Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

The walk down the aisle help! 2 dads

This is the hardest part of my wedding. I have my dad and my stepdad- the problem is that they have both been in my life since I was very young- both have raised me. I am not sure what to do about the walk down the aisle- My 2 sets of parents do not get along, and both have asked me multiple times who I intend on walking down the aisle with. I get so upset because I do not want to hurt either of their feelings. I am trying to see if anyone has a similar situation, what they have done- I have thought about walking with them both down the aisle to be fair, I really cannot pick one over the other. And I am getting a lot of pressure from both sides.

Re: The walk down the aisle help! 2 dads

  • I love the 1/2 way mark idea, only how does the parent that already walked with you get to their seat in the front row since the bride is the last person to walk down the isle?
    I refused to pick between the 2 so I am going with the 1/2 way mark, it's either 1/2 way or no way

    In Response to <a href="">Re: The walk down the aisle help! 2 dads</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's childish and unfair of adults to ask you to choose sides.  I understand they love you and want to play a big role in your big day, but refusing to compromise and demanding you choose only 1 is unfair. I highly recommend that you figure out what will work for you and ask them to participate.  If they refuse because they weren't the ONLY ones chosen, you can inform them you're sorry they feel this way, and while you would love to have them involved, you understand why they have chosen not to take part.  Put it back on them. Some suggestions that might work for you: - Start down the aisle with dad, have step dad meet you half way and transition to him (or vice versa) - Have neither walk you down, and when you get to the end of the aisle, hug both sides before starting the ceremony.  You could walk alone, or with DH (love both of these adaptations) - If you really want to include them, have the 2 sets of parents walk down the aisle (one couple at a time), during the 'seating of the parents' section.
    Posted by Tanq&Tonic[/QUOTE]
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