New Jersey - South

early fall brides looking to sell decor after wedding?

I am getting married Oct 29th and looking to buy your wedding decor after you are done.

if you want to recoup some of your costs or just get rid of the extras....keep in touch with me when you have your stuff and I wil let you know if I can use it. This stuff can get so expensive for only one least this way we can share the costs!

I am looking for hay and pumpkins and other fall type stuff! Ribbon and anything to make favors and escort cards.

thanks and happy planning!

Re: early fall brides looking to sell decor after wedding?

  • mpinompino member
    edited December 2011
    I am getting married 10-1-11, I don't have fall decor but will some basics : approx 25+ hurricane vases 14" X 5" and approx 35-40 centerpiece mirrors 12x 12..etc.  If you need any of the basic stuff..let me know :)  Congrats!!
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