Dear Prudence,
I know this is going to sound absurd, but I could use some advice around an issue with my best friend of 25 years. We’re both in our late 20s—I live alone and my friend Sarah lives with her husband. Every single time I go to her apartment it is completely spotless—she’s very minimalistic and her place is extremely clean and beautifully decorated. I know that I’m very messy. Every time I go to her place I feel terrible about myself. I know she doesn’t clean in preparation every time I come over because we live 10 minutes away from each other and both drop by last minute frequently. Sarah is a lovely person—she never comments on the mess at my apartment and comes over regularly.
This is solidly a “me” problem. I have moderate anxiety and ADHD, which I know contributes to my messiness. But what makes me feel even worse is that Sarah is significantly more mentally ill than I am. She has a severe form of bipolar and has been in and out of the hospital over the years, mainly due to psychosis episodes. And yet she keeps her place so clean! It’s not even just the neatness—she tells me a lot that her bipolar forces her to live a healthy lifestyle—she works full time, goes to the gym regularly, and just overall seems like more of an adult than I am. She’s done nothing wrong but I’m starting to get pretty resentful and have avoided visiting her lately. How do I get over this? It feels really irrational but I just feel bad every time I visit.
—Messy Mary