Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions


I'm not that great at music at all.  A friend is going to sing at my wedding.  She is a really beautiful singer.  Could she sing all the music (us  walking in, sand ceremony, walking out) or is that too boring?  I like the idea of not having to hook up music.  I won't have any other musicians at our wedding.  We are only having our 3 little kids and us stand up with about 50 people at the wedding.

Re: Music

  • Definitely she can. I think that is going to be a beautiful ceremony! As a wedding guest I'd find that really cool and interesting to hear her sing. It's a great idea. 

    Are you having a meal after? Any music during the meal? 
    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
  • Having a meal but its at a restaurant so we will have an iPod going, not too loud though
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