Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Two kisses during ceremony?

Hello all.  We recently met with our offiiciant and are working on putting together our ceremony.  We are doing several readings by friends and doing the candle lighting.
The way our officiant suggested we set up the ceremony, there are actually two "kisses" - after we exchange rings, she declares us husband and wife and we kiss.  THEN we do the candle lighting, then she says the final blessing and announces us as Mr and Mrs and then we kiss again... the end
This is how she normally does her ceremony, but I don't know.  It seems like it will be kind of confusing having a kiss in the middle, like everyone will think it s over and then boom, nope, sit back down, there's more.  I like the idea of the uniqueness of it but at the same time, something about it kind of doesn't make sense to me. 
What does everyone think?

Re: Two kisses during ceremony?

  • I've never seen 2 kisses.  After rings and vows he pronounced us husband and wife then we did our communion and candle lighting as our "first act in marriage", I believe he said something short again after which he said 'you may kiss the bride', lastly introduced us as Mr and Mrs.
    November 2011 Siggy Challenge: The First Kiss
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  • Hm, thanks Tiffannie.  So that's kind of the same except with the kiss - she'd be pronouncing us man and wife, we'd kiss, then do the candle lightng and then be announced as "mr and mrs"  ....
    I guess I should just go with my gut if it feels odd to me...
  • I agree with you...its weird...stick with your gut and say, "thanks but no thanks" to the extra kiss. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two kisses during ceremony?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hm, thanks Tiffannie.  So that's kind of the same except with the kiss - she'd be pronouncing us man and wife, we'd kiss, then do the candle lightng and then be announced as "mr and mrs"  .... I guess I should just go with my gut if it feels odd to me...
    Posted by mrszeno34[/QUOTE]

    Ya I think your guests will be a bit confused too.
    November 2011 Siggy Challenge: The First Kiss
    Fall Wedding Bio
  • Just explain it in the program

  • I don't think its a big deal, but I also wouldn't expect it. Our kiss is in the middle of the ceremony, after the vows and the rings....then THE KISS...then signing, sand ceremony, Formal introduction and then recessional.

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two kisses during ceremony?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hm, thanks Tiffannie.  So that's kind of the same except with the kiss - she'd be pronouncing us man and wife, we'd kiss, then do the candle lightng and then be announced as "mr and mrs"  .... I guess I should just go with my gut if it feels odd to me...
    Posted by mrszeno34[/QUOTE]
    Sorry but it sounds redundant to me.
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  • Id be confused as a guest. ;o(
  • I agree that the two kisses sounds confusing and, as Hoboken said, redundant.  It just feels very anticlimactic, that's supposed to be THE high point of the ceremony.  Having two, in my opinion, won't work.  Save the kiss for last.  :)
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  • I've never seen 2 kisses. I agree with PPs that its weird and confusing.
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  • whats the point of the first kiss then? Doesnt make sense to me, Id stick to the one kiss, at the end. As a guest, I would think it was over, and then it wouldnt be, Id be confused.
  • Just do one, especially if that's what you want.  Our kiss is going to be in the middle of the ceremony.. we have 

    congregational singing/reading/prayer all together,
    footwashing ceremony (mimicking the act of service Jesus did to his friends),
    one last song,
    introduce Mr. and Mrs.,

    I think most ceremonies incorporating some sort of religious "first act in marriage" thing like candles/sand/communion/footwashing/etc. have the kiss in the middle, though I've only been to a few weddings, so I might just have a bad sample size :P
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