I apologize in advance, this is going to be a rather long post...but I want to get the word out to anyone even considering booking their wedding (or any function) at this place. These guys were extremely friendly and helpful throughout the entire process....until our rehearsal dinner two nights before our wedding. We booked the chapel room approximately nine months prior to our wedding, and when we arrived for our rehearsal, we were told that the chapel room had 'timing issues' and our service would now be held in our reception room. What kind of business finds this out TWO DAYS PRIOR TO A COUPLE'S WEDDING, especially when it was booked NINE MONTHS PRIOR?!! Both the father and son there (both named Jim) kept telling us 'its no problem, it'll be fine, its a timing issue' When the father wasn't nearby, the son was blaming him...and vice versa. They wouldn't give us a clear explanation other than 'timing issues'. They curtained off half of our reception room with this dirty, dingy curtain for the service.
I called the next day seeking a definitive answer as to what happened, the father was very rude and short with me (being as he already received our money), told me that another couple was using that room and 'what do you want me to do'. I asked him how he came to the decision to inconvience us and not them, he told me their reception was being held in the larger service room, so he couldn't rearrange their room in time. Funny thing is, we found out this wedding wasn't till 6, our service was at 3. They had no problem rearranging our room in an hour for the reception, but couldn't allow us the room we paid for and booked nine months prior?? He started blaming his son again, I told him how they were both blaming each other, giving us a run around, and that I'd like to speak with his son and him together. He said he'd have him call me the next day.....MY WEDDING DAY!!! Are you kidding me? I then asked if there was anything that could be done about the curtain dividing the room, it was a bit yellow and dirty looking. He said to me 'I can take it down so your guests can just see half your reception room set up' I said 'guess there really isn't anything you can do' He said 'no, its done. Have a good day' and HUNG UP ON ME!!
The day of our wedding, our best man had two bottles of alcohol in the bridal suite that were confiscated by the younger Jim. We thought he'd get them back at the end of the night, we were never told we couldn't have our own bottles in the suite. They weren't given back to him...because they put them behind the bar and were serving drinks with them!! We couldn't find Jim most of the night, he seemed to have disappeared. Speaking of disappeared....
When I went back to pick up the rest of my things a week after the wedding, they 'couldn't find' a number of items. I had 6 glass jars and scoops for a candy buffet...that half of my guests didn't even see because they put it in a corner at the end of the night, never letting anyone know it was out. I was returned 5 glass jars and no scoops. I was told 'maybe a guest filled the jar with candy and left with it'. I also had votives to be put in my 19 table numbers to illuminate them, as well as 36 other votives to be placed around the room for decoration. NONE of the 55 total candles were put out, and they 'can't find' them either! They gladly took them out of the tubs I labeled and provided, but now they are simply gone, never even used as asked. This place does horrible business. I left there yesterday and was told to call in the afternoon, they'd look around for my things. When I called, the father said to me 'what do you want me to do, people give us thousands of things all the time, we can't keep track of it all'. I said 'and we paid you THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, I would like you to find my missing items. He got quiet with that comment, said he'd look again and 'I guess reimburse you'. I called today, of course received a voicemail, asked them to call me back or I will just keep calling and coming in. I guess they figure they received my money already, no need to be nice anymore. DO NOT DO BUSINESS with these people!!! Shannon's Country House should be ashamed of themselves for how they run their business.