Dear Prudence,
“Julia” and I have been friends and neighbors for over 30 years. We have celebrated each other highs and lows—I just don’t know how to handle this. Julia’s daughter recently got married. It was a surprise to everyone. We didn’t even know she was engaged and there was no wedding.
This hasn’t stopped Julia’s daughter from spamming us all with her bridal gift registry. It is all luxury items and the cheapest is $50. All in all, the whole thing is just tacky and tasteless. Julia has now been complaining and campaigning for her daughter’s gifts. It is a very uncomfortable topic for me. Julia has given my children gifts when they got married, but she was actually invited to the weddings. I sent a congratulations card, but I am not sending anything else. How do I talk to Julia about this when she brings it up?
—No Invite, No Gift