Knottie Tech Help

Adding HTML

I'd like to add html to my knot website, is it possible?

Thank you!

Re: Adding HTML

  • knotmodknotmod mod
    Moderator Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2024
    Hi there!  Currently this is not possible with The Knot wedding websites. 

    We'll be sure to pass along your request as product feedback for the future!
  • Hi! Some of my guests are in Japan, I sent them the link to my website but access was denied, is theknot available in Japan?
  • Hi! Some of my guests are in Japan, I sent them the link to my website but access was denied, is theknot available in Japan?
    Please note that The Knot is a US-based website, which means that our apps, planning tools, dates, monetary values and updates are specifically tailored to US systems and regulations. As a result, you may encounter issues accessing our sites from non-US browsers or system locations due to unique country restrictions. At this time we do not have a date on when this may potentially be available outside of the US!
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