Wedding Woes

Don't throw the party

Dear Prudie:

I have on-going question that’s coming to a head now that it’s Halloween. Long story short, there is a person in our neighborhood who is a racist drunk. Every couple of weeks, he gets absolutely loaded and stands in the street screaming racist obscenities at his neighbors, most of whom are people- and families-of-color. Usually everyone ignores him, but this past 4th of July was a new escalation. He got so worked up by the (admittedly illegal) neighborhood fireworks that he started trespassing on properties to bang on doors and yell at people who weren’t even launching fireworks, including us. We called the cops but all they did was force him to go back to his own property and scream at people—including children—from there. Besides just this one guy, the neighborhood is stellar, bordering on low-grade-bougie.

Since we’re one of the only ones in our friend group with an actual house and yard, with Halloween coming, we want to host a chunk of friends and their kids for a party and trick-or-treating. At the same time, we’re worried about him getting worked up by another night of neighborhood commotion and coming out to cause a scene. I try to have empathy—he very well could have PTSD which fireworks don’t help—but when the behavior drifts into screaming slurs at children I draw the line. Any advice appreciated!

Re: Don't throw the party

  • Have you talked to this guy?  Could you have a party but not trick or treat in the neighborhood?  A Halloween party doesn't need to be loud so I'd be more likely to try to do something that's fun but won't make him potentially agitated. 
  • Have a party, skip his house when ToTing and if he gets out of hand call the police again. And don’t have any fireworks. 
  • Keep calling the cops when he does this shit. The more often they have to come out, the more likely it is that they'll eventually scare him or do something about it. 

    I absolutely would not try to talk to him. Maybe it's coming from the south, but I would not be at surprised if this guy owns guns and is willing to escalate. 
  • As unfair as it is, I don't think the LW should have the party.  It would be one thing if it were going to be just adult friends.  But children shouldn't be exposed to a screaming, racist lunatic.  It could make it an awful and scary (not in a good way) night for them, instead of the fun and wholesome one it should be.  After the 4th of July events, it's almost certain to happen again.
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