Rhode Island

update on inlaws

TO all the sane ladies that saved me a few weeks ago when I was on the brink of going insane over my inlaws-- I want to say thanks again.
In an amaze turn of events they have booked their tickets to come ot Rhode Island. My jaw hit the floor. It must have been fiance taking the reigns and telling them that they are causing "undo stress".

his brother and sister have yet to do book theirs, but i know his brother will soon. His sister keeps insisting that she can't afford to buy her tickets at the same time so she is going to buy two one way tickets, one this week and one next so she doesnt" spend her money". this stressed me out for liek 3 seconds but then realized thats her prolem that she doesntknow how to save for a week, and not mine.
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Re: update on inlaws

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    So glad to hear it!!!! And yes, don't stress about the sister. While all family's important, it's probably more important that his folks are there than the sister. Let her handle it - it's beyond your control anyway! And yes, if she's living paycheck to paycheck, maybe she needs to learn how to save... Two one way tickets is going to be more in the end!
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    i2012doi2012do member
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    I know. I don't understand why she said she needs to get two one ways lol. She told fiance she'd spend the moeny if she didn't buy one ticket, then another...but she's also 20 yrs old so I think she doesn't know any better..

    I am So glad that i dont have to stress about his parents anymore
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
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    Yay - congrats!!  That must be a huge stress off both of you to know that they will be there.  Now they just need to lay off where the RD is and just enjoy themselves!
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