Wedding Woes

You need to tell her you have no more advice for her.

Dear Prudence,

Growing up my sister and I had had plenty of babysitters or slumber parties or just were left alone while our parents had their date night once I was old enough. Now, my sister’s marriage is on the rocks because she refuses to leave her 5-year-old or toddler with anyone but family. And the nearest one is four hours away.

She complains to me that she and her husband haven’t been intimate since she gave birth to her youngest. The kids will not fall asleep in their rooms and want to sleep with her. My brother-in-law sleeps on the sofa instead. My sister says they act more like roommates than husband and wife. I tell her that if she wants her marriage to survive, her marriage needs to be a priority. Go salsa dancing or out for dinner. Get dressed up and go to the theater. Get a babysitter.

My sister claims that the thought of leaving her babies with a stranger gives her anxiety. I asked if there were any friends or neighbors that could recommend someone. She deflected and said the only people she wanted watching the kids were our parents and me. I told her our parents were not making an eight-hour trip for a date night, but if she and her husband wanted a romantic weekend, they would do it. My sister told me that spending that amount of time away from her kids was unthinkable to her. I love my sister. I think she is self-sabotaging herself. She tells me she wants another baby and my brother-in-law spends every night on the sofa. I am pulling my hair out here. Help!

—Marriage Point

Re: You need to tell her you have no more advice for her.

  • This isn’t your problem to solve. Disengage. 
  • "Sis I don't know what to tell you.  I've given you advice but advice is only good if you want to hear it."  
  • The obvious answer to this is therapy since sister is having anxiety over leaving her kids for any amount of time to the point where it's torpedoing her marriage.  I feel bad for this LW because they want to help and have given decent advice so far, but they really need to disengage for their own peace of mind at this point. 
  • She has her options and it sounds like she’s just making excuses.
    in the 80’s, using strangers to babysit was all the rage.  What ever happened to that?

  • She has her options and it sounds like she’s just making excuses.
    in the 80’s, using strangers to babysit was all the rage.  What ever happened to that?
    Right?  I remember being a 14-year-old kid and the first time the parents met me was when I was being picked up to babysit for their kids, lol.

    They were friends of friends of my parent's friends.  Or friends of a different adult who went to my church.  Or a referral from someone else I babysat for.

    But it's not even just the babysitting.  The sister and her H need to start being more firm that the kids need to stay in their room after bedtime.  That is bullshit the BIL sleeps on the couch every night.  OF COURSE their marriage is in trouble!  The sister needs to get her head out of the sand.

    However, these are deep problems that the sister probably can't fix on her own.  The LW needs to start being tougher and tell her sister in no uncertain terms that her choice is to see a therapist now or a divorce lawyer later.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • She has her options and it sounds like she’s just making excuses.
    in the 80’s, using strangers to babysit was all the rage.  What ever happened to that?
    Right?  I remember being a 14-year-old kid and the first time the parents met me was when I was being picked up to babysit for their kids, lol.

    They were friends of friends of my parent's friends.  Or friends of a different adult who went to my church.  Or a referral from someone else I babysat for.

    But it's not even just the babysitting.  The sister and her H need to start being more firm that the kids need to stay in their room after bedtime.  That is bullshit the BIL sleeps on the couch every night.  OF COURSE their marriage is in trouble!  The sister needs to get her head out of the sand.

    However, these are deep problems that the sister probably can't fix on her own.  The LW needs to start being tougher and tell her sister in no uncertain terms that her choice is to see a therapist now or a divorce lawyer later.
    I mean - that's the ultimate reality.  

    And I know that some people are really pro attachment parenting but IMO once your kid is old enough to say 'sleep in bed' your bed is not for them.

    The not nice part of me wants to say, "So what do you see long term?  Let me lay it out for you: Your husband's gonna leave you because you are putting the kids and not the marriage first, the kids are ultimately going to either be codependent on you and will never do things on their own OR they're going to grow up to be normal kids and will leave you.  In 20 years you're either going to continue to be a mother to nonfunctional adults or you'll be alone because all the functioning humans have left.  Or you can seek a therapist, develop a plan for getting your kids to their own beds, your husband back, and find some safe sitters on your local social media boards. What sounds better to you??" 
  • Sister needs some therapy. Only slowing family to watch your kids, when you have no family nearby, is hard. But the bigger problem is they have no space to themselves even within their home. 

    We’ve only had M stay with family (although we’re lucky to have a ton of family around) but he’s only ever slept in our bed twice- once on vacation and once a few mo the ago he was sick and I was too pregnant to try and get him back to sleep in his bed. Her marriage I’ll fall apart (if it hasn’t already) if she never has any time with her partner. 

    That said- the LW has given advice and sister can’t take it. That’s not only LW. Suggest therapy, or ways to get to know sitters (i.e, have the babysit a few times when you’re in the home, put up cameras, etc) but recognize she might not actually want or take any suggestions you give her. 
  • I wonder were husband/father is in this picture.  If he's not helping and sister is reacting or if he's not being allowed to help.

    I'd stop giving advice.  If LW can't stand to be vented to w/o giving advice, LW should bean dip sister.  I don't see anywhere that sister asked for advice.  Don't give it when it's not asked for and it won't irritate you.
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