
Venue Big enough for Mexican/Peruvian wedding

I need help!  I'm planning to have my wedding in houston, as it's the most accesible city for both of our families, but i have no idea where to start in order to find a venue that's not too expensive, but is big enough to hold a big dance floor. my family loves to dance and i just want to make sure the entire gang can have plenty of room to dance.
Pleeeease help!

Re: Venue Big enough for Mexican/Peruvian wedding

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    britishmibritishmi member
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    edited December 2011
    Stafford Civic center o Texas Safari Ranch
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    Eboix518Eboix518 member
    First Anniversary First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Set your budget and your guest list then you can narrow down a place

    I know at my reception venue the dance floor could be different sizes, we did not have ours at a hotel but  I am sure most hotel's can accomodate that
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    kbates85kbates85 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Hotels can usually accomadate a large number of guests. I also, second Texas Safari Ranch. My friend had a HUGE wedding there and she was very happy with it.

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