pm. I cooked and H and I had a nice little "date" night after they went to sleep. 

    I had a dermatology appt today and got a few things removed - i should have worn looser pants though bc one is in a weird spot and keeps rubbing on my jeans. 

    I'm still bleeding after the pap last week and cannot get to Friday fast enough to get some answers on what is going on. 
  • Had a good weekend. Thankfully nice weather! Though the rain is back today. 

    I need to finally change over my clothes now that it seems we're back to cooler weather. 
  • Weekend was fine. I’ve been sick since Thursday so I basically didn’t so much. We tried to hang new curtain rods in the brand new living room, hit a water line, had water shooting out all over the new furniture and floors. Thankfully it wasn’t a main water pipe, but one for the boiler so we still had water. He’s dad came to help fix it today but it’s been a weekend for sure. 
  • @mrsconn23 from what I've seen, there's no shortage of jerk ex moves to go around.  DH is the assistant den leader for Chiquito's den and Chiquito and Chiquita happen to be in scouts with a brother and sister.  Their dad is known for the sly moves and I tried to prep DH to just know that the women are aware of his antics so he should be too.  

    Friday night Chiquita had her first soccer game.  She took a ball kicked right to her stomach and everyone had to take a knee (a sign that someone is injured on the field).  I sat slightly freaked out when she walked off the field but she rallied and was subbing by the end of the 1st half so I'm super proud of her.  Some of the moms on the team are very aware of what we have gone though so it's not your standard, "kid needs to shake it off" thing. 

    We had Chiquito's birthday party Saturday at the arcade and when we got home I started to to tidy up the house.  Sunday Chiquita had religious class starting at 8:30 so I dropped her off, came home to work out and then we headed to mass followed by the church picnic.    After that DH and I split duties and he helped his parents move some furniture to their new house while I cleaned ours.  

    It's gross and raining but there's no soccer practice so I just got an hour back tonight.
  • Yeah, it was so odd.  We'd also been watching football and having a few beers all afternoon, so we were like, "Whoa, not prepared for this!"   

    I'm just glad FIL had left before all this because he would have made it weirder than it needed to be.   LOL  

    But yeah, who the eff does that?  I cannot believe he put L in the position of not knowing where her SIX-year-old kid was or whose care he was in.  I'm sure he's gonna cry miscommunication, but's a situation where you want to be the clearest on what's going on one would think.  Ugh.  Anyway.  He sucks. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Yeah, it was so odd.  We'd also been watching football and having a few beers all afternoon, so we were like, "Whoa, not prepared for this!"   

    I'm just glad FIL had left before all this because he would have made it weirder than it needed to be.   LOL  

    But yeah, who the eff does that?  I cannot believe he put L in the position of not knowing where her SIX-year-old kid was or whose care he was in.  I'm sure he's gonna cry miscommunication, but's a situation where you want to be the clearest on what's going on one would think.  Ugh.  Anyway.  He sucks. 
    And it's also going to be that he KNOWS it's not miscommunication.  It's Gaslighting Your Ex 101 and it's a massive change to ask someone to watch a kid OVERNIGHT.   I hope the project with the new vagina goes well for the ex H. 

    @levioosa that's amazing!  Also, I"m with you that I'm currently overwhelmed with the quantity of camping stuff that's occupying the family room and I've tasked DH that we need to have major storage solutions.  It's both in the way and unorganized and I'm frustrated by it while glad that we're a household people feel that they can call on for 'you guys have stuff'.    We do!  You can find our camp lantern in the kitchen next to the big cooler....and none of it belongs in the kitchen!!!

  • Well the end of last week sucked, but the weekend turned out better. The only thing that sucks worse than having covid is having your PITA MIL hanging around your house while you have covid. 

    Anyway, the weather broke late last week and it's been mid-70s, sunny and no humidity all weekend. It's absolutely glorious. I bought a pair of boots and am so excited to wear them somewhere. 
  • @mrsconn23 it's so good your friend knows her son has a safe place to go.
  • banana468 said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    Yeah, it was so odd.  We'd also been watching football and having a few beers all afternoon, so we were like, "Whoa, not prepared for this!"   

    I'm just glad FIL had left before all this because he would have made it weirder than it needed to be.   LOL  

    But yeah, who the eff does that?  I cannot believe he put L in the position of not knowing where her SIX-year-old kid was or whose care he was in.  I'm sure he's gonna cry miscommunication, but's a situation where you want to be the clearest on what's going on one would think.  Ugh.  Anyway.  He sucks. 
    And it's also going to be that he KNOWS it's not miscommunication.  It's Gaslighting Your Ex 101 and it's a massive change to ask someone to watch a kid OVERNIGHT.   I hope the project with the new vagina goes well for the ex H. 

    I didn’t even think of that! You guys are goooood. 

    I do not buy for a hot second that sex wasn't what was on this dude's agenda.  You don't unload your kid right after dinner with the ex wife out of town under a pretense of 'early morning project' unless you're getting very specific like, "My flight leaves out of JFK and I need to be at the airport early."      
  • Over the weekend we saw Darcy & Jer SOOOOO GOOD
    We were front row.
    M got flirted with mildly {jokingly} by them, so that was cute.

    Night made 😭 Front row. Hilarious guys. Thank you forever Darcy and Jer 🥰 | Instagram

    We slept in. BK and my mum went to build a bear and BK got one :) It was a deal.
    If BK got rid of some stuffies {she ended up getting rid of 11!} then my mum would get her one.

    Sunday I made candied bacon {don't be jealous. It's brown sugar on bacon - super easy to make}
    We did cleaning then I had to get some stuff grocery pick up missed and took BK with me.

    I took a nap while BK played and M played video games.

    Super exciting lmao
  • @levioosa HHHOOOOOOWWWW do you get down from there?!?!!  Definitely would be in the freak-out group as well. Kudos to you and what an incredible experience! Sorry the rest of your well-deserved vacation was not as awesome. 
  • @levioosa impressive! There is no way I could ever do that. The pictures are gorgeous. Sorry it wasn't everything you wanted it to be though.
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