Dear Prudence,
I had a very toxic relationship with my ex-husband and I no longer want him in my life in any capacity. I have had a good relationship with his daughter but now that I’ve severed communication with him, I no longer feel comfortable speaking with her; I don’t want her to share with him any knowledge of me, my life, or that of my children’s. I ghosted her last text but feel awful about it. We have had a good relationship but I haven’t seen her in years, never met her children—my point is we basically had a texting relationship since the divorce; we were never super close and I need to justify to myself that cutting ties without explanation isn’t that big a deal. I also think her father is looking to her for information about me since I have ghosted him. He’s incredibly sneaky and a huge narcissist.
—Don’t Want Hurt Feelings, But Need Anonymity