Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Wedding Program

Not sure if this is the right location for this question, but I am pulling together my wedding program and I want to include something in memory of my father who passed away last year.  There is a poem I like, but I want to change the last sentence in it.  Two questions with that, is it ok to do that?  Second do I have to list the author in the program, or can I just put the edited version of the poem in it?  Since I am printing and distributing these to people, not sure if that is a 'copywrite' issue of any sort. 

Re: Wedding Program

  • For copyright, you technically need to contact a lawyer specializing in intellectual property law. You might be able to self-educate by learning about "copyright" and "fair use" online.

    The law aside, if you're using most of the poem unaltered, why not put the author? Isn't it only fair? If I were a guest and recognized the poem, I'd get confused unless there was some explanation. So, print the text as you want, assuming it's legal, then put:

    -[author], alt. by [your name]
  • I agree with Elisabeth.

    FWIW:  In our program we put "A candle stays lit in loving memory of (my mother's name), mother of the bride."  Not sure if you wanted to go the route of a memorial candle but even a note such as "In loving memory of those who cannot be with us today."
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