My husband and I don’t want kids. When we met, he said kids would be a dealbreaker, and I was fine with it. The only issue with this was my mother-in-law. At first, the hints that she didn’t accept our decision to be childfree were small. Then, when we got engaged, she started making comments like, “now that you’re getting married, it’s time to rethink having children, a family isn’t a family without kids.” I told my husband to handle it and he said that she’s always had these feelings and probably couldn’t be swayed. I told him he still needed to talk to her and he agreed. She shut up for a little while.
Over Christmas, his mother took me aside and said that I needed to stop “thinking about kids” and get on with it since I am over 30. I was very confused. When we got home, I asked my husband. He brushed it off and said it was his mom being herself and he’d talk with her again. But it’s sticking in my mind. I brought it up to my husband again and he blew up at me…and the truth came out. When we were engaged, he told her we were both on the fence about kids, and then that he was considering having them, but that he wanted to give me time to slowly “convince” me that I wanted kids.
He admitted that he thought making me the one that didn’t want children would keep his mom from being so overbearing. I’m livid. I can’t believe he did this. He risked my relationship with his mother and my mental well being just so he wouldn’t have to have a grown up conversation with his mother about her inappropriate behaviors. I honestly don’t even know where to go from here. I feel like I married a child who I can’t trust to be my partner. How do I move forward?
Re: I would be LIVID at my H
If OP is even interested in staying, there are conditions about a united front and his mother needs to STFU about it, period, or there are consequences of no to low contact.
I still do not understand why people think their opinions on child bearing have any relevance to another person's choice.