Since I'm probably one of the only people working today, I'll start the thread, lol.
It's festive and fun at work today. People are in a good mood. The department next to mine threw together a blow-out breakfast table this morning. And not just cookies and donuts. There were savory items also, which is my preference.
I'm a little surprised how many people are here today. I know tomorrow will be a complete ghost town. A lot of people WFH on Fridays, plus the most popular schedule is having every other Friday off in exchange for working slightly longer hours the rest of the week. And that's in addition to I'm assuming a bunch of people taking a vacation day.
But not me, lol. However, I have a schedule where Fridays are my half days in exchange for working 9-hour days M-TH, so it won't be too bad. And one of my coworkers who will also be slogging in the trenches tomorrow has promised to bring Lebanese coffee! I've never had that or Turkish coffee either (similar) and am curious to try it.